Saturday, February 4, 2023

Countries Launch Investigations into Chinese Police Force / Investigating Chinese police stations operating on Canadian soil / MORE Illegal Overseas Chinese Police Stations Found / Jerusalem Dateline - Israel/US Joint Military Exercise Signals Strength to Iran 02/03/2023


Jerusalem Dateline reported on the invasion of the Chinese Communist Party into North America, using the cover of "Chinese Police" helping Chinese Immigrants.  Investigations turn out that the Chinese invaded North America and other regions outside of China to spy on the citizens.

In the meantime, far left behind liberal extremists gloat with glee and beg for far left wing extremist policies to be inflicted upon the United States of America and become law.

The far left wing extremists will resort to calling the Chinese Invasion of the United States a far right wing extremist policy, blaming Donald Trump.  They will blatantly accuse conservatives of attempting to start WW3, when in reality, the left wing extremists have plotted to start a war.  Shenehneh and her blind and deaf dingbats at Boston Piggy's Progturd Eruptions hate site will oink the mutterings of the far left cabal.  Currently, the left are blaming the balloon spying on Donald Trump and "right wing extremist war mongers" to excuse their pants pooping squatter in the Oval Office aka the "0ffal 0ffice."

The left wing extremists will be blowing into their dog whistles, calling conservatives racist war mongers wanting to bomb the Chinese.

Juicy Turd-0 refused to take out the balloon when it flew over Canada because he was too busy french kissing his butt buddy Xi and playing with Kim's Ding Dongs.  And JoeJoe was eating his ice cream cones and too busy getting his butt wiped to do anything.

Update 2/27/2023 I shut down the comments on this post because liberal blog troll This 0ne aka Pookie Toot-Toot farted in the comment section.  His nasty fart of doxxing someone is never welcome.  The blog team won't tolerate it, so we had to sadly shut down commenting on this individual post.  But no worries!  The other posts are open for now.


  1. Shoobee and her deaf and blind dingbats at Boston Piggy's Progturd Eruptions hate site will oink the mutterings of the far left cabal. Currently, the left are blaming the balloon spying on Donald Trump and "right wing extremist war mongers" to excuse their pants pooping squatter in the Oval Office.

    1. Which piglets are oinking their hate at Boston Piggy's place?

  2. Lester’s Last DanceFebruary 6, 2023 at 4:00 AM

    How to destroy a superpower in two years or less.

    ** Open Borders
    ** Wild inflation
    ** Excessive spending
    ** Arming the Taliban
    ** Turning your backs on Afghan allies
    ** Bow to Chinese
    ** Create a domestic energy crisis,
    ** Keep the same clowns in charge of military who just surrendered to 10th century barbarians
    ** Promote nuclear war with Russia

    1. Nursie Poo Poo must be gloating with glee over this.

  3. The realiry-denying Progressive morons have an Obsession on Trump Derangement Syndrome, Nurse Lester Poo-Poo Pants, and his Madam can’t help Blaming Trump for All BiDumb’s screw-ups, including the Newest Balloon Deboggle.


  4. Once the Spycraft Chinese balloon completed its mission, Chiana Joey finally gave the word to shoot it down. This is after it went from the Pacific to the Atlantic all over US airspace. Now they say they were examining the balloon, & picking up " intelligence " on the balloon.
    But just for political reasons they also say that three such balloons crossed the United States during Trump's presidency. Obviously no sane & objective person believes that, but they say it any way for their followers & the insane.
    Another excuse for the delay in shooting down the balloon, was for "safety reasons." They did not want the " debris" to fall on the city & its people. Everything with Biden is "say & pretend".
    I am sure Biden & the democrats scored many extra points with the Chinese.
    The gaslighting & lies have gone wild, right before the State of the Union address.
    Propaganda is strong with this administration, be ready for disappointing lies & smoke & mirrors & applause by his party.

    Biden will deliver the State of the Union speech. He should start it by saying The State of the Union is a “"Sad State of Affairs",
    But I have no doubt it will be filled with propaganda & misinformation & lies, and the TYPICAL Biden Cock N” Bull stories. !
    It will be divisive & uninspiring, and make many of us fall asleep !
    Biden will blame everyone but himself & the democrats for the failures of the country. Under his watch the borders are broken, millions of illegals have been let in, and are now demanding to be put into 5 Star Holes, with Room Service and a Rood Top Swimming Pool.
    & food prices have skyrocketed. Inflation is robbing the middle class from their living standard. The substantial increase price of food, or going to restaurants. And the homeless numbers are increasing and fast. We can see them all over New York City now as well as San Fransisco, and all the other Major Cities. . His corruption of decades & gross negligence in handling classified documents are disturbing.
    Gas prices are the highest ever & Crime is worse than ever. We can’t even go into the Subways for fear of being pushed onto the tracks, or having our face slashed with a razor.
    Russia invaded a sovereign country and Iran is killing its own people and the Afghanistan people, particularly the women, are less free than ever. China is taking over the world & dares to fly spy balloons over American air space, & threatens to invade & take over Taiwan.
    Little children are being indoctrinated & instead of real education they are exposed to transgender lifestyles & taught not to use real pronounsand & a whole host of other useless subjects.
    The federal government & its institutions have been weaponized against the people & the DOJ & FBI act totally politically and partisan.
    Free speech and owning guns are under attack & The Constitution is under attack.
    Under the pretext of equality and equity Biden and the democrats and the MSM push “ Woke agenda, Critical Race Theory, non existent white supremacy, & fictional systemic racism”.
    THAT is the real ” State of the Union”. !
    One of the most disturbing memories of State of the Union addresses was when Nancy Pelosi, so shamelessly and indignantly tore up President Trump’s address to the nation.. But YOU CAN BET that McCarthy WON’T stoop that low and retaliate.
    Trump should have delayed his speech for a moment, turned around & looked at Pelosi & clapped & then resumed his speech. He was too much of a gentleman
    & true leader to do that.
    What Pelosi did was so awful & full of contempt & hate.
    I wonder if Mcarthy will give a finger to Biden during his speech ?
    I am sure not !
    The State of the Union has never been so dismal & dangerous.
    This country & the world are far worse off under this incompetent imposter than it has ever been.

    1. Biden pooped his pants last night. You could see Kevin McCarthy smelled it from where he was sitting by the expression on his face.


  5. Biden did not disappoint, he was the same pathological liar that he always is, and Democratic voters are the same Fed Sheep

  6. With only Five minutes in to his State of the Union speech Lynn Biden started his lies about gas prices, the Inflation, the Border, the Chinese Spy Balloon . and his so called “ Unity “ What a LYING MORON !

  7. Sarah Huckabee Sanders spanked the Bidet Administration by setting a bunch of records straight last night.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Pookie Toot Toot, I won't let you dox others on this site.

  10. February 27, 2023 at 11:46 AM:

    "After a search using the criteris given. We could not locate any additional search results for your criteria.



    You lose, Pookie Toot-Toot!
