Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Joey Biden Says "I Want Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!""

Really Joey?  Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is the solution to everything?  Boy, Joey!  That's quite insightful.  Way to go, Joey!  Stupidity down to a new low!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Trump Won - Natasha Owens


Originally posted on Hillary Clinton Watch

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Irrational Nation USSR

 Words from an old White Buddhist in Belchertown Massachussetts:

All this is sorta like looking up a dead goat's ass. America as we've known it is dying. And soon, if rethuglicans have their way, it will be dead.


Speaking from your life experience, Leslie?


Leslie, Nanshee wants to dance with you.