Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Joey Biden Says "I Want Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!""

Really Joey?  Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is the solution to everything?  Boy, Joey!  That's quite insightful.  Way to go, Joey!  Stupidity down to a new low!


  1. So, Senile Joey make Jokes at a Press Conference Over at the expense of the Nashville Shooting
    Fox News cuts to Joe Biden expecting him to speak on the Nashville shooting, instead finds him ranting about eating Jeni’s Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
    At first I thought that was some kind of Fake News, because I didn’t even think there was any possibility, or no way that Joey could be that thoughtless , but damn... He really said that, he really is that dumb.

    Making Jokes about “Jill”, and then joking about Ice Cream, while 9 year old Kids were just Murdered, WOW, and a whole room of reporters, that don't give a damn about how hes going to try to worm his wayout of that.
    Wow, what a grotesque way to begin a press conference

  2. In MY Humble OpinionMarch 31, 2023 at 7:18 AM

    There can be no stakes higher for a prosecutor than to indict a President or a former President.
    And remember this, if you go after Trump you had better get him. Because if you don't there’s going to be Hell to pay. This abuses of power is the most HORRIBLE thing that could ever happen in America, and Mr. Bragg is the cause of it all as well as the people who put him up to this.
    China and Russia are watching and laughing at the dying of Capitalism.

  3. I am addressing this to the young athlete who came in second place to a biological male, YOU won 1st place and everyone knows it. Some are just too brainwashed to admit it, but don’t let their cheating take away from your win.

    I am addressing this to the women’s advocate who is called a bigot for standing up for women’s safety in women’s spaces, know that countless women applaud your efforts.

    To the girl who was punished for raising concerns about having a boy in your locker room at school. Do we as Americans really have to stand for this? And why isn't this Poor excuse for a President doing something about it? Is he to busy defending his Crackhead Son? Or is he to busy enjoying all the money that he has been given by our ENEMIES for killing this country?

  4. Fuck Biden, .and Fuck Hunter.
    Their crimes have been CONFIRMED SO, Charge them...and throw the Sons of Bitches in Jail!


  5. Shaw, we all know, that you don't give a damn about all tho corruption on your side, by Both Joe, snd his Douchbag Son Hunter, they can be as corrupt as they like, just so you 'win'. Salty tears are those that claim it's about 'democracy' when they get laughed out of the room for their blatant hypocrisy. You'll burn down the country to get your way, just like you did in 2020

  6. Jake from State Farm.March 31, 2023 at 2:57 PM

    So, a Crooked, Por-Criminal New York City Prosecutor in Manhattan that was paid for, and groomed by the NAZI George Soros suddenly pulls something Out of his Backside and the Progressive Crowd goes Ape-Shit, and starts to celebrate the indictment
    Meanwhile your fellow Dip-Shits are celebrating a won battle but soon will see that you lost the war.
    I didn't think that you (Shaw) were so simple-minded. But then again , I shouldn't have been surprised.

  7. As we have learned from reading Shaws blog any supporter of Joe Biden is a treasonous asshole.

  8. New York's DA Alvin Bragg doesn't usually attempt to prosecute many felony cases, and when he does it is said he doesn't even try to win. He is making an exceptions this time for Trump.

    Do you think he will recommend a '"cashless bail" like he does for his usual violent criminal clientele or do you think he will insist on an extremely high bail for Trump, maybe even argue he be held in Jail? Without Bail because he is a 'flight risk'?

    I wouldn't put anything past that SOB Bragg!

  9. The parade of lies, false accusations, and the phony stories from the Demented LEFT goes on and on and on and on and on......It Doesn't matter to the Leftist Demented, Avenger, or the Subverted Demoralized Zombie Meatheads, of course!

  10. And the Award for biggest Quisling scumbag goes to..Chuck Schumer

  11. Achtung Genosse Derwisch! Warum hast du den furzenden Imbecile vor die Kameras bekommen und einen Arsch aus sich machen lassen, diese dummen Witze über Schokolade Schokoladeneis krähen? Wie kannst du so leichtsinnig leichtsinnig sein, dass dieser Narr unsere Party vor allen so schlimm aussehen lässt??? Hast du deine schlampige nasse Zunge in Josefs Arsch gesteckt und jede Ecke geleckt, bevor er vor die Kameras ging?

    1. Es tut mir so leid, mein höchster Oberbefehlshaber! Heil Schittler!! Heil Schittler! Ich war damit beschäftigt, das ganze Schokolade Schokoladeneis aus Josef Bidens fettem Arsch aufzulecken, um ihn auf seine Pressekonferenz vorzubereiten.

    2. STFU, you Fat Ass Morron

    3. I always thought that the Asswipe Dervish Schindler was a Filthy Nazi, and Now he's proved it.

    4. Here's a translation to Adolf Schittler's comment: "Achtung Comrade Dervish! Why did you let that farting imbecile get in front of the cameras and make an Ass of himself, crowing those stupid jokes about Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream? How can you be so bigly reckless, letting that fool make our party look so bigly bad in front of everyone??? Were you sticking your sloppy wet tongue up his ass, licking every nook and cranny before he went in front of the cameras?"

      And here's Derpy's reply: "I am so sorry, my Supreme Commander In Chief! Heil Schittler!! Heil Schittler! I was busy licking all the chocolate chocolate ice cream from Josef Biden's fat bigly ass to prepare him for his press conference. "

  12. Sky News Australia delivered some swipes at Joe Biden with this short excerpt from their show The Outsiders:

    He's the world clown who keeps on humiliating the United States daily.

  13. So what if Biden is Senile and Shits his pants, he still didn’t pay off a Prostitute.

  14. The democrats should nominate Angela Davis For POTUS: She Would Expos the Injustice In the Criminal Justice System of New York.

  15. The Progressive Blog stinks


  16. New Polls: Voters Doubt Biden's Mental Fitness for Office. Dems Don't Want Biden to Run Again. Bottom Line: HE SUCKS!

    1. I hope he announces his plan to run again in 2024 real soon. If he lives to see 2024, it will be quite the clown show to see his kookoo train getting politically derailed in front of everyone. In fact, it would be even funnier to have retired California Governor Moonbeam jump on the Democrat bandwagon to see if they could win. It would make their clown show go over the top.

  17. Before I forget, yesterday was Dervish's birthday.

    Happy Birthday Derpish!

  18. Has anyone else ever thought that we would be living in such corruption? We desperately need to Stand Up and Speak Up, WE NEED to Take Our Country Back!
    Thanks to the prosecution of a former president by the Biden Administration and everything else that has deteriorated since Joe Biden became the President .China, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, you name it.....Nobody respects the United States anymore.
    Our freedoms are declining. Our Right’s are declining, our FREE Speach has already been shut down. This man in the Oval Office is ruining our country.
    He and his Crackhead Son, have been colluding, with the Enemy, the way that they accused Donald Trump of sony, ONLY they are really doing it. It's just amazing to see how much our country has gone downhill in the past 2 years. The day after the Biden administration took over our country has changed more in the past 2 years then I have seen in my entire lifetime. We aren't lost yet, but we're getting to the end of the rope and we must do something to change tings before it’s to late.
    And perhaps we should start with that boogeyman George Soros, he’s funding our destruction. And that Delusional, walking Vegetable Joe Biden laughs while he trips over his own feet while he’s walking.
