Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sky News Australia: Lab Leak Liars Exposed



  1. In 2016, Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130k thru his attorney Michael Cohen, to not speak about the affair.
    Trump paid $130k to his attorney, Michael Cohen, who in turn gave the money to Stormy Daniels.
    The transaction was recorded in the books as “legal expenses”.

    The Manhattan District Attorney‘s case is based on New York penal law 175.05. That is a statute makes it a crime to enter a false entry in the business records of an enterprise…a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

    It basically means do not keep false books. This HAS A 2YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.
    The District Attorney cannot charge Trump with this, as the incident occured in 2016.
    So, there is New York penal law…….a felony….if the intent to defraud by the false entry was in the commission of a crime.
    The District Attorney is trying to say it is a federal campaign violation to pay hush money to someone.

    Mueller already looked at this and decided it was NOT, and the same thing was decided by the former District Attorney Cyrus Vance who said “This is NO case”. .

    So this case is totally a load of BS.

    The DA also has no authority to attempt to try a FEDERAL campaign finance case.
    His 'star witness' Michael Cohen is a professed Trump hater who reportedly carries a grudge against Trump and wants to see im ho to jail. This 'witness' had been caught TWICE committing Perjury against Trump.

    The first time resulted in his felony conviction and sentence to jail time.

    The second time was on his way to jail, when Democrats again attempted to use his testimony against Trump.
    -- It was uncovered that Adam Schiff coached Michael Cohen on his testimony for approx 12 hours prior to testifying against Trump.
    The only thing that's changed since it was Thrown Out is that the incident is further in the past than the last time they testified about it. How does that equate to any new information? It doesn’t!

    1. Bragg's handlers are desperate to keep Donald Trump out of office of the President. They keep tossing anything and everything to screw up the campaign. But it's backfiring big time in their faces.

  2. Wasn't the Blow Job that Clinton got part of his "PRIVATE LIFE" when he ejaculated onto Monica Lewinsky's dress and then lied about it under oath and was disbarred and impeached?

  3. The Constant persecution of President Trump is a continuation of the police state that has been created under the Communist, Socialist Democrat Party as well as the highly Corrupted Biden Administration!
    It is immoral, hateful , partisan, meritless , tyrannical, and extremely Un-American...
    The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, is a Leftist, Incompetent and Corrupted Stooge for the New York Attorney General, and the Democrat party as he was funded by the Nazi Lover, and American Hater George Soros .
    He has allowed repeat violent criminals to go back on the streets, and add to the Crime in New York is at record high levels.
    These Sicko District Attorneys are not at all interested in controlling Crime or upholding the Laws , but rather totally politically motivated and driven by their Sick Marxist ideology.
    For the Democrats and the Looney Liberals, the left, mobs protesting with violence & anarchy are acceptable and they call them “ mostly peaceful” but protesters who peacefully protest against them or for Trump are called all sorts of names & “ insurrectionists” !
    The double standard is what is expected in a banana republic or a dictatorship.
    Ever since Barrack Obama, the government and its institutions have been politically weaponized against Conservatives & Republicans in favor of the Democrats.
    This possible indictment of Trump for allegedly “ paying off “ the Porn Star, Stormy Daniels, is pathetic !
    The Democrats and the left are so power hungry that they are willing to destroy all institutions of Democratic rule & its principles.
    The hate & persecution of Donald Trump is not by accident.
    it has been calculated & organized by domestic & foreign powers because Trump was not part of their corruption & the swamp they created.
    He was exposing the “ DEEP STATE” and that was not going to be easily allowed !
    They Still Fear Him, but Even More Now , because a lot has been revealed and exposed,,, such as the Biden Crime Family, and it is well known now that Hunter Biden”s Laptop computer is REAL But Hold on to your Horses, there's a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Jim Jordon.

    1. Kerry, get your popcorn out! The clown show is continuing with a train wreck headed their way.

  4. These Unelected Progressive Communist Democratic Appointees like Alvin Bragg, are abusing their power…

  5. Trump would win against Potatohead if an election was held Today, Tomorrow, or in 2024!
    And So Would Desantis.
    There's No Question About It!
    So Have fun with your STUPID Trump Indictments IDIOTS!

  6. Is there anything more obvious, logical and just plain simply right than not allowing “ Biological Males”to compete in Women’s sports !
    If you were born a Male, you should not be allowed to compete with Women in sports !
    Why must such an obvious matter have to go to the Supreme Court ? I’ll tell you why , because many people in this country have lost their minds & there is NO Common Sense left ! We need to stop the loony left, this has gone far enough! In Fact Much Too Far. The Tyrannies are trying to take over the Country, why? Because we allow them to.
    The leftist’s celebrates trans males winning and dominating in womens sports ... but they have said zilch about trans men dominating in Mens sports. Where are the biological Females that identify as Men that are dominating Mens sports eh ? The girls in my family are very much into gymnastics…which is a pretty hefty financial investment for parents and athletes…Just to have the sport taken over by Men who can’t compete with other Men, so they compete with Girls! Not Fair. . Why bother paying for training if the profession is allowing itself to become a Joke!
    There should absolutely be no way that a “Mentally Confused” boy pretending to be a Girl should be able to steal their thunder!
    It looks like a ridiculous celebration when a a dude is getting a trophy for coming in first in an women’s event in which he shouldn't have been allowed to compete IMHO. It's not a celebration.
    The Democrats love anything that can divide the people. I think the idea of people who are born Males competing against others who are born Female is not only a bad idea, but a VEY STUPID idea.
    They now call it “diversity, equity, inclusion” ! We must never - ever - allow Men to participate in Women's sports, or even partake in them

  7. What we are witnessing now in America is the Criminalization of politics. It is NOT right and it need to be stopped. This time it’s the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg funded by the anti-American extremist Soros who is falsifying a charge to Criminally Indite Donald Trump!
    According to FOX News legal mind Gregg Jarrett, Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg HID nearly 600 pages of exculpatory evidence to the New York Grand Jury investigating President Trump.
    We have all witnessed the Democrats attempt at the Russian Hoax..And what Obama,.Bxiden and Hillary Clinton did to try and stop Trump from running was an unprecedented attack on our Democracy and yes the largest political scandal the US had ever seen, And what we DIDn’t see was Hillary Clinton arrested and put in Jail where she belongs …well until now where we have Democrats trying to indict a political rival, just to take him out of the race. Alvin Bragg is abusing his office to target Trump while he himself has Reduced a Majority of Felonies, Including Violent Crimes, to Misdemeanors leading to having these REAL Criminals complely released. . He has different rules for political opponents. The American people wont stand for it and they will catapult Trump into the White House.
    And as for the Russian Hoax! It wasn't Trump who was the Hoaxers, it WAS Obama, and Hillary Clinton contacting the Russians,
    Since his taking office President Trump has regularly called upon the Justice Department to investigate those individuals he perceived as political opponents. But nothing ever happened to them, But now they all put their money on an Idiotic NY District Attorney and the already convicted LYING Attorney Michel Cohn A letter from the Lawyers representing Michael Cohen to the Federal Election Commission in 2018 should end the case...
    The ACTUAL reality was that the Hillary Clinton campaign and with the help of the DNC paid for Russian Disinformation…the Federal Election Commission even helped and contributed , funded them for trying to cover it up in an illegal campaign, but the entire thing was a scam

    The Democrats always try to BLAME others for what they are doing themselves.

    1. Shenehneh at Boston Piggy's pigpen is a poster child of left wing extremist hate. Her piglets are desperately grasping straws to attack conservatives at all costs.

  8. Are You as Sick, and Tired, and plain outright Outraged about the Liberal, Marxist, Democratic Nazi, Communists, as I am?
    Are you sick of them wanting to Change America?
    They want to ban our guns –
    They are Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship -6.) They think that they are Above the law.
    They are Demanding uniformity of the populace in thought and action –
    Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced
    They are Killing their own Babies!
    They seem to Resorts to crime or violence to use as leverage to force change
    They are Anti-Semitic
    They are ruled by oppressive decree than legislative action
    They Implement their own agendas rather than do the will of the people –
    They are Blood Thirsty for war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs.
    They even create their own Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live.
    They Gain their power through Fraud and Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means.
    And they Promote social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation. – Check
    They believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing the truth.
    They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in “Unity” by those things they have in common.
    They Cheat in every Election, because it’s the only way they know how to win!
    And they have people like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, and Biden to execute their Filthy Agenda.

  9. To all the women who have been overshadowed by the Left’s gender ideology, we see you:

    To the mother whom the Left calls a “birthing person”, no one will ever take away the lived experience of having carried, birthed and raised children in the way only a woman can.

    To the young athlete who came in second place to a biological male, YOU won 1st place and everyone knows it. Some are just too brainwashed to admit it, but don’t let their cheating take away from your win.

    To the women’s advocate who is called a bigot for standing up for women’s safety in women’s spaces, know that countless women applaud your efforts.

    To the girl who was punished for raising concerns about having a boy in your locker room at school, now you know that just because someone is in authority, doesn’t mean they’re right. Keep standing up for what is right for you and your classmates.

    To the researcher who was told to bury the results of your research into transgender ideology, speak up in other ways. We don’t need a PhD to see the lunacy in front of our noses!

  10. Since Joe Biden’s presidency has shown his Cowardness, his Incompetents, and his Haltered for America
    And made to a very great degree worse by former President Barack Hussein Obama and his favoritism for Iran over the United States, as evidenced by his policy of providing a path for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons with the fear of ignoring inspections and allowing the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles and other advanced weaponry that would make it be very easily to reach America, and to destroy American Cities .
    Without interfering with Iran's falling economy it would allow the continuance of the regimes state-sponsored terrorism and therefor hit the population of the United States without any problems at all.
    It does not seem to matter to the progressive communist democrats that Iran is a brutal regime with little or no regard for Human rights. Even worse, they are the cause of the death and dismemberment of U.S. Military Service members.
    Former Vice President Joe Biden expressed concern Thursday night that President Trump’s decision to kill Iranian general Qassim Soleimani was made recklessly and without regard to the possible forms of Iranian retaliation.

    The Biden Administration’s statement says that its goal is to deter future attack by Iran, but this action will certainly will have the opposite effect.
    Biden said in his statement on Twitter that Former President Trump just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.....

    Biden conceded that Soleimani deserved to die for the death and destruction he’s brought to America as their commander of the elite Force, but voiced fears that the administration has not demonstrated at any discipline, or anything else is necessary. This is disgraceful this is disgraceful what Iran is doing, the stakes could not be higher. Obama and John Kerry must be very proud. Considering that Iran has attacked US bases 78 times in the past 2 years.
    Under Obama, Iran was strengthened with billions of dollars and an idiotic nuclear agreement. Just as with Black Lives Matter, we are now seeing the fruits of Obama's efforts with Iran. Netanyahu, Macron, the leaders of Israel and France will meet amid growing concerns over the threat posed by Tehran

  11. Since Debenture Joe Biden’s presidency he has shown his Cowardness, his Incompetents, and his Haltered for America
    And made to a very great degree worse by former President Barack Hussein Obama and his favoritism for Iran over the United States, as evidenced by his policy of providing a path for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons with the fear of ignoring inspections and allowing the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles and other advanced weaponry that would make it be very easily to reach America, and to destroy American Cities .
    Without interfering with Iran's falling economy it would allow the continuance of the regimes state-sponsored terrorism and therefor hit the population of the United States without any problems at all.
    It does not seem to matter to the progressive communist democrats that Iran is a brutal regime with little or no regard for Human rights. Even worse, they are the cause of the death and dismemberment of U.S. Military Service members.
    Former Vice President Joe Biden expressed concern Thursday night that President Trump’s decision to kill Iranian general Qassim Soleimani was made recklessly and without regard to the possible forms of Iranian retaliation.

    The Biden Administration’s statement says that its goal is to deter future attack by Iran, but this action will certainly will have the opposite effect.
    Biden said in his statement on Twitter that Former President Trump just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.....

    Biden conceded that Soleimani deserved to die for the death and destruction he’s brought to America as their commander of the elite Force, but voiced fears that the administration has not demonstrated at any discipline, or anything else is necessary. This is disgraceful this is disgraceful what Iran is doing, the stakes could not be higher. Obama and John Kerry must be very proud. Considering that Iran has attacked US bases 78 times in the past 2 years.
    Under Obama, Iran was strengthened with billions of dollars and an idiotic nuclear agreement. Just as with Black Lives Matter, we are now seeing the fruits of Obama's efforts with Iran. Netanyahu, Macron, the leaders of Israel and France will meet amid growing concerns over the threat posed by Tehran

    1. Biden continues to get laughed at by the world. The Saudis had a TV skit recently about the jackal.

  12. Stop voting for democrats if you want Restaurant Prices, the cost of goods and services to go down, then stop voting for those Sociopath, crooked Democrats to be. The president, and to institute all those NUTTY, CRAZY policies, In my, and many others', lifetime we never, never imagined a person as Depraved, Delusional, Senile, etc. as Joe Biden. Is that Potatohead the person that you would want to become the representative of the American people? Just how Nuts can this country get?
    .... And how long will it take for you people to wake up?... How bad do things have to get before you will wake up? How much are we going to take before we become another THIRD WORLD Nation?
    Say whatever you want to, but in my opinion Restaurants DO have a choice. Raising prices due to inflation is completely understandable and to a certain degree I agree with the restaurant owner. And I really do not have any problems with them doing what is necessary. But I also have noticed and very often that some restaurants have been taking advantage of the situation and are OVERLY raising their prices, as for example the Credit Card charges, this is and always was added on the the restaurants mark-up on their prices. So doing both (raising Prices and charging for the use of Credit Cards ) is over doing a situation.
    I definitely do not go out to eat as often as I used to. I just can’t afford to. and when I do, I definitely look at prices before I order. . Especially when alcohol is involved. The nickle and dimeing BS has gotten out of hand. As well as this new Crazy inflated charges for Coattails, and other drinks.


  13. By the time this is all over there won't BE anything to leave. While you chattering monkeys obsess over Trump, our economy is teetering on disaster, our open borders are a joke and China and Russia have just joined forces and look to be predominant on the world stage.

    But you know.

    Five years ago Trump paid off a prostitute, and MAYBE paid off a prostitute and that no federal agency would even touch but somehow, someway a NY state prosecutor is going to charge.him!
    Meanwhile China, snd Russia sre eating our lunch! While our economy tanks thanks to the IDIOTIC in the White House


  14. Joe Biden has done so much to support the illegal immigrants, We don’t need him, as our President, he has only ruined us, and has never helped us,

  15. These Un-elected Moronic Progressive Communist Democratic Appointees like the District Attorney in NY Alvin Bragg, are abusing their power, And SHOULD BE impeached FOR THAT. ESPECIALLY WHEN A MORONIC DA LIKE THIS ONE HAS MADE IT HIS LIFE'S DREAM TO "GET TRUMP".
    This is not a matter of revenge, it's a matter of upholding the law.

  16. Biden is either taking a page from Rules for Imbeciles or he doesn't have a clue what he's saying and just following the script his handlers give him. I don't know what is more worrying, the people who know this is not true and will repeat it anyway or the morons who actually believe Biden's garbage.

  17. Nothing says FAILURE like the case of Biden handing over Billions of dollars worth of, military equipment/weapons, pallets of cash, and vehicles as we turned tail and ran out of a country run by people who at the intelligence of stone age soldiers, that still wipe their asses with their bare hands.
    I see the LACK of experience here from the Democrats trying to convince the low IQ's that Joe Biden and his inept advisers of foreign policies seem to posses .

  18. “Dr” Jill, is even DUMBER than her Idiotic Husband Joe Biden , as she thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries

    1. Tom, I accidentally deleted your last comment.

  19. As Tom was saying, Joe Biden had made some stupid moves regarding the Nashville School Shooting, especially when he said he came for Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

  20. The Pedo Gay Groomers and Pedo Transvestites need to leave people's Children alone. Stay out of the schools. They are crossing a bright line. They need to keep their affliction to themselves. Stop bothering other people, and most of all, STAY AWAY FROM OUR SCHOOLS!
    And NOW we have a Transvestite that was the School shooter yesterday!
    The left’s obsession with transvestites will have our Country into a Civil War .For the past several years we’ve seen, and heard the Left scream about Gun Control, and “Banning Guns” so what will they start banning now “Transvestites”?
    We have had the Left’s Drag Parties, Drag Day’s, Bring you Child to Drag Story Day, California Teachers are trying to "Indoctrinate schoolchildren" about Sexual and Gender Identity. They're even “Grooming” 7-year-olds
    This Grooming NONSENSE is happening in the entire Country.
    Even Disney got into the animation business by going woke and by “Grooming” Kids.. This is now openly taking place in our public schools
    The Attorney General of New York had a Drag Show for Children in New York City just last week, where they read from a book calling it “Drag Queen Story Hour” that is now accessible to our kids across the country, and to make matter even worse, they Send invitations to Parents inviting them to the Drag Shows, and telling them to BRING the Children!
    ...The left wing’s Democrat party is now Grooming Children for sex and left wing beliefs, this CRAP is never ending !

  21. Lets face it, If the Nashville School were a White Male, then the Trump Supporter’s would be Blamed. And there is NO question about that..
    But now that it was confirmed that the Shooter who shot, and killed six, including three children, was identified as “Transgender” . . It looks like CNN didn't get the memo! As they did not make any such mention of it.

    And after seeing that the shooter has been identified as a Biological Female Who Identifies as a Male, the media will start to claim she is just as much of a victim as the people she killed.

    1. Great point Kerry. Mystere posted about some of that on Cleveland Foxers. He sent me his stuff. I'll be going through this and posting in a few hours.

  22. Not Happy about BidenMarch 28, 2023 at 6:45 AM

    Did you all hear Biden’s joking about being “Jill’s husband” and his IDIOTIC JOKE about Only coming for the Ice Cream?
    What a Moron we have for a president.

  23. So it turns out the School Mass Shooter was a Transgended Women
    How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling? These people suffer with a state of unhappiness, or frustration, and it can be a symptom of several mental health conditions. But whatever the case we must Stop coddling these perverts and sickos.
    I demand Tranny Control now!

    Meanwhile, the lefty Lapdogs have already taken marching orders from the leftist Media or from Biden to blame Republicans, and especially the MAGA Republicans or White Supremacy, Domestic Terrorism, Climate Change, or whatever , Donald Trump tell us to.

  24. So it turns out the School Mass Shooter was a Transgended Women
    How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling? These people suffer with a state of unhappiness, or frustration, and it can be a symptom of several mental health conditions. But whatever the case we must Stop coddling these perverts and sickos.
    I demand Tranny Control now!

    Meanwhile, the lefty Lapdogs have already taken marching orders from the leftist Media or from Biden to blame Republicans, and especially the MAGA Republicans or White Supremacy, Domestic Terrorism, Climate Change, or whatever , Donald Trump tell us to.

  25. As we enter the next phase of our Boiler Conversion Project, the building will be subject to a Full Heating and Water Shutdown Tomorrow, March 29th, 2023. This is a FULL DAY SHUTDOWN beginning at 8:00a.m.

    We urge residents to take steps to prepare, including but not limited to the following.

    Complete any tasks that require water prior to the shutdown (Do as much as you can tonight if possible)
    Stock up on water bottles for your use throughout the day (for personal use and cooking)
    Fill your bathtub with water and make sure you have a bucket (For use with the toilet during the shutdown)
    Once our work is completed, water services will be restored immediately. It will take time, however, for our systems to bring hot water and heat back to temperature. We will be sure to update you on our progress throughout the day

  26. Just Who is Behind this Sick TRANS AGENDA?
    The Democrats, and the Progressives, and the Marxists are behind it .. they know that the Gayer someone is the more likely they will vote Democratic... So there you have it!
    All that you people do is scream about what Trump or MAGA Republicans are doing. Why are you so fixated on other people’s lifestyle choices? Why don’t you criticize anything the NUT-JOB in the White House has, and IS doing, and what his CRACKHEAD Son has done?
    You people on the Left have been Ape Shit Crazy about anything that Donald Trump does. And you have wanted and wating to "GET HIM" for seven years now for nothing he has ever done to you. But all he needs to do is to use a little spray tan and be a few pounds overweight and you're STILL at it despite failing now ten out of ten times and gonna fail some more, yet here you are laughingly calling OTHER people crazy just for not wanting some weirdos and sexoes spreading any communicable diseases or freakish lifestyle ideas to their children before they are even out of grade-school. How about being pissed off that YOUR GUY was taking Showers woth his Daughter? How about that?

  27. The Constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense is not 'an Opinion, it’s an American Constitutional Right
    Once again, we find a deranged, disaffected, dysfunctional individual committing a horrific act against children – an act of pure evil that transcends sex, gender, political ideology, and cultural adaptation, all of which may have influenced their actions but are almost irrelevant to the discussion.

    You cannot control the “INSANE” actions of criminals, crazies, or terrorists, or their ability to obtain weapons! They will use any method to perpetrate their Filthy, and underhanded deeds. Legally purched or not you still have a God-Given, and American Right to personally use any method of self-defense to defend yourself, and your family or anyone else that may be in the way of being harmed.
    It is absurd, nonsensical, and immoral to strip any law-abiding American of their of their given and Constitutionally right to own and bear arms to do so. And that’s why I say that the Constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense is not 'an Opinion, it’s an American Constitutional Right
    And there you have it, the Government, or Joe Biden
    can not regulate or decide whether or not the right to bear arms is legal.
    Today, Many American Liberals are still trying to exclude certain types of rifles that are inappropriate weapons for a citizen to own. But those idiotic Commie, Fascists have no clue about the US Constitution.
    Let them tell that to the Parents of the Children that have died by those Sick’os. This is not a Crime Crisis, it is a Mental health Crisis. And you are never going to convince a Mentally Ill Person about Gun Laws, or Gun Free Zones.

    1. Transgenders make up about 0.5% of the population, but recently there have been about 4 mass shooters who were transgender.

      Should red flags go up when they buy a gun? I would strongly think so.

  28. Look at what that Ass Dervish said on that Progressive Rag !

    The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders March 29, 2023 at 11:20 AM
    We need to repeal the second amendment and take away all guns and other weapons, period! There is absolutely no reason to have guns, bows & arrows or any other weapon, ever.

    1. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 in his fart pipe dreams!

  29. The ASS-WIPE Dervish Wrote this Stupidity on Boston Piggies Blog..

    The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) said...

    I stopped by one of uptheEndo's hate blogs and saw him posting fake news from right wing sites posting staged videos of Joe Biden. Those videos show faked right wing clips of Biden talking about chocolate chip ice cream, rather than quickly addressing the school massacre. But then again, right wing extremists will resort to hiring actors to stage anti Joe Biden propaganda to publish fake news for right wingers to swallow. The right wingers went several steps farther than expected: they sent those clips to Australia for right wing extremist news sites in Australia to make it a kangaroo news cast. UptheEndo posted it on his hate filled right wing extremist site Cleveland Foxers.

    I wonder what other new lows will right wingers sink down to, in order to try stealing political offices in 2024 and beyond. We all know every seat the GOP occupies is stolen. What new low will they try to pull off to assassinate Joe Biden's family with, and other Democrats' families' reputations? I must admit grudgingly that their staged propaganda of using a fake Biden giving a news conference and rambling about chocolate chip ice cream can be convincing to braindead right wing extremists and maybe some on the fence, which makes it dangerous.

    1. Go figure that Derpish is slurping up the pig slop at Boston Piggy's site.

    2. Assface Dervish knows where he can puke out his pig slop.

    3. Assface Dervish is as blind as a bat.

  30. Bombshell: AG Garland ordered US Marshals NOT to arrest protesters outside SCOTUS justices' homes’

    Biden's Banana Republic. This fascist administration only enforces laws that support their agenda
    THE LAW says that you cannot protest in front of a judge's home, so why is the law being ignored.
    Last year, individual Supreme Court Justices were targeted by protesters after an illegal leak of a draft decision aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade before it had been officially decided. At the time, even the left-wing Washington Post admitted such protests were likely illegal according to Title 18, Section 1507, of the U.S. Code.

    “While protest is indeed ingrained in American democracy, legally speaking, the comparison between protesting a politician at home and a member of the judiciary at home is inexact. And experts say the latter category of protests is probably illegal regardless of how peaceful the demonstrations are,” the Post admitted.

    “The law states that it is illegal, ‘with the intent of influencing any judge to: ‘picket or parade “’n or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,'” it added, “‘or with such intent,’ to resort’“to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence.'”

    Not surprising. Attorney General Garland was just trying to intimidate the Justices, to get the decision his boss wanted from them.

    1. Who’s Dervish Sanders, never heard of the Ass-Wipe!

  31. So, Senile Joey make Jokes at a Press Conference Over at the expense of the Nashville Shooting
    Fox News cuts to Joe Biden expecting him to speak on the Nashville shooting, instead finds him ranting about eating Jeni’s Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
    At first I thought that was some kind of Fake News, because I didn’t even think there was any possibility, or no way that Joey could be that thoughtless , but damn... He really said that, he really is that dumb.

    Making Jokes about “Jill”, and then joking about Ice Cream, while 9 year old Kids were just Murdered, WOW, and a whole room of reporters, that don't give a damn about how hes going to try to worm his way out of that.
    Wow, what a grotesque way to begin a press conference

  32. It has been the goal of the DNC & the democrat machinery, with the help of the mass media propagandists & democrat operatives to wrongfully brand MAGA Americans as racists & white supremacists!
    This has been a very calculated effort by the left & the democrats to shame & intimidate & silence the tens of millions of hard working, law abiding patriots of all colors & sexes .
    This has been an effort to distract from the real mobsters of violence & anarchy like Antifa & BLM which wreaked havoc & destruction for months on end in 2020 & on .
    Anyone with good intentions & common sense know very well that MAGA is all inclusive & means what it says, which is Make America Great Again !
    Unless you dislike or you are an enemy of this country MAGA should make you happy & proud to be an American.

    While the divisions & misplaced priorities of the democrats & the left are destroying America, China is overtaking the world & expanding its reach all over the globe & replacing American dominance.
    It is no secret that the Chinese government & other U.S. enemies are much happier with Biden in the White House, than Trump.
    It is also not hard to believe that the real election collusion & interference was with the democrats & the Chinese, rather than Trump & the Russians. Even Putin & the Iranian Mullahs prefer a fool like Biden & the democrats !
    I wonder if the MAGA haters think the world would be a better place under the communist Chinese rule with the other enemies of America & freedom !
    I just wonder !

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