Monday, January 23, 2023

For Lisa of Who's Your Daddy

You guys who have been coming here to comment have noticed Lisa hasn't posted anything new at Whos Your Daddy since September 2022.  I've been in touch with her a few days ago, and asked her permission to let you guys know what's going on.

Lisa's mother is about to go to her eternal home. Her mother is up in her age, and almost ready to join Lisa' s dad and Paul.  I know most of you commenting here came from commenting at Lisa's site Who's Your Daddy.  God has His hand on Lisa and her mother, as the time for Lisa's mom to go home is quickly approaching.  May God's Peace be with Lisa.


  1. All My Very Best Wishes, and Id like to let Lisa know that Im Praying for Lisa and her Family

    1. Update: Lisa's mother is now in Heaven with Lisa's dad and Lisa's husband Paul. May Lisa and her family have God's Peace upon them. Mystere & the rest of the blog team send their condolences to Lisa's family as well.

  2. You got it Debonair Dude! I shall pass it on.

  3. Your Voice of Reason Speaks.January 31, 2023 at 7:11 AM

    Please relay this to Lisa.
    LISA, WE ALL miss you Terribly and we all wish you and your family all the BEST.
    But PLEASE come back to us as soon as you are able . We Need you and your posts, and posters to carry on our Fight against the Leftist Morons and especially the Progressive Freaks.

    1. Either Mystere or I will relay this to Lisa.

    2. You're a liar, Mystere. There is no "blog team". It's just you and your multiple IDs. If you had any decency you'd lay off the lies when talking to someone who lost a family member. But you don't.

  4. My condolences to Lisa. I know what it's like to lose one's mother. My mom died in 1987. I miss her every day.

  5. My Deepest, and Dearest Condolence to Lisa, along with all my Love, and Sincerest sympathy.

  6. Lisa, Please Know that WE REAL AMERICANS, LOVE YOUR BLOG, and LOVE YOU. God Bless You.
