Thursday, January 19, 2023

In The Litter Box With Jewels And Catturd Celebrates Its 1 Year Anniversary

Jewels Jones and Catturd are celebrating a milestone today January 19, 2023, as they hit a 1 year anniversary for their podcast "In The Litterbox With Jewels And Catturd."  They branched out on their own, after the podcast "Patriots In Tune" did its final broadcast last year in January.  Jewels and Catturd decided to continue on, while Toots Sweet and the others retired the Patriots In Tune podcast.

The Litterbox podcast has taken on a huge following on several platforms such as Twitch, D-Live and Rumble, where it originates from.  Spotify has now started accepting their podcasts to rebroadcast them later, after the live podcast is done for the day.

The link will lead you to the Rumble site, where you can listen to a number of their past podcasts.  Spotify now has a number of their past shows loaded up as well.

Congratulations Jewels and Catturd for having a successful podcast that is growing daily!


  1. Everything about Josef BiDumb is a fraud.... except for the part about him shitting his pants in public .. and he does run an organized crime family.

    And OhYes, he did shower with his teenage daughter.

    1. Asshley Bidet is so messed up after Pervert Pedo Joe showered with her as a teenager.


  2. Six years ago today, people were happily celebrating the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump

    As opposed to two years ago when we got screwed with a Delusional Idiotic Moronic Crooked Lying POS for a leader that brought the country down the Toilet.

  3. Why do the Democrats, Liberal Progressives,, Liberal Fake News , Fake Media, and blindly partisan snowflakes continue to claim, that BS 'unlike Trump', Joe Biden has cooperated and handed over all classified documents he STOLE!

    Why did Biden, his lawyers, the DOJ, FBI, etc... Cover-up by Hiding the Scandal until after the Mid-term Elections?

    Why are Biden's aides and lawyers FBI / DOJ STILL LOOKING FOR MORE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS?

    Why are Biden's aides and lawyers FBI / DOJ STILL FINDING THESE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, And Finding them in Pleces Like CHINATOWN?>


    Why are the DOJ & FBI not taking the lead in searching for missing Biden classified instead of Biden's lawyers and aides?

    Why Are We Hearing That Biden's Layers and Aides Are Turning in Found Missing Biden Classified Documents Instead of the Fbi & Doj Finding It?

    When is the DOJ / FBI Going to Conduct a Raid on Biden's Home to Search Where Classified Is Still Being Found in Spurts by His Lawyers and Aids?

    When is the FBI going to announce they are going to release Hunter Biden's laptop to the Special Counsel (Hur) for him to search for e-mails involving Biden aides, the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, & classified documents and to search for any classified info on the laptop?
    - Jordan needs to subpoena the FBI for the laptop

    The FACT is Joe Biden HAS NOT fully cooperated - nor has the DOJ AND FBI, and Biden has NOT turned over all
    And Now that We Know that Hunter Binder Has a MAJOR part in all this WHY isn’t the right thing being done. - Biden, his lawyers, and his aides DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE ALL OF BIDEN'S CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS ARE!
    We have a Trader in the White House and we are not doing enough. Put this Treasonous Trader in Jail. And Stop playing these games
    Why isn’t the FBI REALLY ? The last I heard, he was renting a $15,000 mansion in Beverly Hills with the $500,000 he gets from anonymous buyers who buy his DAM FINGER PAINTINGS.
    Biden has been in DC for nearly fifty years, he has always been notoriously corrupt, yet not a single investigation into the evil creature, until now so to speak. I do not believe this is a real investigation, I believe they were losing control of the psychopath, that he was ludicrously planning upon running again, and this sudden discovery of troves of classified documents, and the STUPID Democrats are fooling around with Donald Trump because they don’t like his Language?

  4. After yet ANOTHER batch of Classified Documents were found at Joe’s Delaware Home
    NOBODY has has yet to say WHAT these "documents" are.......much lunatic assumptions of them, as they did with Trump.

    Just another Democratic SCAM to sidetrack people from their heinous, unconstitutional and treasonous back room evil deeds!!!
    One has to wonder how many more of these classified documents does Potatoehead Joe have?

    1. They're finding more daily. By the way, the far left behind Bidet worshipping cult members are squealing that Trump extremists are infiltrating the DOJ and planting evidence on the Bidet Crime Clan.

  5. Its pretty Obvious that Biden had to STEAL those classified documents. Joe Biden should be Impeached for stealing classified documents now!

    1. Is Bidet even remotely intelligent enough to steal a classified document? I don't even think he has a molecule of a brain to do that these days. All he can do is poop his pants, fart loudly in front of dignitaries and eat ice cream until he poops his pants again.

    2. The diaper-wearing, pants pooping donald tRump stole classified documents. He should be in prison along with the rest of the tRump crime Klan.

  6. Hunter Biden is actually Claiming that his Father Joe Biden is a Tax Cheat.
    Hunter Biden Claims he paid his Father Joe $50,000 a month to rent the house...
    But Old Joe Biden Never claimed the $50k a month on his Taxes.
    So How-Come you Democrats are always asking for Trump’s Taxes, but never say a word about the TAX CHEAT JOE BIDEN!
    If it Smells like Tax Fraud, and Looks like Tax Fraud, It Must BE TAX FRAUD!
    After filling a background check during his divorce from Kathleen , Hunter Biden claimed to pay a specific $49,910 rent each month to his dad from March 2017 to February 2018. This is the same home where the Classified Documents were recently found stacked in the Garage, and the dates that Hunter lived there . Hunter Biden spent about a year during part of his drugged-out times, that he was renting from his Father Joey Biden and living in the Wilmington, Del., home following his divorce from Kathleen Biden.
    If It Smells Like Tax Fraud, and It Looks Like Tax Fraud, It MUST BE TAX FRAUD!
    Kathleen filed for divorce after learning that (Among Other Women, Including an Arkansas Stripper who gave birth to Hunter’s unacknowledged daughter in 2018) Hunter was having an affair with His Dead Brother Beau’s Widow, Hallie.

    1. Got plenty of unpopped popcorn in your stash? You'll need it to finish watching the political circus. The wild seeds they sowed are sprouting and the fruit is getting ripe. Robbert Hunter Bidet will sink his pappy, IF his pappy doesn't take his dirt nap before finishing the stolen term in 2024.

    2. "Hunter Biden Claims he paid his Father Joe $50,000 a month to rent the house"... he does not. This story is false.

  7. In Biden’s recent speech, he did not even hesitate to point out hoe he feels taht all the Trump followers, and all Republicans in general is America’s national enemy number 1: In fact we are a Threat to Democracy. Not Russia, or China, not Afghanistan or Iran. Not the influx of the illegals that HE is allowing to enter our country, . Not the brainwashing of our children in schools or Covid tyranny. Nope. It’s fellow patriots like YOU! “MAGA Republicans” are national enemy no. 1, who want to overthrow American and our freedoms. Just like white males are now deemed domestic terrorists, Conservatives are labeled backwards bigots who must not only be disagreed with, but stamped out as one would a terrorist group! To add the finishing touch on this hate filled speech, Biden stood against a backdrop of angry red. Remind you of anything?…

  8. In Biden’s recent speech, he did not even hesitate to point out hoe he feels taht all the Trump followers, and all Republicans in general is America’s national enemy number 1: In fact we are a Threat to Democracy. Not Russia, or China, not Afghanistan or Iran. Not the millions of illegal’s that have flooding our cities and towns with Criminals who are stealing from our stores, and turning our streets into toilets, or the illegal bunch of Drug Dealers that are killing our children that HE is allowing to enter our country, . Not the brainwashing of our children in schools or the Covid that they brought to us Nope. It’s fellow patriots like YOU! The MAGA Republicans are national enemy Number ONE, who want to overthrow American and our freedoms. Like that guy down the street who lost both of his legs in Afghanistan, and that 95 year old man who fought in the battle of Normandy. Just like White Males are now Viewed as domestic terrorists, Conservatives are labeled as dumb Americans who must not only be disagreed with, but done away with as one would a Terrorist Group! To add the finishing touch on this Hate filled speech, or Banning the words that we used since we learned how to speak. , Biden stood against a backdrop of Angry Red with a Armed Marine on each end .saying that Donald Trump is a “Threat to the Country”. He called out Donald Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump, as he slammed the podium and held up a Fist! The Trump followers that were at his rally, and followed to the Capital building we called INSURRECTIONISTS .He said the they were attempting to OVERTHROW THE COUNTRY! Now just how were they going to do that without ONE SINGLE WEAPON?
    We have even said a long time ago that President Biden is not exactly the Brightest Bulb in the Chandelier. Vladimir Putin is even planning to buy the American weapons that Joe Biden left behind in Afghanistan. Yes, the Department of Defense estimates the total value of the gear ahd weapons that Biden left behind at a whopping $7.12 billion, and now Putin is reportedly offering to buy whatever his battered Russian Army need.
    The Democrats were even holding “Soviet-style” Closed Door impeachment hearings.
    Committee chairman Adam Schiff' even held sneaky, secretive "hearings" on impeaching the President, literally held in a dark Capitol Basement outside of the public’s scrutiny
    Remind you of anything?, Or Anyone?
    Well now that Sneaky, Lying, Worm Adam Schiff is getting Kicked Out of the Head of his Committee. Along with the two other Anti American Creeps.
    . .
    Well, times have changed, this baseless Hate mongering has finally backfired on Biden and the Democrats. As we Republicans now OWN the House , and perhaps things will be turning around. As I write this, Senator Hawley is even introducing the "Pelosi Act" banning lawmakers from trading stocks


    1. Uh oh, where did he dump some turds? I just got a heads up from Mystere, as he gave me some of the retorts Assface left in the comments spam box.

  10. In My Humble OpinionJanuary 26, 2023 at 5:06 AM

    When a clown moves into a palace, he does not become a King,The palace becomes a circus."
    Ever since Biden moved into The White House, the place has turned into a circus & the country with it. The world has become a circus.
    The divisions & infighting at this time are so destructive for the nation. Covid has been a major worldwide catastrophe & needs attention & level headed leadership but that leadership is missing.
    Russia has invaded Ukraine without any provocation & thousands have died & millions have fled to other countries. The entire country is almost devastated with destruction from missiles & air attacks & shelling & bombing. I never understood the slow trickle of weaponry to Ukraine. It's like Obama's " lead from behind" lack of leadership. Do thousands of more lives have to be lost before we really help Ukraine defend itself & push the Russians out.
    It's almost comical that the MSM & others made the news of whether Biden would run in 2024 as headline news.
    Maybe the clown and his followers think that if the clown moves into the palace a second time, he will become king.
    I know for sure he lacks the qualities of a good clown, but definitely the qualities of a "King" !
    Even the circus is tired of him.
    The lunacy of the left never stops to amaze me. Actually their lunacy disgusts me, stuns me, tests my sanity & truly shocks me !
    It's not just Biden, or Gavin Newsom , or Pelosi or Kamala Harris. It's almost every democrat politician & the cabinet members . I am always wondering whether it's just politics & they are all corrupt & power hungry or they just believe what they do & say ! Either way it is scary !
    In Iran the Mullahs are killing their own citizens only because they want freedom & human rights. America remains silent.
    Afghanistan is back to the same extremism & government that it was after 9/11 & years of American sacrifice & death & trillions of dollars of war expense. The Afghan women are worse off than before American involvement.
    The southern border is an invasion front & not a regulated border for legal migration or asylum seeking.
    The price of food & gas is so inflated, like most essential items to be unaffordable for most people.
    The national debt & borrowing is so high that it is dangerous.
    China is getting stronger by the day & is focused on expansion & world dominance. It has infiltrated the ranks of high ranking officials & politicians. Even Biden could be compromised. Finding classified documents from when he was Senator & Vice President is extremely alarming & serious.
    It seems the clown & the circus are focused on smoke & mirror issues like gender identification, critical race theory & woke culture.
    As for the “Classified Documents and how they got into Biden’s Garage, While it is unclear exactly when Joe Biden transferred the classified records to his Wilmington home, sources close to the president have suggested that the transfer occurred as Biden was shutting down his vice presidential office in January 2017, according to a CNN report. The photos are the most concrete evidence to date that Hunter Biden had access to areas of Joe Biden's home where the classified documents were stored and also cast doubt on the president's claim that the records were fully secured in a locked Garage. Let’s not forget the Famous Words of our esteemed Leader, “I It’s not like I Park the Corvette on the Street, it’s always Parked in the Garage” Today's reminder to Joey Biden! This is NOT about your Stupid Corvette!

  11. I’m surprised these Morons Kerry and Gore and their fellow climate travelers hasn’t yet blamed the rise in border crossings on extreme weather caused by fossil-fueled SUVs. Gas Stoves, or Plastic Bags, none of those few Idiots like Kerry, or Gore wouldn’t recognize truth if it were standing in the shower with him.

    When I look at Fetterman, or Schiff, or Mayorkas, or Kim Jong Un, or George Floyd, or Hillary before she goes into the makeup room my mind says “that looks like something I saw in the Horror movies when I was a kid.
    And the Biden Press Secretary — On the surface, -I feel that there that there would, or should be some one there who at least understands the harm that is going on there in that White House, but instead, we have a very confused person who wold rather just pass on the important questions, and just say “I would refer you to the “White House Counsel” like a broken record.
    How can Republicans Stand by and Watch Any of This? What Country Does This?

    Circle-Back Psaki was a total shill, a Baghdad Bob with Red hair and Freckles. But those two? . . . My God, how could anyone appoint either one of those imbeciles to represent the President? .
    And I find it personally insulting that our Commander-in-Chief considers the Press stupid as they are to even try to buy their NONSENSICAL DRIVEL.

    But, even as I say that, I know that if Joey runs for a 2nd term, millions upon millions of people will vote for him, either because of his Democratic name or the fact that he’s running to keep that other Dunce Kamala Harris away from the Oval Office at all cost!

  12. Since day one that this Moron Joe Biden took office as President of the United States, the country has gone Down the Drain into a swamp of corruption, and the censorship of Republicans, and Conservatives, followed. The total lunacy of Race, Gender Confusion, and Banning was being taught to tour school children , not to mention the economic slump,, the supply shortages and massive inflation! In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large Thanksgiving dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and ridiculous prices meant that many of us would struggle or simply will not be able to afford to carry on their family traditions. Many of us struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week. Want to travel to family out of state? That family road trip may cost double or triple the price than it did before 2021 with gas as it is! Zoom gatherings, anyone? That is, if you can still afford the electric bill, or are not under rolling blackouts! For many this Christmas, the tree will look barer than in past years and even Santa may have a tighter budget for the children. This will be the reality for many middle class families, not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, saved money for rainy days have found under Biden, the storm outlasted their savings.

    1. Id like to add this!
      Ever since Biden got elected it has been a disaster. The world and the country has been occupied with the most trivial & unnecessary infighting of the century. All during this time Putin was preparing to invade Ukraine and China was occupied taking over the rest of the world. This impotent imposter man, Joe Biden, pitted one American against another, with divisions of race & color & stupid vaccine mandates & party ideology. He & his party have been preoccupied with "the invisible white supremacists" & "the revolution of January 6". His friend, the idiot John Kerry, is upset that maybe Putin will not focus on climate change amid the Ukraine invasion. He was hoping Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. He was very concerned about the "massive emissions consequences". What a consolation for the innocent Ukrainians who are going to be dead in this war. They will be happy that the weather is going to stay good when they are gone!
      Biden committed a complete debacle when leaving Afghanistan & abandoning American citizens and our allies & now Ukraine.
      He will slap Putin with the Mother of all " Sanctions" ! Putin & his oligarchs & generals & the military will just fold up & go back home because of the Biden sanctions.
      Oh no , oh please no more sanctions, please Joe Biden ! We are terrified.
      Many have said that it takes no more than one president or one generation for America to be doomed. It is worse than the Carter era when the miracle Ronald Reagan appeared & saved the country & the free world. I ask God to make that happen again & soon for the sake of free people all around the world with a strong & gifted President & patriot. A man or woman gifted with the power to lead & inspire the people & to unite them. An individual that puts the country first & not party or personal gain & power.
      At this time, under Biden & the democrats, we have higher gas prices, higher food prices, overall higher inflation in more than 50 years. More crime & lawlessness. No borders & the majority of the people in complete depression & anxiety & disbelief on the state of their country.
      How inept, how incompetent can a leadership be ? I feel so sorry for the Ukrainians who have to go through another invasion in their country, once again ! While reporters are asking him life altering questions Biden smiles & laughs, or leaves. I wonder if Kamala Harris is studying the root causes of invasions & aggression !? Putin would be a good case study for her !
      The tragedy that is Biden is a monumental catastrophe for the US & the free world. Another major catastrophic mistake was making America & its European allies dependent on Russian & other foreign energy & oil. All this was done in a year by this weak clown.

      You would think that in this day & age, conquest, colonialism and "building of empire" creating " satellite states" who are obedient to another foreign leader are long gone ! But when you have an imposter American leader, who is mentally challenged and incapable, this country & the free world are not safe.
      When Trump was President no foreign power invaded any other country, gas & food prices were low, the economy was the best ever, no inflation existed & the border was under control. Terrorist leaders were eliminated & America was respected by China & Russia & our own allies & others.

      In a year we lost it all & more, & it is just the beginning of this madness and incompetence & downfall.
      I pray for Ukraine & the Ukrainian people & leadership & I also pray for America & the American people !

  13. It’s starting to not be worth going out anymore, when we go to a restaurant we expect the service to be At THE LEAST GOOD, I do not expect a local restaurant to have fine restaurant hep, and expert service, but it should at least be Good, and the staff should be well trained.
    For example the Table should NEVER be cleared while one of the diners is still eating, and the Bus Boy should never be taking empty glasses etc off the table whole the dine is still eating
    Also this new system of charging for the use of Credit Cards is losing more customers than it’s worth to the Restaurant owner. He should be thinking about that. And Please stop raising your prices, along with smaller potions, that’s a BIG NO-NO, and we DO notice that. .

  14. Biden plans to list his accomplishments at the State of the Union address.
    I would just LOVE to do it for him!
    Biden's list of administration in his two years of his Presidency has all but completly destroyed this one time Great Country. He has also wreaked is responsible for death of 10,000’s of people in Afghanistan. He has CAUSED the inflation by his excessive, spending, and his borrowing, using the Democratic Party of government to harass and terrorize your political adversaries, an on-going recession and massive job losses across all industries, destroying America’s food production like they have our mining and manufacturing sectors, killing thousands across the globe, moving the world closer and closer to Nuclear War, destroying the American military with “Woke”, and his fraudulent elections with fake ballots, ending the building of the SUCCESSFUL WALL AT THE BORDER, . It just goes on and on!
    How shall i count the accomplishments of the first two years of the Senile sleepy Joe Biden?
    Shall we start with the nullification of Donald Trumps Executive Orders, only because of the FACT that he Donald Trump was an adversary? And how about his Closing the Keystone Pipeline, and the Covid Deaths that he and his buddy Andrew Coumo so diligently handled so well!
    And the Fuel costs overall up 300%
    The Massive Illegal Immigration of 5 million aliens, and the Fentanyl deaths of over 100,000 American Young, the Afghanistan debacle, the Ukraine War, the Supply chain shortages, and the Baby Food shortages, the on coming Recession, and ...Abandonment of Afghani allies, and now the way he handled the Chines Ballon.
