Sunday, October 22, 2023

Funny Pics



  1. It appears that Joe Biden who can't walk without falling down, can't talk without making a mess of his words, can't ride a bicycle without falling off of it, and can't even visit disaster victims , such as the victims in Maui without making a total Idiot out of himself. by his stuttering, and Blabbering, and lying throughout his slips & falls, he has not even once actually had gotten injured. We never have seen him in a Cast, or his arm in a Sling, or anything like that.

    Could it be that the Clumsy, Lying, Clown Joe is putting on an act, so that he would have a defense to keep him out of prison, when the cats gets out of the bag, and Biden's Crimes get to the point of underfendable. Will he claim he didn't know what he was doing, due to his case of Dementia ?
    I'd stake my life on it, because NOBODY could actually be that Stupid.

    1. Joseph Robbing-It Bidet Junior will not go to GITMO. Instead, that head of the Biden Crime Clan will croak in his sleep and end up at Fire Lake, spending his life in absolute misery.

    2. That's only going to happen in Mystere's delusions.

    3. My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping.

  2. Joe Biden, who never does ANYTHING right, has reall yScrewed Up again this time. . The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran, and Iran's proxies. Biden who also gave hundreds of Million of $$$ to the Palestinians, has just promised to give them another 100 million..
    So, in retrospect, we have the American people and Israel on two different sides. . On one side is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden.
    We, REAL Americans as always, are firmly united with Israel. So, lets call it like it really is, we are actually at war against our "Own" President.
    Those people out there who are protesting in favor of the Palistinions. They don’t understand what they had done to Israel that started this war! They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, remorse, shame, or any patriotism .... And they absolutely do not know what the hell they are doing! They are just following what they were told by their University Professors. .So if you support Biden giving Iran $6 Billion, and Hundreds of Millions of dollars to the Palestinians you're at war against America too.
    Leftists just can't avoid deflecting the subject from Biden's idiocy, to Trump. The real Fact is, while Trump was the President, there was peace. Now, 600 Israelis are DEAD, and us Americans ore suffering the consequences.

    1. We lost quite a few civilian tourists to HamAss as well. From what got reported on Steve Bannon's War Room, quite a few American tourists attended the Music Festival. When Satanic Iran's Demon possessed puppet HamAss started the Jihad invasion against Israel, we lost a huge number of American lives in the process, some who were Jews as well. The blood is on Bidet and the Biden Crime Clan.

  3. Where is Assface Dervi$h bin §atan~§ander$666? Did his outhouse doors jam up and trap him inside his stinkhole closet space?πŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    1. No Mystere, my "outhouse" door didn't jam up.

    2. πŸ”ΊπŸ”Ί Dervish is blushing because he suffered a mishap at his gay brothel dumpsite.πŸ”ΊπŸ”Ί


  4. Do you ever wonder why crime is running rampant in the big cities, such as Atlanta, Chicago, Detriot, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angles, etc. ? The short answer is the Progressive Communist Democrats who continue to pander to their core constituency by excusing Criminal activity, demonizing law enforcement, and releasing hardened habitual Criminals from all over the world into our communities to balance “the numbers.”

    Why would anyone want to join the Police Departments today, knowing that there are those people such as the District Attorneys, the Democratic Mayors, and the Governors who will joyfully destroy your life and the lives of your family based on a false narratives, and lies etc. supported by tainted “facts.” And amplified by a deliberately bias media that serves as propagandists for the Progressive Communist Democrats.

    Who is marching and screaming for justice for Police Officer Derek Chauvin, who was put away behind bars by mobs of people chanting in the streets.
    Sadly, it’s the Liberal Politicians in the big cities, (remember Andrew Cuomo) and the Liberal Law making Democrats in Washington. And it isn’t always about the truth but how the Progressive Communist Democrats will react to the truth, and turn it the way they want to.
    Remember George Floyd? Well according to the official autopsy, was NOT murdered after all. Dr. Andrew Baker, the medical examiner who performed George Floyd’s autopsy, withheld and lied about the True Cause of death because he feared the public’s reaction said in his monologue. “He died instead of what we used to call Natural Causes, which in his case would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his Final Day. In other words, everyone lied about it from the very beginning, and the Police Offices on that case are all Behind Bars and will be there for a very long time. So, I ask you again! Who would want to be a Police Officer these days?

  5. The pictured lady did not say any of those things.

    1. Dervish Sanders on October 23, 2023 at 4:49 PM said "Mystere writes a fake comment, then replies to his fake comment. I think the government should do something about it." Then on October 23, 2023 at 5:55 PM, Dervish Sanders said "The pictured lady did not say any of those things."

      Jealous much, little idiot derp? Or do you have no sense of humor?

  6. What's funny about those pics is how absurdly stupid the text in the word balloons is.

    1. What's funny about those pics is how the captions triggered you, little idiot derp. You took the bait and swallowed it. I played you for laughs, little idiot derp πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  7. The Hamas leader behind the deadliest attack on Israel watched and celebrated the invasion from the safety of his Qatar office.

    Ismail Haniyeh was spotted with other Hamas officials cheering for joy before they prostrated themselves on the floor and praised God.

    It came as the terrorist group launched the single deadliest attack ever launched against Israel - which the Jewish state has claimed is “our 9/11".

    Everywhere Biden's changed Trump's policies, he' screwed up. Which was the worst clusterfuck, Afghanistan of the Border?
    And how about Biden’s screw-Up in Afghanistan, what other country allows millions of illegal’s to simply pour in their country and hand them a Bus pass to just go anywhere they want to? And let alone during a Pandemic when even our own Citizens are under a very tight limit to travel?

    1. Suzanne, there was one thing the Bidet circus ring considered doing that they didn't do yet. They were seriously considering moving the embassy out of Jerusalem and moving it to an area where Muslims dominated the land. I had strangely gotten texts about moving the embassy from polling sites in 2021 and 2022 shortly after Prophet Robin D. Bullock said that Biden does the exact opposite of what God has told him to do. Mystere also got those same notices. Bidet's handlers were trolling to see if it was safe for them to try moving the embassy out but found themselves meeting resistance.

    2. Robin D. Bullock isn't a "prophet". He's a lying POS.

  8. Some new posts:
