Wednesday, July 19, 2023

More Misadventures Of Moonbeam And Gaffing Gavin Nuisance - (Dedicated To Nordikgirl)


Dedicated to @NORDIKGIRL from the Litterbox gang.  Yes, we will take California back from the looney bin crowd.


  1. How can anyone even THINK of putting Biden back into the White House??

    1. Joe Biden is the Best President Ever of the United States!

  2. A country that allows thieves to go into stores & steal thousands of dollars of merchandise without any consequences or
    legal punishment is a country with no law & order & no morals !
    The people who commit these crimes are Godless & shameless because they do this in broad daylight & in front of cameras & store employees.
    The police have no incentives to capture these low lifes because the district attorneys are corrupt & stupid & incompetent !
    They have laws allowing thefts of up to $1000 to go unpunished & the criminals to be let free !
    This is becoming a society with those who act terribly & immorally & as criminals get a free pass , which encourages more criminals to join
    The same goes for crime which is at its highest in decades, thanks to woke & liberal district attorneys & judges who do not protect the innocent victims but rather the criminals. It’s called being “progressive” !!
    So many businesses are closing shop & moving out of these crime ridden areas.
    San Francisco is a big example. You cannot expect more from a Nut Job g-Governor Newsom & a Corrupt to the hilt Lunatic Nancy Pelosi !
    Blue states & cities are truly lost !

    1. Gavin Newsom is the BEST GOVERNOR EVER of all 50 states! He will be an excellent 2 term President after Joe Biden finishes his second term and Kamala Harris finishes her 2 terms.

  3. Biden Is The Worst President In Last 100 Years​

    1. Joe Biden is the best President ever in the 248 years of the USA!

  4. How crazy are the Democrats getting?
    Or are their LIES about Donald Trump all because that are afraid if him?
    Lets look at their Nonsense, and LIES.

    Lets start with the Moron in Chief calling Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy.

    The belief that: Donald Trump must win the primary so an addled Joe Biden can beat him.

    The plan: Indict Trump so he can’t serve if he manages to win the general election.

    The revised plan: Replace Joe Biden with someone NOT Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    How crazy is it getting with is Moronic Delusion, Senile, Commander-In-Chief, and his Crackhead Son. ?

    Explicit sex perversion pictures made available to children, while Hunter Biden's dick pics” shock Congressional sensibilities.
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the former Bartender from the Bronx questions corruption investigation while we are experiencing a climate crisis.
    YouTube deletes the live-stream of the congressional hearing because it violates an unspecified something in their terms of service agreement.
    Nobody is above the law except Democrats -- Donald Trump is facing yet another “Trumped-Up” indictment.
    Mainstream media buries explosive testimony for “sex in space” feature.
    Biden is being pressured by black activists to make black reparations a national policy.
    IRS whistleblowers are finally speaking out, and the evidence is damning for the Biden Family.
    The Strategic Petroleum Reserves are probably not going to be replenished in our lifetime.
    Oil prices are going up thanks to the Saudi output cut.
    The war in Ukraine continues apace and Biden wants to call up reservists.
    Paris and other parts of Europe are grappling with immigrant violence.
    Earlier today, protestors stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad and lit a fire to protest the plans of an Iraqi defector to burn a copy of the Quran.
    New York City is no longer welcoming migrants and kicking some of them out of shelters.
    Central Bank Digital Currency could be here any day now.
    A new House report accuses Alejandro Mayorkas of repeatedly ignoring immigration laws.
    Pandemic Ties to Chinese Communist Party Bombshell Revelation: Dr. Fauci Knew.
    And Mitt Romney wants America to notice the ridiculous National Hot Dog Day

  5. Biden about the Ukraine : “You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor (who's investigating my son) or you're not getting the billion dollars.
    And Son of a Bitch, and just like that, the prosecutor was fired!”

    And anyone who believes that Biden is not Corrupt is Crazy, or Blind, or both!
