Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight 09/17/2024 (North/ Central/ South America) or 18/09/2024 (Western Europe)

Here's some fun stuff to look at tonight:  a partial lunar eclipse.  There are always at least 2 lunar and 2 solar eclipses seen somewhere on earth every year, seen approximately 2 weeks apart.  This is the second lunar eclipse of the year.  A solar eclipse is coming within the next 2 weeks, +/- a few days.

posted from Bloggeroid

1 comment:

  1. The Bottom line...Can we Ignore the Democratic s Laughing Loon? Can we Ignore a Laughing Hyena? I think Not! Can we Ignore someone who a Communist trying to sell you her Propaganda on supporting Communism and Communists. Who is a DUMMY when it comes to policy be it Foreign, or Domestic ! Who tries to LAUGH if off like an Hyena rather than give a descent, and a Logical reply! Who would rather help the CRIMINAL or the DISTINCTIVE PROTESTER then help the Victim? This is not the American way. We don't elect a person because of her Black Race, or her Gender,or ability to Laugh like an Hyena rather then than find a remedy. Or the pick a Moronic running Mate! Who would rather ignore the press then to embarrass herself by showing the reporter that she is so UNQUALIFIED that she just can't even give a Press Interview!
