Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Democratic chair of Senate intelligence panel seeks briefing on Biden documents – as it happened House Republicans prepare to use new majority to launch investigations into Biden


16.00 EST

Closing summary

House Republicans geared up to launch investigations and tried to make the most of reports that classified documents dating to his time as vice-president were found in an office used by Joe Biden. But unlike with the government secrets the FBI found at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, it didn’t take a search warrant for Biden to turn over the material – he had it done so immediately, which Democrats are citing to defend the president.

Here’s what else went on today:

  • The Democratic Senate intelligence chair requested a briefing on both Biden’s classified documents, and the government secrets found at Mar-a-Lago.

  • A Texas House Republican filed impeachment articles against homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. It remains to be seen if the chamber’s leadership will go through with trying to remove him over his handling of the southern border.


  1. As the Democratic Socialist shouted, “THE PRESIDENT INHERITED THIS MESS AT THE BORDER, FROM TRUMP” …………………….
    And the So-called “MESS” was CLEANED UP for Biden’s visit yesterday…………DID the Leftwing Media Cover That? Did they mention that Garbage Trucks came the day before the President’s Visit and Dumped EVERYTHING into the Garbage, completly Satirizing the entire area where Biden was going to be.
    Also Joey Biden was NOT THERE TO FIX the problem, he was only there to DISPUTE the claims about there being a Massive Crisis there.
    C’mon Man, I didn’t see no Stinken “Crisis”! Of course not … because the Progressives and the other low-lives didn’t want anyone to see a Unites States Sitting President having to lower himself to walking through the Piles of Crap that he created. And besides, that the illegals that are just standing, and hanging around doing nothing could use the exercise.
    What a Charade, What a Joke, What a Scam !

    And that Dummy Jean-Pierre keeps on repeating the Lies~ as does Alejandro Mayorkas our WORTHLESS Secretary of Homeland Security
    And every loyal Liberal/Progressive just buys into these Lies, nobody seems to care but the Republican/Conservatives who know the Truth!!
    So Tell Me, My Friends, What the Heck Is Going On?

  2. Federal Aviation Administration-ordered a halt to all domestic flight departures across the entire United States
    What the HECK is going on?
    And can we believe anything that our Socialist Government tells us?

  3. Biden makes first trip to the border !
    This is the ” news of the day” .
    I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean, do you ?
    Like does this clown not know how bad the situation is at the border & how many million illegals have crossed the border ?
    Does the visit clarify it for him ? What about that liar, Mayorkas, the head of Homeland security ? Has he not told the clown, his boss, Biden, how bad it is there at the border ?
    What a charade, what a joke, what a stunt !
    They even “ cleaned up” the place before his visit!
    I’m surprised, they didn’t force the locals to stand on both sides of the streets, like they do in visits of dictators in third world countries & clap & cheer & wave at him.
    The news media is talking about this visit... Visit my foot! This is just another deception from the Psycho’s the Democrats and their media. Just like that idiot VP Kamalas before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to EL PASO. After it was swept up, and sterilized That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he Still Will Not Have Seen Them.
    As though it is “ real news “ & is going to reveal something new to the imposter Biden !
    It’s as though he will have a revelation when he is there because up to now, he had no clue.
    No President has been so shallow, so careless, so partisan, so inept & so callous & unqualified as this incompetent man who the swamp & the deep state helped place in office !
    Under his presidency nothing is going right for America nor the world !
    Insanity rules ! Sanity & common sense have no place under this administration.

    Now go check your gender and that of your children & family, because who knows you might not be male or female.
    If you find the answer, please let us & all the illegal border crosser's know !
    That might be one of the reasons they’re coming here, for the enlightened woke to tell them their gender.
    Someone tell Kamala Harris that might be the “ROOT CAUSE” for this migration. I think she is still looking for the answer.

  4. Responding to the recent disclosure that Joe Biden had the possession of a few classified documents before becoming President and after his Vice Presidency ended, that Democratic Stooge Joy Behar attempted to draw a distinction between the Trump and Biden document discoveries by saying:

    "We all know that Donald Trump is a Liar and a Thief. We know that. So it’s not that big a jump to say that he obstructed the rules of law and he lied. We don’t think Biden is a liar at all and most defiantly not a thief, so we give him the benefit of the doubt."

  5. Aides to U.S. President Joe Biden, Aides? Iare those “Aides” the same as the Clueless FBI that have discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington, D.C., office he used after Old Joey was serving as vice president, NBC News reported on Wednesday, citing an unnamed source.
    One needs to wonder what other newswill come out in the next couple of months! ..
    Biden aides have been searching for additional classified materials that might be in other locations after a set of classified documents were found in November at a Washington think tank, according to NBC News..

    The BIG difference between Biden’s SCREW -UP, and Trumps Documents at Mari Lago. Is that the Documents at Mari Lago were under Lock and Key and the property had secrete service and other security, also a President has the right, and the Authority to take and even Declassify the Documents. A VICE PRESIDENT does not even have the right to SEE or Handle them. .. Bidens documents were in a closet at a university the Chicoms donate millions to. In fact anyone could have seen these Biden Documents, even the Crack head Hunter! And not a peep from the left.
    Lets see how they try to spin this. And how many more stashes of classified documents does Biden have hidden?

  6. I guess that Joe Biden is far more stupid, ignorant, crooked, immoral and lazy than thought.

  7. As President Donald Trump had the right to declassify any and all “Classified“ Documents in his possession.
    after leaving the White House. As Vice President joe Biden had no right to have possession of classified documents in his garage ! As Vice President Biden had no such authority to declassify, or even to see these documents.
    I understand that the classified documents were next to the Corvette, in the garage, but only a demented, foolish clown would think that justifies the case.
    Actually a corrupt compromised Vice President would take classified documents to his garage after leaving office. !
    I’m angry that they did not raid his house and more so that they did not go through Jill Biden’s closet !
    They have known this since November .and this was INTENTIONALLY, and deliberately held back, and Covered Up, until after the Midterm elections!
    I have no doubt these documents relate to all the shenanigans & corrupt dealings of Hunter & Joe Biden with Russia, Iran & China and other countries the Bidens were subject to influence peddling & bribery ! And to make matters even worse, we learned just yesterday that Biden’s Crackhead Son Hunter lived in that house for 2 years and very possibly, and MOST PROBABLY had complete access to that “Garage”.
    There are so many unanswered questions regarding this latest scandal, that it Stinks to High Heaven!.
    Why did the Department of Justice NOT act sooner ? Why did Biden’s “personal counsel” inform the authorities about the existence of these documents ? There are endless other questions that need to be addressed, and hopefully they will be answered truthfully!.
    Biden’s hypocrisy, corruption, and “selling” American interests and destroying the nation for personal and narcissistic and selfish reasons is criminal !
    The spin has already begun and don’t expect the democrats to break ranks or not to stay united to protect one of their own corrupt members. The MSM & some government agencies will also act in a partisan manner.
    Unfortunately this corrupt member happens to be the President of The United States !
    Some good news, however, when asked why were the documents were kept in his garage, near his Corvette, Biden told reporters: "By the Way, My Corvette’s in a Locked Garage, So It’s Not like They’re Sitting out in the Street."
    As We All Know Very Well, There Is Nothing Better for Security Then a Locked Garage.


  8. The new year has come. May 2023 be a year of health, happiness, joy & prosperity for all good people. God bless America & all mankind with peace & harmony !
    The republic still stands, despite the incompetence & failures caused by the worst president in American history. Most of his actions are deliberate & strictly politically motivated. The rest are from pure ignorance & stupidity. The "woke agenda" , the "gender conflict" energy dependence and high gas prices are all intentional.
    The Very First Order of the New Republican House iof the New Year will be to reverse the IDIOTIC order of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and the hard-working American People., that the Moronic, Shameful, Democrats along with their Idiotic, Delusional, Crooked, Senile, Boss Joey Biden had proposed

    The weaponization of government agencies which started under Obama, continued even more under Biden. That includes the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA , the Pentagon, the State Department, Homeland Security & the IRS, & more. They have become tools of disinformation, intimidation & propaganda for the democrats. Add to that the MSM which has been a democrat tool for decades & the social media tech giants.
    The border crisis is deliberate & meant to buy votes from new illegal immigrants. We have thousands of poor homeless people, drug addicts & veterans sleeping on the streets & yet we let in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants which will add to this catastrophe.
    Biden & the democrats could care less as long as they stay in power.
    The news media giants & tech companies are the enablers of these corrupt politicians. They either censor the truth, or create misinformation as the truth. They repeat the same lies so frequently that it brainwashes the unaware & the naive & uninformed.
    They always accuse the other side of that which they malpractice & lie about.

    1. We saw Pete Buttigieg who is another one of Biden’s incompetent. clowns become the Presidential appointee for Secretary of Transportation, a job that his Nitwit know absolutely NOTHING about. , It’s because he fits right in with ALL the other incompetent. CLOWNS of that party.
      The only reason this Goofball has any such position is he's an out-of-the-closet homosexual with a husband (or is it a wife?), whatever who was a crappy Mayor of a small city and the blithering idiots overwhelmingly approved his nomination just like the other ones of Biden inept nominations. .Biden needs to REMOVE this Idiot Buttigieg from Secretary of Transportation and replaced with someone who doesn't have someone else's head up his dumb Ass. Buttigieg don't give a damn about anything except Social Agendas and Taking Vacations to Pretend to Breast Feed His Adopted Baby .
      The FACT that Biden’s Crackhead Son was doing shaky business with the Chinese didn’t seem to matter with the Democrats . And the FACT that his Crackhead Son was “supposedly” selling his stupid “ART” work to anonymous buyers didn’t seem to be a problem, but it sure does now. This is never covered by the MSM. Hunter Biden's corruption is never covered by the news media. Did anyone ever think that selling those stupid “paintings” anonymously were a way of paying Hunter for his Cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party? It’s called Money Laundering.
      And then there was the Paul Pelosi "incident" that was completely abandoned by the Leftist Media, and left to be forgotten. The truth in these cases would be damaging to the Democrats and the left leaning media.
      The MSM has been trying to find something incriminating on President Trump's tax returns. This is still after almost 6 years of harassment, lies and repeat Witch Hunts against him.
      Now that they set this precedent I would like to see Biden's tax returns, Pelosi as well as other high ranking democrat politician tax returns.
      And for the THIRD DAY in a row they Mysteriously found Classified Documents all over Biden’s Homes, his Garage, next to his Corvette, and now his Library! WHAT? And why? And how did that happen? As we know, or SHOULD know that a Vice President is NOT allowed to see, or handle ANY Classified Documents! Unlike Donald Trump who was and did DE-CLASSIFY the Documents. And was 100 percent allowed to do so. Yet the Liberal Press wants to equate the two!
      But have NO worries, Biden Keeps his Corvette in a “Locked Garage, and not on the Street.
      Despite all of the above, I am still optimistic that the country will change course and hopefully its people will see to it that we get back on the right track At least now we OWN the House of Representatives. That’s at least one change for the best and unity is necessary & it requires all of us to participate and make it happen. That is a worthy New Year resolution to uphold.
      So, Happy New Year America ! Lets Hang in There, and Hope for the Best.

    2. We will be going through another rough ride but will do well this year. It's not going to go well for the Deep State.

  9. I’d like to see the FBI explain why the FBI searched Trump's home but not Biden's over Classified Documents, especially when this was covered up until after the Mid-Term elections!
    After News broke that not only a batch of Classified Documents was found a second, and a third batch of Classified Documents was found in President Joe Biden's Garage Next to his “Corvette” but another batch was found in his Library!. , Top Republicans again are calling for the Law Enforcement Agencies to act.

    The first batch were discovered in an office in Biden's Washington-based think tank, and the location of the second was in Biden’s Garage, just near his Corvette that wasn’t parked in the Street!
    Where were the CNN Cameras? The Helicopters , the Rummaging through the First Ladies Underwear draws?
    Where were the Strangers Violating “Dr.” Jill’s Belongings?
    Both sets were said to be in his possession long before he was elected president, and did not have the sweeping power over state secrets he now wields
    Where were, and where are the FBI Armed Goon Squad Teams, with their ridicules tactics that they performed at Mara-Largo?
    With Biden, the situation should be even worse than Trump’s. The National Archives did not know records were missing until the White House told its agents, who in turn heard it from lawyers in Biden's office who found the documents And a VICE PRESIDENT does not have clearance to any Classified Documents, not in any way, shape or from.

    1. Benny Johnson had a field day with what's happening to the Democrats this weekend.

  10. Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation Into Biden Classified Documents now Known as GARAGE-GATE
    The new House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan has already launched the first congressional investigation into Classified Documents stored at Joe Biden’s private office and home.

    It was revealed this week that Joe Biden improperly stored STOLEN CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS at his private office and in his Garage next to his Corvette that wasn’t parked in the Street.
    The Main, and Important part of the NO-NO is that VICE PRESIDENTS CANNOT HAVE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS......PERIOD!. That is one of the fundamental facts of this case, but Liberals of course never deal in facts, Not When the Facts Are Against Them.

    1. Benny Johnson had a field day mocking Poopy Pants as Poopy drooled over the memories of his Chebby Vette.

  11. hahhah yeah that's it....somebody just planted all these top secret documents in Xiden's office and home....And in the Garage next to the Corvette that WASN’T parked in yhe Street!

  12. I'm taking a survey:
    How many of you hire lawyers to clean out your office and/or garage?


  13. If we're going to have a Democrat as president, I’d prefer Biden over just about anyone else that would be in the running, because
    a senile moron like Biden is probably better than a sane moron.

  14. There are so many unanswered questions about the disclosure of the classified documents in Biden's garage and other home.
    Why was it disclosed ? who disclosed it ? They say the lawyers for Biden disclosed them ! Why & what about the timing. I personally think this is a distraction from some other major corrupt news about the Bidens.
    The Biden attorneys could have easily ignored the existence of the materials or could have easily thrown them away ! If they were discovered on November 2 2022 & no one knew till a couple of days ago, what was the need to bring it to light so much later ! If they were found by an FBI raid or some hostile Biden foe , I could understand, but by Biden's lawyers !!!
    The corrupt & fake news media are already making false comparisons by making light of the Biden documents versus the Trump documents.
    President Trump had the power & the right to declassify all documents, whereas as Vice President Biden did not !
    And WHY was Biden’s Attorney the one that was “Cleaning” out his Office, and his “Garage”? Is your Attorney the person that you call to Clean Out any place? I think Not!
    Are you going to tell me that BIDEN DIDNT KNOW HE HAD THEM, WHILE TRUMP DID KNOW AND HE STILL REFUSED TO GIVE THEM UP.? Come On Man that’s not only Ridiculous, but it’s Ludicrous, and Laughable!
    Biden’s document scandal was hidden for 2 months. It was hidden right before the Midterm Elections in fact. I think we can all agree that there isn’t a chance in hell that Biden's homes will ever get raided by the FBI, unlike Trump. And lets not forget that Hillary’s home didn’t get raided either, nor did Bill Clinton.
    You would have to be a fool to think that Biden didn’t know. Ain’t no one gonna believe that horses crap!. Biden also didn’t have Declassification powers as a Vice President. Trump can declassify at will.

    The New York Times & The Washington Post and even the fake news MSM make no mention of that.
    Biden has been a lifetime politician living off of taxpayers, corrupt to the core, but Trump was a first time politician with no dirty political tricks or know how & he was a very successful & wealthy business tycoon.
    The corrupt double standard by the FBI and the DOJ is so obvious and very disturbing ! Also I am extremely skeptical about the special counsel, Robert Hur, selected to run the Biden classified inquiry.
    In fact I am VERY skeptical about ANY special counsel picked by Merrick Garland.
    I am sure that someone or something forced the disclosure & existence of the classified documents & the selection of a special counsel by the DOJ.
    The " appearance & finding" of these documents & the ensuing DOJ action by electing a special counsel are not out of the goodness of the hearts of the Biden lawyers or the DOJ attorney general, Merrick Garland.

    1. I say we tow Joey's Vette to a secure location and take it apart completely to see if someone hid documents in any of the cavities, and to drive the Biden Crime Clan crazy. When Hunter sees the engine completely taken apart into pieces, along with the transmission, and the radiator completely taken apart to see if something got stuffed in the tank or cores, that will be priceless. Make Farting JoeJoe watch the guys strip the car down, and record him as he sees it getting taken apart piece by piece.
