Thursday, February 9, 2023

US Shuts Down Communist Chinese Party Police Station in NYC But Leaves CCP Police Stations In Los Angeles And San Francisco Open


US Shuts Down Communist Chinese Party Police Station in

 NYC But Leaves Communist Chinese Party Police Stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco California Open

Why haven't they gone after the Communist Chinese Party "Police Force" in Los Angeles and San Francisco?  I'll say it as it really is:  we now have chinks in our "armor of security."  The chinks are as thin as a German Beer Can that got crushed for recycling into scrap metal.

The liberal goons got bought by the CCP and WEF.  Moonbeam's greedy train is about to crash and derail very soon.


  1. Local authorities have issued an Alert after several people on Capitol Hill reported seeing a lost old man yelling incoherently at people. The subject is described as an elderly man about 6 feet tall with silver-colored hair plugs and dentures. Caretakers confirmed the man has late-stage dementia and must be returned to a caretaking facility as soon as possible. Please report any further sightings to the D.C. Police immediately.

    1. Was that why the freezers in my local grocery store ran out of ice cream?

    Joe Biden invoked the Capitol riot during his State of the Union address on Tuesday: “And two years ago, our democracy faced its greatest threat since the Civil War.” He’s made this analogy between the Civil War and the Capitol riot before. The two events are vastly different in terms of their cause, scale, and consequence. Even suggesting the two are comparable is absurd, especially considering that over 600,000 Americans died in the war. Only one person died as a direct result of the violence from the Capital riot, and that death was attributed to to Capital Police!

  3. Isn't it funny (or is it?) how the Progressives, Democrats, Liberals seem to call everyone in the Republican party Liars.
    But it's BIDEN who is the REAL liar? They always seem to say that Trump is a Liar, Ron deSantis is a Liar, Marjorie Taylor Greene Is a Liar, But The REAL LIAR is Joe Biden and By A LONG SHOT!

    1. I hear that the dumb fat sow Boston Piggy Shenehneh's been oinking loudly at her pig sty.

  4. The democrats have gone to the Bottom of the Barrel to Literally Dig up a Candidate to run in case that Biden is either Impeached, or Removed from office, and this is the “Garbage that they found,,, Former Democratic THEE Time presidential nominee Hillary Clinton Kamala Harris, topping a field that includes both new names and familiar faces such as Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Alexandria o Ocasio-Cortez, and .Stacey Abrams were the only other potential Democratic candidates who receive more than 4 percent support in the poll.
    Biden was said to wait and see the latest reason to impeach Old Joe Biden or for the Senate to remove him.

  5. That Demented Zombie Biden Let China Photograph Our Secrets Like Nothing Mattered.
    If Trump ever did anything like that the Democrats would be Shouting from the Roof Tops.

    1. Boston Piggy's blaming Trump for the Chinese balloons flying over the USA.

  6. What ever happened to the “Unity” that Joey Biden promised us that he would “Take Care” of if he was President? And where is the “unitt” from the the NFL ? Democratic Party.

    Let see now, we have MLK holiday, Black History month, and the even dumber JUNETEENTH that is now a national holiday (a day that has ZERO meaning outside of Black Slaves in Texas being informed by a Union General that Lincoln freed them), to reparation demands, now this insanity?.
    And now it seems as if the Black athletes want their own National Anthem, The NFL’s pre-Super Bowl festivities will include a rendition of the Black National Anthem for the third consecutive year.
    We SHOULD have ONE National Anthem, SCREW the NFL, and SCREW the rest of the DIVIDERS in the country. If this is being done theny Why Not A Chinese Nation Anthem, And a Muslim National Anthem, And why not the Jewish Anthem? And why not a Anthem for the Highspanics
    The NFL started to play the Black national anthem in the 2020 season following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police Officers.
    Well Enough is Enough, are we going to ad a New National Athem every time a special group is Upset?
    Why wasn’t the NFL being pressured to be a Patriotic American when Pat Tillman.was killed?
    I’, waiting for the next thing to happen in this country will be a DRAG QUEEN’S Anthem! Because it want be long until Men dressed as Woman take over.

    1. The BLM anthem sounds like a bunch of fart noises in a toilet bowl.

  7. Our history, our values, our identity, our unity, is all going to Hell in a Hand-basket. Reasonable Americans everywhere regardless of politics want a more unified country and less of the increasing polarization going on. I think it’s going to be unpopular with the woke crowd, but the solution is worth it: We need to take more of a hard line stance on standing up for our Country. It means putting our collective foot down and saying NO to open borders, and No to Critical Race Theory, and No defunding our police, sanctuary cities, welfare cradle to grave, the deconstruction of our values and culture, and NO MORE being pushed around internationally, seeing our country as a cesspit of racism, being afraid, or embarrassed to fly our flag, or to stand for our National Anthem, celebrate our freedom and do all things American! It’s great to see that some states are starting to do that, such as several banning Critical Race Theory from the schools and tthat “sanctuary” cities are changing their minds, respect for our for 2nd amendment rights is returning. . We as citizens NEED to desperately do our part too be voting for candidates who are pro-America, passing laws that put America first, building communities with values that lift up, not keep us down, treating others with true equality, not being afraid to express our Patriotism among countless ways to support our country, and putting America first, and it’s very important to BUY AMERICAN. There is a growing backlash against the anti-American lunacy and we can all take a stand!
    After ALL, Who Are These People? They can NO-LONGER tell us what to do, and how to do it! They aren’t going to tell ue (me, and you) what to write on these message boards! Or silence us when we respond to their LIES, and BS. They are NOT going to Ban our former President from giving HIS opinion on a Public Board any longer! Not when WE take over! Not starting this coming November! NO Sir, things are going to change, and Change Drastically! They are no longer going to Shut Us Up. They are no longer going to call us those Stupid, and Fake Names like White Supremacist, or “Racists”, or anyother stupicd, Childish names, PERIOD!

    Who are these people? And why are they so afraid to Unite with us Americans? And Why do they think that they have a Monopoly on writing here? Or anywhere else?
    Do you thing the readers of these Facebook comments, or Blog comments only want to hear from their Bleeding Heart Voices? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to PUT UP WITH ME and the rest of the Patriots that are sick, and tired, and embarrassed to hear our Inept, Senile, Stuttering, President insulting the half of the counties Patriotic, and Loyal Americans.
    We can also speak out about these INEPT Morons who are desperately trying to Ruin this Country.
    We didn’t spend our years defending our beloved Country so that these TWO IDIOTS and their Puppet Masters could turn her over to the Commie’s. Did You think that you have a Monopoly on writing here?
    Do you thing the readers of this only want to hear from your Bleeding Heart Voice? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to Put up with Me and the rest of the people who are Sick, and Tired, of what this Senile President is doing to our country. These INEPT Morons in Washington are desperately trying to Ruin this Country.
    We didn’t spend our years defending her so that these TWO IDIOTS and their Puppet Masters could bring us to another WAR! We had a President who not only defended our Country, but brought us to a new high that we have never seen before. We had a Country who was NO-LONGER dependent on anyone else for our energy. We were independent from anyone! We had record employment, we put China, and Russia, and Iran in their place. We no longer were

  8. paying their bills at the UN, or anywhere else.
    And now we have lost all of that! We have become the laughing stock of the world. Half of our own country can’t stand the sight of our country’s Flag, and would rather get on a KNEE, then STAND and show respect for it. Enough is enough. This CRAP is more than enough. I for one am proud to stand for our Flag. And to tell you the truth, you can call me a “white supremacist all you want to . If you hate America that much be my guest and call me any name that you want to, As long as you don’t MESS with MY Freedoms, and MY Rights, You can even get on the next boat to China, or Canada if you Hate this country so much.
    Even the word “Patriot” is now a code word for the Leftist’s according to the media. Showing pride in our country, and also those who defend it is now distorted into something ugly by the Left, who only wish to disconcert from our identity. Even something as simple as standing for the National Anthem is now CHALLENGED. ! In light of that, it’s no wonder many on the far Left even call for cancelling the 4th of July as a “white supremacist, sexist, racist etc…. Everything that we loved from our entire childhood, YOU have wiped out, our Nursery rhymes, our Cartoons, even the Pancake Syrup that we loved. Noe America is only great for milking her, for getting Free Stuff. And if you can’t get it, You are now Stealing it, Looting it. . All of American’s apple pie apparently is also racist and nationalist ! Rightfully defending our country is seen as unjust, and some even go so far as to say “We Deserved 9/11" ! This clearly goes beyond SANE criticisms of our country, instead being a one sided attack that only seeks to tear down our national pride and identity, deconstructing rather than constructively improving our remaining faults.
    You have alreay tore down our Countries Statues, and the History behind them You have been eliminating our Holidays, like Columbus Day, and some of our Great President’s birdays,
    Perhaps next you want to take away the 4th of July, the National Anthem, displaying American Flags and such, is the Left’s various social agendas dismantling our core values. Our country was and still is known around the world as the place where you can work hard and achieve your dreams. Why do you think that all these MILLIONS of Illeagles want to come here? Did you ever see even one person that wanted to go to ANT of those Shit Hole Countries? . No, life is not a picnic here., But we still haer the Greatest Country in the whole world, with the the opportunity to better yourself and the resources to do it are still second to none! However now we seem to be so consumed in racism and inequalities that it make it literally impossible to realize your American Dream. . Yet, try telling that to the disadvantaged people that who came here and beat the odds! No one denies they have had to face far more obstacles, including poverty, bias and discrimination, but never the less they made it and are proud of the country that helped them succeed. The defeatist attitude that you can’t only leads to a society of people who have no motivation to better themselves and blame the system for all their obstacles rather than actively try to overcome them. Relatedly, values such as personal accountability are also under attack. If you can simply blame systemic racism, sexism, or the “claustrophobia” for all your mistakes such as your unwanted pregnancies, broken homes, unemployment, financial struggles, the fact you didn’t get the job or admission to college etc… then that absolves you of your own personal choices you could control despite other circumstances you couldn’t! Shifting the blame onto excuses of insurmountable oppression has chipped away at our moral fiber as a nation has enabled a chronic welfare state, broken families and homes, cycles of violence and abuse and poverty, poorer health outcomes, learned helplessness, underachievement and untapped potential. NONE of which helps our country!

    1. We ignore the dangers of rising crime rates and results of what it means. ARE racist and sexist brought over by many who want to take advantage of our freedoms yet don’t appreciate our country in return. I don’t blame people who are only here for a better life, and I welcome those who come with an open mind and grateful attitude to share the American Dream like many of our own ancestors. However, along with the good ones, come criminals trafficking drugs or fellow human beings, gangs, and those who resent us and want to undermine Western values. Sounds paranoid and extreme, but those so called sanctuary cities have skyrocketing crime rates, and an overflowing welfare state. Even if only productive families came who would help the country, we can only take so many and must look after those already here as legal citizens. No one has the right to just enter any country and demand its resources. There are ways to officially become citizens and many immigrants honor this and it’s unfair to them to just jump the line! Imagine if I randomly decided to go to Canada and demand they give me all their resources without becoming a Canadian citizen! If that sounds ridiculous then why isn’t it for America? Don’t even get me started on how we’re treated internationally by other countries and how we let them step all over us…

      We now have a President from the party who would rather divide the country along identity lines. Conservative vs. Liberal. White vs. Black. Men vs. Women. Gay vs straight rather than lose their power. It’s just like what Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in her State of the Union Rebuttal..
      These Socialist Democrats, who are leaning on Communism actually would rather destroy America and to divide us against each other! We did that once, and the results ended in 600,000 Americans dead, more than WWI and WWII combined! While there haven’t been calls of a literal second civil war yet, the violence this division is stoking is an all too real threat. With racial tension at an all time high, and BLM and Antifa around there has been an increase in violent protests, looting and overall lawlessness. Even more frightening, they get a free pass to do all of the above as it’s politically undesirable to hold them accountable to the law. Looting hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise is now okay in the name of reparations! If that doesn’t sound like insanity I don’t know what is… Now, the latest attempt at utterly dividing America comes from Critical Race Theory. This is their view that everything can be seen through the lens of racial injustice and oppression at the hands of white people, and that our country is inherently racist at its core. And that White people must renounce their “privilege” and people of color are oppressed. Just ask Colin Kaepernick he has become the Hero of the Oppressed Blacks, he even has this CRAP being taught in schools across the country to our children as well as in higher learning to brainwash and divide them from their white friends. Are You Going to even try to tell me that this is healthy for anyone? To tell their white friends, the same children that they grew up with that are “oppressors”? To tell children of color they’re inherently oppressed and cant go as far as their white friends can?

  9. How about ALL of our Black Doctors, and Lawyers, and School Teachers, and Politicians, and Generals, Mayors, Governors, Actors, and Actresses, Barrack Obama, the new Mayor of New York City (this biggest City in the World)? Were they ALL Oppressed? Was Colin Kaepernick so Oppressed? If so then how did he get the Millions that he has, or the Mansion that he lives in, or ALL of his Luxury cars? And how come he has become the Spokesmen for a company like Nike?
    If you ask me, HE IS A Resentment to his own Race!
    Instead of being one “UNITED” Country, we now have two separate National Anthems, our Regular Anthem, that we had for almost 100 years, and now a Black Anthem WHY? Because of Black “Activist Athletes” who instead of thanking America for the wonderful, opportunity that they have achieved so much and come so far and represent America at the Olympics of all places, where they Stand to Protest in Spite of what they have managed to achieve. They would rather have two separate Americas! Where their friends, and families are divided over politics. Politics told to them by some strangers from an Organization called Black Lives Matter, where children are estranged from their parents, their siblings on opposite sides of each other, separated from their relationships, friends un-friending each other over a political sides, this is exactly what is tearing us apart.. Politics is no longer about ideas, but identity, and every little thing that you do now puts you on one side or the other regardless of your own opinions! It’s going to lead us into another civil war!
    What ever happened to the “Unity” that Joey Biden promised us that he would “Take Care” of if he was President? And where is the “unitt” from the the NFL ? Democratic Party.

    Let see now, we have MLK holiday, Black History month, and the even dumber JUNETEENTH that is now a National holiday (a day that has ZERO meaning outside of Black Slaves in Texas being informed by a Union General that Lincoln freed them), to reparation demands, now this insanity?.
    And now it seems as if the Black athletes want their own National Anthem, The NFL’s pre-Super Bowl festivities will include a rendition of the Black National Anthem for the third consecutive year.
    We SHOULD have ONE National Anthem, SCREW the NFL, and SCREW the rest of the DIVIDERS in the country. If this is being done then Why Not A Chinese Nation Anthem, And a Muslim National Anthem, And why not the Jewish Anthem? And why not a Anthem for the Hispanics! Can you possibly imagine if we has a “White National Anthem ? I wouldn’t even want to think about the chaos that would result fron it. It would be UNTHINKABLE!
    The NFL started to play the Black national anthem in the 2020 season following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police Officers.
    Well Enough is Enough, are we going to ad a New National Anthem every time a special group is Upset?
    These Progressive Maoist/ Democrat Commies are attempting to push an unqualified ideologically biased person onto the Supreme Court, only because she is Black. This is Biden’s newest shtick! His latest routine to get Blacks appointed into Key positions , thus getting them to vote Democratic again, as so many of them have switched to the Republican party. Well now it’s become the same thing with Gays, and Tansies. Just take a good look at Biden’s appointees.

    1. Our history, and our values, as well as our identity, our unity, it’s all being DESTROYED ! Most of Americans really want a unified country and less of the increasing hatred that is going on.: We need to be standing up for our country. We need to foot down and saying NO to open borders, No more Critical Race Theory, No more Defunding our police, No more Sanctuary Cities, No More Destruction of our History, our Statues, and our Values, No More Banning of anything any We need to be treating others with equality, We need to NOT being afraid to express our Patriotism and to Support our country against the anti-American Lunacy. We must all take a stand!

  10. Those far left wing extremists will resort to calling the Chinese Blaoon Invasion of the United States a far right wing extremist conspiracy ,and will be blaming Donald Trump for it
    They will be accusing the conservatives of attempting to start WW3, when in reality Delusional Joe, and the rest of bunch of the left wing extremists have plotted to start a war. BlueDog, and the Preacher of Juárez and the rest of those Blind and Deaf and DUMB dingbats at Boston Piggy's Cesspool of Eruptions hate site will oink the mutterings of the far left cabal. Currently, the left are blaming the balloon spying on Donald Trump and "right wing extremist war mongers" to excuse their pants pooping squatter in the now Smelly Oval Office which was previously the home of the President of the United States of America.

  11. We all know Democratic President Joe Biden is known to stretch the truth a bit. So, what are the chances of his State of the Union speech including more than a few?

    Well, pretty darn good, according to our fact-checking abilities.

    Here are just a few of the claims Biden tried to make and how they compare to reality.

    Republicans Want to End Social Security and Medicare
    This has got to be one of the biggest lies of the night.

    As you know, our economy is in a bit of crisis, with some major decisions to be made. For the Democrats, the idea is to simply raise the debt ceiling, just as they did last year, allowing the US to continue paying our debts.

    Republicans have a less frivolous idea: to cut out unnecessary spending where possible.

    For Biden and his cohorts, this must mean that McCarthy and his followers want to do away with all social services. But NO ONE is proposing that at present, at least not to the extent of Biden’s claim.

    A Record 12 Million Jobs Have Been Created by the Biden Admin
    Umm, considering there was a pandemic going on for the better part of Biden’s first two years in office, this cannot be true. New jobs weren’t “created.” Instead, people were just allowed to finally return to work, and businesses everywhere were hiring as a result. But Biden didn’t do squat to “create” those positions.

  12. Which one would Americas vote as the most wisest and most intelligent?
    Pelosi, or Greene?
    I’d say Marjorie Greene BY A LONG SHOT.
    She called Biden a Liar which is True
    Pelosi Tore up the Presidents speech on National TV which was DISGUSTING!

  13. The IDIOTIC Left is trying to cancel Valentines Day, and substitute it with George Floyd's Day!
    Which would be the Country’s Worst Nightmare!

  14. . If incompetent Joey and the Sheep, aka the democrat’s policies hadn't increased inflation by their insane spending the Feds wouldn't have to bring the inflation down. They are going about it all wrong. They should be reversing the democrat's “root cause” policies which led to the inflation so that we didn't have to raise interest rates to bring inflation down. Higher interest rates are hurting a lot of people, totally unnecessary. Even someone like Kamala Harris knows that!

    1. TOM, maybe goats is the better word to describe them, rather than sheep. Sheep are naive creatures; goats are more deliberate and stubborn.

  15. That MORONIC SANDERS IS A Medically/Disabled/ Mental Case, and should stick to writing his idiotic comments on the Blog of the Progressive’s Shit Hole.

  16. Dervish Sandwich was caught sniffing fat gay men's buttcracks

    To keep her Trained Animals Leashed

  18. Instead of FEMA giving the much needed assistance, or much help at all from the Biden Administration, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg gave the people of Palestine, A Dose of Tough Love and a taste of how much Joe Biden and his Administration really care about them and their “Disaster”:

    "Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Said Yesterday, as he downplayed the Ohio Train Derailment and Toxic Disaster.'

    “While this horrible situation has gotten a particularly high amount of attention, there are roughly 1,000 cases a year of a train derailing.”
    “Palestine, may have gotten a lot of press coverage lately, but you're not 'special'. You're just 1 of 1,000 train derailments that happen each year.”


    1. Mystere and I saw the pig slop Shenehneh and her piglets at Boston Piggy are feeding on. The 'shrooms the piglets have sniffed out are not truffles, but are toadstools of political brain poison. I also gave Shenehneh a word about how she missed her opportunities to put her differences aside to send Lisa a kind word of condolence before she gored Lisa's blog again. Boston Piggy probably won't post my reply. I'm just going on record here Tom, as I saw what she permitted to be posted at her piggy sty:

      "Les Carpenter February 16, 2023 at 2:36 PM
      Hey Tom, the Latrine is surely the pace for you. Your thoughts will be validated and the delusions can continue."

    2. Boston Piggy continues to knowingly spread slander and libel at her hate site, knowing that the train wrecks occurring are the fault of Bidet's reckless abandon in accepting bribes from special interest groups during 0bama's carpetbagging in the 0ffal 0ffice that he turned it into.

  19. Donald Trump is going to be the Democrats worst nightmare in 2024. That tells you all you need to know...
    Former President Donald Trump leads a field of actual and potential Republican presidential contenders in a new national poll looking at the growing 2024 GOP nomination field.

    Trump stands at 43% among registered Republicans in a Reuters/Ipsos national public opinion survey released on Tuesday, with Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis in second place with 31% support.
    Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years.
    Trump worked to end internal immigration and gave us the lowest illegal immigration of our lifetime.
    Trump worked to establish fair trade with China.
    Trump cut the corporate tax rate...a b.s. tax that corporations just pass on to us.
    Trump slashed onerous regulations.
    Trump gave us three supreme court justices that interpret the Constitution traditionally...not using the flawed "living document" theory.

    And with the whole time hampered by the FAKE Russian Collusion Hoax perpetuated by the Democrats and their propaganda allies. the Media.

    1. Agreed, Political Chick, but I add that Trump already is the Democrat$' Biggest nightmare right now AND the biggest nightmare of the RINO$ aiding and abetting the Democrat$. They're the Brood Of Viper§ in the Den Of Crook$.

  20. Les Carpenter is Boston Piggies latest Lap Doggie.

    1. Мои задние шрумы выдают огромный взрыв, особенно когда ты засовываешь язык в мою заднюю дыру!
      Minu põkk käärid annavad välja tohutu bang eriti siis, kui sa kleepid oma keele üles minu peakääri auku!
      Ähli-aýratyn, sen dilini ähli deşigime salan wagtyň öňüni öwürýär!
      Мої сідниці видають величезний вибух, особливо коли ви вставляєте язик в мою дірку!


  21. A train derailed and dumped hazardous chemicals all over East Palestine, Ohio . In a so called controlled burn, I guess that it don’t matter that it released hydrogen chloride and phosgene into the atmosphere along with a thick black cloud of smoke that almost exactly resembled a volcano eruption, as if Mount Vesuvius erupted in the suburbs of Ohio! As a result of this, local wildlife, pets and livestock have been dying off, fish have been floating by dead, and people not surprisingly, are feeling the effects of it as well. While the people in the area were evacuated, shortly after they were told it was safe to come back despite reports of illness. Understandably, the citizens of East Palestine and surrounding towns want answers, transparency, and solutions for safe clean up and restoring their communities and the environment. Not surprisingly though, they have been dismissed, and labeled as agitators and conspiracy theorists if anyone calls out the corruption and hypocrisy of how it’s being handled. Where is the climate change activists’ outrage? Where is the swift government response to provide aid or address real health and environmental concerns? Compare this to the Flint, MI water crisis. Cries came from the Left of “environmental racism” because it wasn’t taken care of swiftly, being in predominantly black and brown neighborhoods instead of white affluent ones. Is it really that much of a stretch to allege that since it happened in predominantly white, conservative middle America where the data shows the populace voted mainly conservative, that may be a factor in why this isn’t generating as much outrage? Oh, but of course you’re just being paranoid if you aren’t “black or brown” and make similar allegations!
    All this while our “President” who has already said that there isn’t any Help coming from FEMA, because it wasn’t a “Natural Disaster”, it was only a Plain Old Simple Disaster! We now measure Disasters by their nomenclature.
    Other very prominent, and PERFECT examples from well known events would include the DISASTER on the January 6th aks the“INSURRECTION” and supposed violence from Conservatives when eye witnesses reported said violent mobs weren’t part of the Conservative groups, but plants by the Left, or the supposed events simply didn’t transpire. In contrast, the “mainly peaceful” protests by Antifa and BLM, as buildings literally burn behind news reporters live and looters rushing out of stores with designer brands “in order to buy food” were not worthy of any major response by the government,, those were GOOD DISASTERS. . The Biden Administration tells us the economy is up, not down despite the clear evidence to the contrary when we see our credit card statements, bills, savings, stocks etc. Gas is over double in price since Trump? Doesn’t matter! Groceries cost double your budget now? Biden’s reality says otherwise…

    1. I can’t believe what’s going on in this country.. our “President” has made a surprise visit to Ukraine when the people of Palestine, Ohio are suffering so much …. the Americans are suffering and we have a man we callour “ president” who goes to visit with his thug friends in Ukraine. How many billions of dollars are the elite US politicians and the corrupt Ukrainians making out of this graft?
      Of all the money all the taxpayer money that we all work hard for ….it’s going to drug dealers and thugs and corrupt politicians in America and in Ukraine, and must likely Biden’s Crackhead Son. .
      The timing could not be any worse or any more anti-American .. As for Joe Biden how does he even call himself a Catholic? This guy goes to Ukraine when the American people of Palestine are suffering. It’s almost like He’s doing this on purpose to show the American people he doesn’t give a DAMN about them. Horrible leadership we have a terrible president right now.
      In Ohio, just because animals are dropping dead and their eyes are burning,
      as millions of DEAD FISH FLOAT by, and HORSES are CONVULSING,
      the EPA told them all it was Safe to Go Back Home,.
      It will all be Ok, So stop whining just because NO federal money will be given to you and your home you and won't even be able to sell it now.
      But if you walk away and count your home as a total loss, don't try to write it off on your next tax returns, it won’t work.

  22. Zelensky Just hit The Lottery Again, and the people of Palestine Ohio gets Zip!
    A million pounds of dangerous, toxic material dumped out, water contaminated, pets dead, fish floating, animals dying, the 'clean-up' burn created an acid bi-product, thousands of pamphlets were handed out about the numerous cancers and other ailments this disaster will cause for DECADES...and our own Government says No Can Do!

  23. Trusting THIS administration is difficult if not IMPOSSIBLE when there is SO MUCH evidence of corruption, self-interest, and a lack of accountability in our Leader!

  24. Our Ignorant President can’t even read from a script, without SCREWING UP?
    Biden is a Corrupt, Senile MORON!

  25. After waiting 10 days to EVEN MENTION the Train Wreck Disaster at all, Pete Buttigieg's tweets were MUCH too little and a lot too late.
    How about, instead of tweeting about it, DO SOMETHING to help those poor people. Like getting your pathetic arse down there and HELP THOSE PEOPLE.!

    1. We're seeing what kind of psychopaths 0bama, Bidet and Buttkrieg really are. They're showing us their vertical smiley faces and the vile offal streaks on their political burqas. Our northern neighbor Juicy Turd-0 is about to get taken out very soon as well. The Canadians are steaming livid as they see Turd-0 and Bidet destroying North America as a whole. God has said as of Sunday in a prophetic message delivered at Church International in Warrior Alabama that Xi might be handing over Joey's dirty deeds to public exposure; it's not absolutely certain yet. Xi is weighing his options because he knows he will implicate himself if he hastily brings out the evidence for the world to see it.

  26. The "Train Wreck" was only "Part and Parcel" of the denying Progressive morons that have this Obsession with Trump Derangement Syndrome, Lester Poo-Poo Pants, and his Progressive Madam can’t help Blaming Trump for All BiDumb’s screw-ups, including the Newest Balloon Deboggle.We need to get RID of this Stuttering Deadhead before he kills us all... And that includes Uncle Festerman our brain-damaged retard , as well as Morticia, our Vice President..Other wise we are going to have lots of very Serious Problems


  27. Whenever a Democrat catches the flu, they will blame Trump. If Elizabeth Warren stubs her toe, they blame Trump. If Pete Buttigieg misses his PLAY time with his baby, he blames Trump, When Liz Cheney lost her election, she blames Trump..When Nancy Pelosi tore up the State of the Union speech, because she was drunk or brain damaged, she blamed Donald Trump.
    How do you expect Trump to get ANYTHING accomplished if he had to defend himself from all that Nonsense?

  28. Personally, I don't give a rats ass about what any of these Liberals/ Progressives, or Socialist-Democrats , say or think. I think that they are born with a mental disorder. Especially their view on Illegal Immigration.
    Some of these big Cities in America like Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, and New York City , and San Francisco are nothing less than a SANCTUARY’S for the HOMELESS, the HIP HOPPER’S, DOPERS, MURDERER’S, and they are mostly either DRUGED UP, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, OR MEMBERS OF ANOTHER MINORITY TRIBE ..I have lived and worked the majority of my life here in Manhattan, New York, and I’ve seen this one-time wonderful city go from a great place to live in to a cesspool of crime and destruction, like most Liberal Cities, and especially the Cities that are run by Liberals . ..
    Many cities do not allow police officers to arrest illegal’s any longer especially if they are people “of Color”. This has happened ever since the so called Unarmed People of Color being Killed by Police! (As they call it). Like the shootings of Michael Brown in, Ferguson, and the Gentle Giant Eric Garner in New York, or the Black guy who was Beat-to death Tyre Nichols.
    Our Mayor in New York, Eric Adams is a patsy for minorities, he has been in a war with the Police since the first week that he came into office. Instead of being tough on crime, he told the police that THEY must change their ways!

    If the truth be known Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage, and protest from the Black community led by the Tace Baiters like Al Sharpton and his ILK..

    One of our Muslim Presidents goals is to flood our system with illegals from Mexico, Columbia, who where flown and then Bussed, and released here by the thousands to drain our off our benefits to those who have done nothing but drain our resources..

    It pisses me off to no end when our own Delusional and Senile President, and his idiots in government, such as Mayor Pete, that idiotic Looser refer to illegal aliens as Immigrants, or simply called Undocumented aliens, and Undocumented immigrants. Describing an illegal immigrant as illegal is legally accurate! So why bother changing the correct term?
    Honorable men and women who come/came here Legally like our ancestors are welcomed with open arms like our Women of Color Vice President Nut-Job did . I have nothing but respect for people who come to America searching for a better life, and who have a visa, issued by the United States. If someone comes to the United States without a visa, or stays after his or her visa is expired, that person is breaking the law, and should be sent back to wherever the HELL they came from.

    1. I have relatives who came here legally decades ago. They know the value of legal immigration.

  29. Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl. This Delusional, Senile imbecile is simply amazing, Has no empathy, and there is nothing he won’t try to blame on Donald Trump. This man has an. intellectual disability!
    Yesterday, this Mom who lost her TWO Sons to fentanyl poisoning told her story to Congress, and .Today when Biden was asked about it, Biden laughed about it,and then he blamed Trump
    . His trying to Spin This to put the blame for it on Trump! makes.
    And Bidumbs defenders are a PATHETIC bunch of Stupid unqualified Voters to have put that Lunatic in the Presidency in the first place.
    Just look at what he did to this country in two years!.

  30. My friends, you don’t need me to tell you that we are in Deep Doo-Doo, and we Must get Rid of Biden, and that Crackling Vice President Kamala before we lose what’s left of our Democracy!
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we have a president who is Compromised by the Chinese from the doings that his Crack-Head Son has already done.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we have a Week, Delusional, Senile Old man for a President in the Whit House who waited 7 (Seven) days to shoot down a Spy Baloon that China Joe allowed to spend in our Air-Space intercepting all the information that they wanted to.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our nation is suffering mightily under the progressive communist democrats led by a corrupt, lying, cogitatively impaired fool and backed by an equally incompetent hack who is almost as incoherent as her boss.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our treasury is being plundered by corrupt politicians from both sides of the aisle who are spending money with near-zero accountability. Some profit greatly from stock trades based on the same type of insider information that would send an ordinary individual to jail.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that we are sending 140 billion dollars to Ukraine to pay salaries and pensions in addition to arms – as seniors on a fixed income prioritize food and rent over critical medications. And that it will most likely end up like those Billions of dollars worth of equiptment did in Afganistan.
    You do not need anybody to tell you that our nation is being invaded by a hoard of illegal aliens, including criminals and terrorists, who are sucking up local and state safety net resources meant for Americans. And that the progressive communist democrats are openly defying federal law as they keep our Southern Border open to illegal aliens. Not to mention the near-unchecked transit of drugs like fentanyl, killing Americans.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that our corporatized media and oligarch-controlled social media platforms are censoring the news and canceling dissidents with other viewpoints.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that there are serious issues with current vaccines and their side effects.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that we are suffering from inflationary prices, and food is being deliberately destroyed to enable price support for corporate agriculture. At the same time, smaller farms are squeezed out of existence -- and billionaires like Bill Gates are gobbling up farmland.
    .You do not need anyone to tell you that our corrupt educational system is sexualizing young children and creating racial divides by claiming whites are the oppressors and non-whites are system-victimized oppressed. Never mentioning that the Democrat Party gave us slavery, secession, segregation, and decades of anti-civil rights pushback,
    You do not need anyone to tell you that our streets are becoming more dangerous as progressive communist democrats open our prions and return hard-core recidivist criminals to our communities. Or refuse to prosecute criminals—the final insult to their victims. Nor do you need anyone to tell you that the progressive communist democrats are trying to cancel the Second Amendment, denying your God-given right to self-protection -- making it safer for armed criminals.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that the progressive communist democrats still suffers from a legitimate mental illness known as the Trump derangement syndrome.
    You do not need anyone to tell you that our national security is at risk as our country and its employees are being bought by China who flew a Gigantic SPY Balloon over our entire Nation for 7 days getting information with a Free-Pass before our delusional President shoot it down.

  31. "Dr. Jill" is responsible for encouraging Delusional Joey knowing full well the consequences of allowing him to be a puppet for these Democratic Sciopaths.


  32. Democratic Socialist’s and the Progressive Leftist Media Dread the news that is coming out NOW As Tucker Carlson has been Fully Revealing the January 6th Truth. The ENTIRE Truth is finally coming out, now that Tucker Carlson has the entire video.
    The J6 Committee, especially Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Liz Cheney now claiming they never had access to any security footage.. The Police "acted as tour guide" , The lies keep coming. They're shitting their pants now that the media has access to all the footage. The entire committee’s sham needs to be investigated..They All have been caught red-handed denying these defendants of their civil rights and that's the best that they can do. Those people should not be in prison, the Capital Police officers were actually opening locked doors to let the protesters in. They actually gave the Viking guy a tour of the building..

    Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Liz Cheney and many of the others should be in prison instead of the protesters.
    Now, I'm waiting for the segment when the BLM supporting Capital Cop shot That Poor Unarmed Woman Ashli Babbitt, and Murdered her..

    Thank you Tucker Carlson for showing us the truth. And now the far left can realize there WAS NO INSURRECTION It was all a Democratic Scam!


  33. Michelle “Moochie” Obama said that they had a Scandal Free Presidency during Barrack’s Presidency

    Well, how about, and what would you call it when
    Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s chief adviser and family friend, proudly announced Monday that his administration had been scandal free during his eight years in office. Breitbart News, however, disagreed and let me present a short list of those “Scandals”
    Let Me Count The Ways!:

    There was the great “stimulus” heist when Mr. Obama grabbed almost trillion dollars for “stimulus” spending, but created virtually zero private-sector jobs, allowed a great deal of the money to vanish and spent the rest of his presidency complaining he needed hundreds of billions more to repair roads and bridges.

    And how about: Operation Fast and Furious: Mr. Obama’s insane program to use American gun dealers and straw purchasers to arm Mexican drug lords so the administration could complain about lax regulations on American gun sales to restrict American Second Amendment constitutional rights. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata, plus hundreds of Mexican citizens, died as a result of the blotched operation. Attorney General Eric Holder escaped charges claiming he didn’t know what his subordinates were doing.
    Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress: Because of Operation of Fast and Furious. the White House, Democrats and the press protected him. Mr. Holder said it was “politically motivated.”

    And the ObamaCare: Obama-Care would not be affordable said Jonathan Gruber, Ph.D., MIT professor of economics and chief architect of ObamaCare which passed March 23, 2010, without any Republican vote.

    “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” he said in San Francisco in 2012. “And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

    The lies started earlier. On June 23, 2009, Mr. Obama said, “We will keep this promise to the American people … if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period.”

    That was the “lie of the year,” said Politifact, a project of the Tampa Bay Times.

    And how about on April Fool’s Day 2010 after he signed ObamaCare in March, Mr. Obama said, “If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you.” It hasn’t happened.
    We heard in one presidential debate, “If you’ve got health insurance, you keep your own insurance, you keep your own doctor.” It was a lie.

    1. And
      And all the Spying on journalists: AP reporters and James Rosen of Fox News, etc.

      And on he IRS scandal: Selective targeting of conservative groups, i.e., pro-life and Tea Party groups, by a politicized IRS, denying tax exempt status. IRS officials lied allowing scandal kingpin Lois Lerner to retire taxpayer funded.

      How about te biggest scandals of all time, the Benghazi: In a failed attempt to send arms to Syrian rebels, four Americans died because Mr. Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send help. They then lied about the cause of the attack for weeks afterward, prompting Mrs. Clinton to ask “What difference at this point does it make?”

      And when Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s secret server: Subverting rules, she was guilty of sending classified email on her home-brew server, and Mr. Obama knew about it.

      And what would you call the NSA SPYING SCANDAL: Edward Snowden’s pilfering of sensitive National Security Agency data damaged national security, creating diplomatic problems and AG Eric Holder thanked Mr. Snowden for performing a public service by exposing surveillance programs the Obama administration didn’t want to talk about.

      And lets NOT forget about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl:when he left his post, went AWOL over to the Taliban, soldiers died looking for him, yet Mr. Obama traded five high profile Taliban prisoners for him, flouting the law and lying.

      The Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment: that was pushed through with LIES AND MEDIA MANIPULATION, Mr. Obama allowed Iran to pursue nuclear power, paying it billions of taxpayer dollars to use for worldwide .

      And the scandal with the General Services Administration that wasted all that taxpayer’s money on your husband Barrack’s lavish parties; and then the administration tried to cover it up.

      Amd PLEASE don’t forget about the VA DEATH LIST SCANDAL: Department of Veterans Affairs put veterans on secret death lists and executives turned in phony status reports and signed themselves up for big bonuses. Mr. Obama spun the news with hollow promises.

      The Green Energy know as the Solyndra: scandal the “crony capitalism” into the American political lexicon, cutting corners and wasting $535 million of tax dollars.

      Secret Service gone wild: White House fence jumpers, tipsy Secret Service agents driving a car into a security barrier and agents soliciting hookers in Columbia.

      And the government shutdown of 2013, Mr. Obama did everything he could to make citizens feel maximum pain, from barricades to keep veterans away from memorials, to releasing illegal alien criminals from detention centers — an infuriating lesson for voters in how every dollar they get from government is a dollar that can be used against them when are they impudent enough to demand spending restraint.
      People like the “So Called’ Reverend Al Sharpton. pulled the race when ever they he the chance.

      And my Favorite when then President Obama said that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "ACTED STUPIDLY" in arresting a prominent black Harvard professor

  34. Isn't it wonderful to live in the NEW America where democrats use our legal system to make up their own reasons to Indite people by intimidating/harassing/humiliating, and Cheating political opponents and find them guilty of a Felony that never existed, then prosecute them, so that they can gain an advantage in the elections?
    All that they need to do is to get a George Soros BOUGHT Criminal Loving District Attorney and make a Felony out of a nothing Burger
    I will leave it to you to decide if the rule of law has been compromised by the Progressive, Communist, Democrats and their media propagandists!

    NO MENTION OF Joe, and Hunter Biden, and the rest of the Biden Crime Family and the China Millions contributions recently, for God knows what. But Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels 150K is a BIG THING.
    Hunter Biden Slept with his late Brother's wife, and She ALSO got millions from China. Hunter slept with his Brothers wife, and got Millions from some So Called “Anonymous” Chinese buyer for Ridiculous Paintings that was OBVIOUSLY a Laundered Money Payoff . And More Millions from Hunter Biden’s payoffs from the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings and that ended with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    The House Committee investigated Hunter Biden found that he, and other Biden Family members, including Joe Biden the (Big Guy) indirectly received $1 million from a Chinese company.
    The Failed United States President opens the Southern Border for MILLIONS of Illeagles to storm into the United States, He is wholly responsible for the FAILED withdrawal of Afghanistan where 13 US Marines were KILLED. This same US President WON’T even pay a visit to a City in America where a Disastrous Train Wreck accrued.
    The President is more interested in Trans Men using the Women's Bathrooms then he is about the Failing Economy. A Vice President who was given the job as the Border Czar and won’t even Visit the Border. But DENIES the FACT that the Border is full of Chaos, and Mayhem, with Drugs including Fentanyl coming in and killing our Children Sex Trafficking, Women, and Girls being Raped, Our Economy has gone to Hell in a Handbasket.
    Our Country has the HIGHEST Crime Rate, the Highest Inflation Banks Failing, Stores, and other Businesses closing in over 40 years!

    And DONALD TRUMP gets Indited, by a inept, incompetent, unqualified District Attorney for paying “Hush” money which is NOT even a Crime to and Stormy Daniels.... REALLY? Is your head spinning? Well mine is!

  35. Alvin Bragg is abusing his office to target Donald Trump while he’s reduced a majority of felonies, including violent crimes, to misdemeanors. For REAL Criminals. He has different rules for political opponents. The American people wont stand for it and they will PUT Donald Trump into the White House because of it.Bragg has made clear he will pursued Democrat policy, refusing to prosecute criminals, but will prosecute any law abiding citizen who intends to defend himself
    I think that Alvin Bragg belongs in jail. Trump belongs in the White House!

  36. Well, I am outraged by seeing, and hearing about these people from 134 countries, most of them that are 3rd world Nations that are pouring into the United States illegally, and bringing all kinds of TROUBLE along with them.. .
    There is no certainty or assurance that some of these migrants are not criminals or/ and terrorists, Drug dealers, Sex Traffickers, and only God knows what else!
    Many are from countries that are enemies of the US & who hate America. Some could even be high level spies, like from China.
    This migration, for the most part , demonstrates how terrible life is in the 134 countries from where the migrants are leaving.
    It also demonstrates how inept & incompetent this administration is & how broken the border is !
    The DHS Secretary, Mayorkas is a traitor & a lying clown with no fear of any responsibility or accountability !
    There is no question he is bought & paid for, like his boss Biden.
    Kamala Harris our “Border Czar” who was supposed to address this calamity of a border is nowhere to be found, but thinks it’s a big Joke as she Cackles at every question that she is asked.!


  37. Are You as Sick, and Tired, and plain outright Outraged about the Liberal, Marxist, Democratic Nazi, Communists, as I am? Are you sick of them wanting to Change America?
    They want to ban our guns -
    They are Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship -6.) They think that they are Above the law.
    They are Demanding uniformity of the populace in thought and action -
    Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced
    Thjey are Killing their own Babies!
    They seem to Resorts to crime or violence to use as leverage to force change
    They are Anti-Semitic
    They are ruled by oppressive decree than legislative action
    They Implement their own agendas rather than do the will of the people -
    They are Blood Thirsty for war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs k
    They even create their own Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live.
    They Gain their power through Fraud and Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means. - Check
    And they Promote social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation. - Check
    They believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth.
    They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in “Unity” by those things they have in common.
    They Cheat in every Election, because it’s the only way they know how to win!
    And they have people like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, and Biden to execute their Filthy Agenda.
