Friday, January 27, 2023

Pauly Pelosi Got Whacked - Part 2: Video Got Released!

Update:  San Francisco PD released the Paulie Pelosi wopper video.


It started all in one night.  Nanshee was out in DC, clowning around with her gangsters.  Nanshee paid a nudist activist to be Pauly's little playmate for the night. 


The games started when Paul and his boy toy Davie DePape started boozing it up that night.

Next thing was lights out for Pauly Pelosi and a trip to San Francisco General Hospital.

Did Nanshee try to take Pauly out, or did the Mafia come after the Pelosi Crime Clan and deliver a wopper to Pauly's noggin?

Update:  "Brandon" Bidet called House Drinker Nanshee's hubby "Bobby" in his usual gaffes.  Did he rat out Nanshee committing acts of adultery behind the scenes?

This just in:  the Pelosi-DePape video footage just got released by the San Francisco PD.


  1. When will Biden called out by factcheckers for all of the numerous lies that he has been telling us for the past 2 years?


    1. Lyin‘ Biden: I marched with Martin Luther King.

      Lyin‘ Biden: I drove an 18 Wheeler.

      Lyin‘ Biden: I finished in the TOP 5 of my Class in College.

      Lyin‘ Biden: I funded 700,000 construction jobs.

      CNN Factcheckers: It is 7,000

      Lyin‘ Biden: Only 3.5 million were vaccinated when I took office.

      CNN Factcheckers: It was 19,500,000

      Lyin‘ Biden: Billiinaires only pay 3% in taxes.

      CNN Factcheckers: It is over 8%

      Lyin’ Biden: I cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion.

      CNN Factcheckers: Biden had nothing to do with it. In fact, his proposals will increase the deficits going forward.

      Lyin‘ Biden also lied on the number of unemployed

    2. President Biden says the "Republican Criminals" killed police officer Brian Sicknick on Jan. 6th.

      Medical examiners determined Officer Brian Sicknick died of Natural Causes

  2. Since the Democrats Had Give Us Americans a President Who Is Without Any Doubts a Progressive Communist Democratic-socialist Who Is Beyond a Doubt a Treasonous, Corrupt, Dishonest, Dishonorable, and Unscrupulous, Lying President
    How else can you explain the Democrat Party's knowing that nomination of a Certifiable, Corrupt, and Senile Candidate and an effort to destroy the well-being of this Country on so many fronts?

    Therefore, we should not simply ignore the Messy situation we are presently in! Or when considering who would be running as the presidential candidate in 2024.
    We currently have President Biden’s videotaped confession of a corrupt “quid pro quo” involving the withholding of a billion-dollar U.S. government loan to Ukraine unless the Ukrainian President fired a Ukrainian State Prosecutor who is investigating the company paying his Son more than $50,000 per month for a no-show Board position. Far less than the False, and FAKE allegations, and manufactured evidence by Adam Schiff that resulted in the impeachment of President Trump.
    We also have a Vice President named Kamala Harris, who was put in office by the Color of her skin, and her Gender, and NOT by her qualifications. who is totally Inept, Incompetent, as well as being Unlikable, and often incoherent as she jets around the world doing absolutely nothing. Who in my humble opinion was intentualy put there acting as an insurance policy against the removal of President Joe Biden for anything less than a stroke. She herself is impeachable for her failure to follow federal laws and deal with an open Southern Border contrary to the Constitution. Yes, she couldn’t even do a simple job like over seeing the Chaos at the border.

    And we have a motley group of Old Fogies in the cabinets officials who are so loyal to the Democrat Party for their long over due retirement from their positions that they are reluctant to invoke the 25th Amendment removal of President Biden on medical incapacitation grounds lest they lose their cushy jobs when a new President is sworn in.
    Our foreign policy is all but non-existent as we see our current President openly provoking Russian President Vladimir Putin, as he placates China, and tolerates Iran, and even insults his constituents , but does little or nothing about growing Terrorism threats in Afghanistan, Pakistan and even here in the USA..

    Our domestic policy is beginning to resemble a Third World Nation as the progressive communist democrats attempt to destroy the industries that powers our economy. The government tries to censor or cancel all of our Childhood loved Movies, Food, and other things that we have enjoyed for decades. .
    Our premier intelligence and law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, and DOJ ave become corrupt and highly politicized and may be exerting control over government officials by blackmail, extortion, and God only knows what else. other means.

    To Put it Simply We Are Screwed.
    The Removal of President Biden from office by impeachment or for 25th Amendment incapacitation, allowing the Vice President to assume the Office of the Presidency where she could appoint a Vice President. Under the law, the newly appointed Vice President must be approved by both the House and the Senate, has become a MUST if we are to survive as the Nation that we knew.


  3. How else can you explain the President of the United States of America , as well as the Entire Democrat Party's knowing that they are a Corrupt, Lying, Dishonest, Dishonorable, Unscrupulous, and Hypocritical and they seem to have an extraordinary way to Deceive.
    And right now we have the Current President Joe Biden, along with his Dope Smoking Son right in the middle of the biggest corruption scandal that this Country has ever seen, And a Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is Inept, Incompetent, Unlikable, and often Incoherent as she just Jets around the world doing Nothing

  4. 8448 LEFFERTS BLVD FL 2, KEW GARDENS, NY 11415-3000 QUEENS ( Dec 2022)
    10344 51ST AVE, CORONA, NY 11368-3260 QUEENS (Jan 2019 - Dec 2022)
    5439 100TH ST APT 402, CORONA, NY 11368-3785 QUEENS (Jun 2020 - Mar 2021)
    54-09-100 T ST, CORONA, NY 11368 QUEENS (Feb 2018 - Sep 2019)
    10544 51ST AVE, QUEENS, NY 11368 QUEENS (Jun 2019 - Jun 2019)
    54-09-100T ST, CORONA, NY 11368 QUEENS (Feb 2018 - Jul 2018)
