Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday Funnies: Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Shenehneh Got Triggered

Shenehneh has gone off the handle again.

Take a look at some of Boston Piggy's retorts:

Shenehneh has lost her BBs again.

But then again, Shenehneh and her cult members are nothing but deranged pinheads following the DNC hate cult.  Go figure, as Shenehneh's mama is a bit off the rocker as well.

What's in Shenehneh's grape vine?


  1. Recently when I go shopping for essential items like food, and other items that a person , I suffer from price shock !
    Forget the exorbitant High Gas Prices, Rents, Personal Needs,, & other necessities! As well as in Restaurants, and in all Entertainment places.
    Food has almost doubled in price since this Moronic President Joe Biden has been in office.
    Everything with This president and the Democrats & the governmental offices that they control is a sham & fake including the Consumer Price Index, the Employment numbers, etc.
    There seems to be No Truth or Reality, in anything that comes out of this White House because everything has been politicized !
    During this Biden administration the leftist media kept a running tally of lies, exaggerated truths, or misleading statements made under Biden, he had either told so many the leftist media can no longer keep count with them, or they just don't care anymore...

    Biden’s of favorite lies are about inflation and the economy Many say he is so out of touch with reality that he himself doesn’t even know the truth anymore. In recent months, as the economy has slipped into a soft recession and with inflation at 9.1 percent the Biden whoppers keep coming fast and furious. Biden claimed in a recent speech in Philadelphia as an excuse for high inflation here at home. It is hogwash. HE CLAIMED THAT Inflation HERE is LOWER than in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. That is Hogwash!
    He’s out of touch alright. Lying is something he’s done his entire horrendous career. And These Blogging Jack-asses believe him. Only an blithering idiot like the author of this Progressive Blog, by Shaw would believe him, and Mock Trump instead.

  2. Shenehneh better be careful about who she calls a clown. God Almighty will punish anyone who attacks the ones He annoints to office. She will get cursed with cancer and a sudden death in her family, caused by the COVID stab. I'm not gloating with glee over this, either. Shenehneh has cursed her family with her far left behind vile retorts.


  3. Apparently Manhattan District the DingBat al known as Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly once again trying to start another Witch Hunt against Donald Trump. This time it’s involving the former President an His Target Donald Trump over some alleged “Hush Money” Paid to to the Porn Star Stormy Daniels

    The New York Times reported on Monday that Bragg is preparing to present evidence in the hopes of bringing Criminal Charges against Trump personally.
    Does this DA’s Nightmare Charges ever Cease? :One would think that Mr. Bragg should be spending MORE time putting Criminals and Murders, that are Making New York City into Ghost Town.
    Joe Biden's Executive Orders, and Alvin Bragg’s “Bail Reform” have all but Shut Down New York City making this City into a Ghost Town

    1. Alvin's not going to have anything to "bragg" about when God deals His Judgement against him and his jackal clowns.


    Dave Miller said...

    Trump can win because of people like this blog commenter who teaches English at a private school in the Los Angeles area... Read this closely, everyone.

    "I met a Black couple at a lecture evening last Saturday….AMAZING woman; she filled me in on why California and other states are working at keeping our children illiterate (there can be no other explanation)…it’s teaching kids to not learn to read phonetically like we did, but to RECOGNIZE words… learn BY SITE (I keep forgetting the title)….they learn, for example:

    WARN and BARN

    They don’t learn the A has a different sound in those 2 words…they are told to memorize the sound of each word coming from the teacher. SO, in future, they either had to memorize it or will be lost. Due to the teachers’s unions."

    We're in trouble and keep electing Trump because the ppl voting for him, the ones who think they are literate themselves, are unable to see when they self own. This is a frickin' English teacher. One who can't string together a gaggle of words in a coherent way and has no idea the word is sight not site.

    How do we move forward when 35-40% of our population and at this point, a majority of the Republican Party can't even see that they are celebrating an empty education myth from days gone by while they support the former president?

    1. "O'CAH-CAH" Dave Miller, that stinky fake Christian $elf Righteous demon possessed sewer rat! Go figure he spews plenty of Satanic hate at Boston Piggy's dump. He'll slander anyone he hates.

  5. Your Voice of Reason SpeaksJanuary 31, 2023 at 5:07 AM

    Do You Trust The Police To Release All Of The Paul Pelosi Attack Body Cam’S Video Footage?
    Well, if you don’t , as I don’t, then perhapes we should look at the fact of this So Called Body Cam Video
    As there are a lot of aspects here that make little sense to me but to think this is out of ordinary isn't one. Sadly it is common.
    San Fran judge orders release of bodycam footage from Paul Pelosi hammer attack
    The coalition of media outlets demanded the release of the footage back in December when it was submitted.

    "A San Francisco judge on Wednesday ruled that San Francisco police body camera footage from the October 2022 hammer attack against Paul Pelosi, the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, must be made public. In his ruling, Judge Stephen Murphy sided with a group of media outlets, including the Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times, who sought access to the dramatic footage as well as other evidence against David DePape, the alleged attacker. The charging documents against DePape show that cops witnessed the attack and that it was recorded on officer body cameras."

    Why has the police been sitting on this footage for almost 2 months?? What are they hiding? They claim the footage shows the attack, but this isn't true. What that footage actually shows is that Paul and Mr. Depape were engaged in sexual activity and Paul tried to take things too far -- and Depage was forced to defend himself. If the body cam footage doesn't show that, then it is safe the say that the police are covering up this evidence in order to protect Pelosi.
    And why would Paul Pelosi stand next to the perp WITH A DRINK IN HIS HAND when the cops arrive and they want us to believe they didn't know each other
    There is no other explanation and if someone says different, they clearly part of the Deep State. Everyone knows Paul and Nancy Pelosi runs a gay sex dungeon out of their SF home as well as a child sex trafficking ring as well...DePape knows this and they are trying to silence him.

    1. Paulie was stuffing some Italian Pork Sausage into Davie's body cavities when the SFPD knocked on his door. Davie either didn't have time to put on his underwear, or he came to the house without any, so that he could stuff some sausage into Paulie's pieholes.

    2. Baloney. Though you obviously enjoy fantasizing that is what happened.

  6. While reading through other blog posts, I recently discovered the blog of a woman who writes a blog called Progressive Something or Other! Taking a look at her blog, but only if you want to VOMIT.

    The “Blog” is actually a piece of Crap that she uses as an Outlet to help her make some sense out of her Obvious OBSESSION with Donald Trump.

    For example take the heading of : ‘Peace with Putin means giving Putin everything he wants.” Everyone knows this so Trump is saying he would cave in to Putin. Then she says: “Everyone knows this so Trump is saying he would cave in to Putin”

    Sure, and he was going to have a beautiful healthcare plan that covered everybody, and cost less than Obama’s , and he was going to do it in the first week of his presidency yet! Well, we are still waiting.

    Today she wrote: “ This clown wants to be POTUS again...and trust me, there are plenty of idiots out there who would vote for him”.

    To round out this Blogger, she has about 3 or perhaps 4 idiots who are constant posters to that Blabber. Then she ends today’s slop by saying “ I absolutely think that. America has seen its’ last “free and fair” election….Barack Obama was the last fairly elected president, maybe we can hoe to see Michele Obama as the president some day”

  7. Biden is actually Escalating the War in Ukraine by Sending in Long Range Offensive Missiles, along with those Tanks!
    WTF is this guy doing? This nutcase is acting like Dr. Strangelove. When the numbskull is finished we will have nothing left for our own military to defend us. This is Treason.
    The United States is already sending more than $2 billion worth of military aid for Ukraine and now he’s going to send Long-range Rockets, along with the 31 Abrams M1 Tanks? This guy is Crazier than a Loon.

    1. Shenehneh's suffering Bidet Worshipping Syndrome.

  8. I truly feel hat the Democratic Socialist party would actually be doing this nation a great favor if it actually were to disappear . It is no longer a viable political party. It is a cult of greed, and power worshipers. Their President is a Disgrace as well as being inept, crooked, and deceitful as any other politician that i can recall in modern political public life, and his Son is a disgusting human being.

    1. The SOTU speech will be a disaster for Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet because he will spew plenty of whoppers. I have no desire to watch that trainwreck.

  9. They're in plenty of trouble as they are right now. God spoke through His prophets that they're going to pay royally for their sins. And God also said that the RINOs are going to suffer an even more severe punishment because they struck up dirty backroom deals with them. I'll call them "Judas Iscariot" deals myself. The RINOs are even worse than the far left behind jackasses. And that whore Shenehneh is bending over to Satan, worshiping her unholy boar Joseph Robbingit Bidet Jr.

    1. "God spoke through His prophets that they're going to pay royally for their sins"... He didn't.


  10. Les Carpenter
    Call s GOVERNOR DeSantis i a frightened little man with an outsized ego attempting to mandate that which he mistakenly believes is good government. Which should send up a huge, and very red flag for the folks of Florida and the the entire populace of this nation. His antics are very reminiscent of dictatorial rulers who fear ideas and concepts they fail to understand.

    HEY LESTER YOU DUMMY, You are calling DiSantis a Frightened Little Man?
    Have You looked in a Mirror lately?

    1. Leslie Crapenter aka Nursie Poo Poo looks like a child molester. In fact, he looks like that Doofus "Doug" of the Liberty Mutual Ads.

    2. Pedro Garcia Hernandez Jr.February 2, 2023 at 5:15 AM

      Agreed, and I second that thought.


  11. Perhaps it’s all the failures that Joe Biden has brought to the Country that has added to the popularity of Donald Trump. Or just as likely, all the cries of "Trump is finished" never had grain of truth to begin with. What IS finished is the Screaming of the anti-Trumpers like Shaw Kenawe who opposed Trump to this very day and is now paying the price for it. But whatever is is, Donald Trump is as STRONG as ever, and will be the next President in 2024!

    1. He might be coming back even sooner than the 2024 elections. The far left and the RINOs have overplayed their hand.

  12. Speaking of "TROLLS"
    I find that Les Carpenter WHO COULDN'T EXIST HAVING A BLOG OF HIS OWN, AND WHO HAS TRIED Manny times. AND WHO HAD BEEN THROWN OFF OF OTHER BLOGS, including the Wonderful blog of Free Thinker. is now at that "Progressive" Crap-Hole calling other people "Dumb", and that"s a sign of just how ASININE, and DESPERATE the followers, that LOUSY, STINKING, DISGUSTING, LYING, PIECE OF FILTH that blog is.

    1. I guess you can see what kind of propaganda goes on at that Stinken Progressive Blog. And the entire democratic-progressive-socialist party, ie the gutter, The idiotic author of that shit-hole wants you to see what SHE picks and chooses, crops and edits. Just like SHE did the Biden and Harris' campaign, and ever since. Her hateful Obsession with Donald Trump is Pitiful. She probably Hates Trump even more than I Hate Biden.

    2. Back around 2009, when Mystere and I came to Blogger after the MyFox sites changed their providers and platform, I came across The Political Jungle. Some of Jenn's followers referred to a blogger they called "Boston Piggy." After a while, Shenehneh started coming over to the conservative sites to oink and stink up the sites. Shenehneh has always been a racist sow, spewing nothing but hate, and will continue to do so until she takes her dirt nap.


  13. Thanks, and PLEASE Let Lisa know that our Prayers are with her , and her family.
    Send All my best to her..
    and thank you for sending the message to us.

    1. Lisa knows the gang is there for her. She, her sister and late brother had an incredible mom.

  14. Now that Hunter Biden has confirmed that the Laptop was his, and that the laptop story is Real, how do we address, and deal with the MASSIVE Fake Intelligence story that the Lefties claimed it was Russian disinformation?


    Les CarpenterFebruary 2, 2023 at 3:01 PM
    Ignorance has completely taken over the republican party. I never though i'd be looking at an American political party, especially the party of Lincoln, become what the republican party has morphed into. The most alarming thing is to see the degree of support the now rogue republican party of tRump is ale to maintain. It is becoming more and more difficult to believe this country has much of a sane future ahead of it. Unless America wakes up completely and the republican party implodes. Taking tRump with it.

    1. Nursie Poo Poo's been taking too many joy rides in the Al Bundy/Liberty Mutual Dodge with LiMu Emu and the Bud Bundy blow up rubber woman.

  16. Tucker Carlson called Boris Johnson a Coward, and a Liar, for refusing to got on his show
    So it seems as if Tucker Carlson has started a a feud with the former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

    During his Fox News TV show on Wednesday, Tucker called Johnson a "Terrified Old Woman."

    Boris Johnson earlier said that he was "Amazed and Horrified" by how many people were "Intimidated by" Tucker Carlson. During his Fox News TV show Tucker Carlson accused Johnson of being afraid to go on Tucker’s show and answer questions about his support for Ukraine.
    Boris Johnson added....“Has anybody heard of Tucker Carlson? What is it with this guy? All these wonderful Republicans seem somehow intimidated by his perspective.”
    And I guess that’s what started the “Feud”!
    When Carlson said...."We knew that Johnson himself was a coward,". "We watched during Covid as he transitioned into a TERRIFIED OLD WOMAN, but we had no idea he was also a LIAR.. I guess that we should have known”.

  17. Les Carpenter is a fine one to speak about Ignorance. But I guess that he DOES have the experience.

    1. Someone was trolling a conservative Christian live stream today, calling a well known prophetess a bunch of vulgar names, and mocked her disabled husband with queer slurs. It had the signature of the Boston Piggy trolls. The 2 likely candidates hiding behind the attack are likely Dervish Sanders or Nursie Poo Poo.

    2. I have no idea wtf you're talking about. I've never listened to a "conservative Christian live stream". Sounds like a Mystere delusion.

  18. Ilhan Omar thinks that Kevin McCarthy is a Jew? Interesting point of view, but no cigar!

    It's hard to understand why the Jewish people still vote for the democrats after they allow those MISERABLE Anti- Semitic PIGS like Ilhan Omar into their Committees, let alone their Party

  19. In a vote today 86 Democrats voted for wanting socialism while another 14 refused to vote against socialism by simply voting "present". How sad. I will give 109 Democrats (a small majority of Democrats) a pat on the back for voting against socialism but the party as a whole has a lot of explaining to do as to why about half of Democrats voted for socialism. It's quite mind boggling, But I'd bet that if Ms. Boston Piggy had the chance she's vote for it.

  20. Between all the NAPS AND MEDS that Joey Gets in his hideaway in Delaware someone told Joey that we had Shot down the Chinese Balloon .
    Biden said that “he will order the military to shoot it down sometime tomorrow Sunday if possible”

    1. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 United Spot did a video parody of Joey and his butt buddies.


  21. Biden ramps up for another Biden- Trump rematch, Democrats worry that hs likely lose to to Trump, or perhaps another Republican as the Democrats worry about Biden’s Many Screw-Up, during the past two years.
    Lets face the facts, a President should exhibit the traditional skills of a Leader which is fine for “normal” times. But however, these are NOT “normal” times but extraordinary times and the next President will have extreme challenges to face. Especially after the Biden/Kamala Harris term. Do you want a President that gets the Job Done and demands respect for the United States and the Office of the Presidency, the likes of witch the Biden/Harris team DID NOT ACCOMPLISH. .

    While former President Trump is somewhat unconventional and often uncouth in his way of speaking., his record of accomplishments while under continuous fire from the Democratic parties leaders and their media propagandists he had proven himself to be a formidable power in his own right. And in the way he handled our adversaries. Maybe they didn;t care for him, but they FEARED him.
    Trump had clearly done what was necessary at the moment to advance his agenda and, some say that he did it with a powerful ego. Well maybe that was what was needed But what ever he did, and how he did it, worked!. He had what it took to deal with slimeballs, both foreign and domestic.
    In MY humble opinion, a President should possess…
    Superior leadership skills to effectively lead the country, making difficult decisions while providing a clear vision for the future, And Trump had it, but Biden didn’t..
    Strong integrity and act in the best interest of the country and its citizens. Which Trump surely did, and Biden surely DID NOT.
    Effective communications skills, able to articulate their vision, policies, and decisions clearly and precisely.
    The ability to understand and relate to the needs and concerns of citizens from diverse backgrounds.
    Ability to think critically, analyze complex issues, and make well-informed decisions on a strategic and tactical level.
    Diplomatic and negotiating skills, to negotiate effectively, build relationships with other countries, and represent America on the world stage. Which no one since Reagan had, But Trump did.
    Adaptability, to able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and remain calm and focused under pressure. Again something that Donald Trump possessed.
    General knowledge and expertise relating to domestic and foreign policy issues.
    The ability to manage his own staff in a manner to make them more effective, the Leadership that Donald Trump had, and has, which Joe Biden, and or Kamala Harris surely does not have.

  22. Biden “has his work cut out for him in terms of having folks believe he can command this job for four more years, when he couldn't even handle the job for the first two.

    1. He's kept sanitation workers in DC busy with his constant pants pooping after eating gallons of ice cream in a sitting.

  23. So last night we heard a NEW SLEW of Lies from the Fake President.
    But my friends You didn’t need to hear that SLOP to know that we are in Deep Doo-Doo, and we Must get Rid of Biden, and Crackling Kamala befor we lose what’s left of our Democracy!
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we have a president who is Compromised by the Chinese from the doings that his Crack-Head Son has already done.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we have a week, Delusional President in the Whit House who waited 7 days to shoot down a Spy Baloon that China Joe allowed to spend in our Air-Space intersepting all the information that they wanted to.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our nation is suffering mightily under the progressive communist democrats led by a corrupt, lying, cogitatively impaired fool and backed by an equally incompetent hack who is almost as incoherent as her boss.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our treasury is being plundered by corrupt politicians from both sides of the aisle who are spending money with near-zero accountability. Some profit greatly from stock trades based on the same type of insider information that would send an ordinary individual to jail.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we are sending 140 billion dollars to Ukraine to pay salaries and pensions in addition to arms – as seniors on a fixed income prioritize food and rent over critical medications.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our nation is being invaded by a hoard of illegal aliens, including criminals and terrorists, who are sucking up local and state safety net resources meant for Americans. And that the progressive communist democrats are openly defying federal law as they keep our Southern Border open to illegal aliens. Not to mention the near-unchecked transit of drugs like fentanyl, killing Americans.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that our corporatized media and oligarch-controlled social media platforms are censoring the news and canceling dissidents with other viewpoints.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that there are serious issues with current vaccines and their side effects.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that we are suffering from inflationary prices, and food is being deliberately destroyed to enable price support for corporate agriculture. At the same time, smaller farms are squeezed out of existence -- and billionaires like Bill Gates are gobbling up farmland.
    .You do not need anyone to tell you that our corrupt educational system is sexualizing young children and creating racial divides by claiming whites are the oppressors and non-whites are system-victimized oppressed. Never mentioning that the Democrat Party gave us slavery, secession, segregation, and decades of anti-civil rights pushback,
    You do not need anyone to tell you that our streets are becoming more dangerous as progressive communist democrats open our prions and return hard-core recidivist criminals to our communities. Or refuse to prosecute criminals—the final insult to their victims. Nor do you need anyone to tell you that the progressive communist democrats are trying to cancel the Second Amendment, denying your God-given right to self-protection -- making it safer for armed criminals.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that the progressive communist democrats still suffer from a legitimate mental illness known as the Trump derangement syndrome.

  24. After watching President Biden’s State of the Union speech and the MANY times that he sode that the “State of the Union was Strong” made me think about what the actual state of our union really might be…

    Regardless of HIS perceived state of Our union might be, or any of the Democrats opion of what it might be , the state United States of America is NOT “Strong” and the state of our President is NOT STRONG! In fact even the State of oyr Freedom of Speech is far from strong. There is little doubt in my mind, as there should be little doubt in YOUR minds that our nation is in decline, with the chaos going on at our Border, and in our Streets , and an increasing in the rate of Crime throughout our country driven by the Progressive Socialist -Democrats that seem to be out to destroy the One Time “Strong” State of Our Country with their PHONEY “Build Back Better”Spending, with their CRAZY ideology that “Critical Race Theory’ promises good but delivers little but NOTHING MORE THAN MISERY, And by NO means should be taught in our Schools!
    The most significant factors contributing to the rapid decline of the United States is the Rise in Corruption of our Politicians. including the upper echelon . It appears that the aging legislators and the “Professional Politicians” who are in power much too long are much to interested in their special interest constituents, and their allegiance to the mega-wealthy Constituents who are much to overcompensated for the services they may perform, with the never-ending spending that is crippling, and ruing our economy, and future survival of our standard of living. For example the corrupt Board of “Advisers” to the Ukraine, Why are we spending $140 billion dollars to prop up a corrupt Ukraine government while ignoring our own inner cities? . Not to mention those who sold out, and continues to sell out to China.
    Our country's military has depleted, our weapon stockpiles-- leaving our nation unable to respond effectively to threats facing our nation!

  25. In MY Honest OpinionFebruary 11, 2023 at 4:38 AM

    As for BiDumb’s State of the Union speech , Biden has proven himself a liar historically. He is a pathological liar. He has a history of 40 years of doing this...So what has changed? Not a single thing! He is still the Idiot, Senile, Deranged Moron that he has always been, only he lies much more than he did in the past, and he walks as if he left his Walker home. Have we forgotten the .40 years of actual Biden's lies?
    Don’t believe me? LOOK IT UP!.. Biden lost his Presidential run in 1988 because he lied, he was outed. True. Biden's shtick is all about lies. He is a fraud. Jesus, get over it, he is a con, a manipulator, and he got caught 40 years ago. And you are buying his crap NOW? Shame on you.. This delusional Ding-Bat can’t help himself anymore, his LIES COME NATURALLY... And on top of this he’s killing us with his BAD DECISIONS!

    Lyin Biden…is Dishonest to the Core, and the Cherry on Top is that he is Corrupt just like his Idiotic, disgusting, Crackhead Son!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
