Thursday, October 12, 2023

Rachael Weeps For Her Children Again

Jeremiah 31:15–17; Revelation 14:1–5; Matthew 2:13–18

15 Thus says the LORD:

“A voice is heard in Ramah,

lamentation and bitter weeping.

Rachel is weeping for her children;

she refuses to be comforted for her children,

because they are no more.”

16 Thus says the LORD:

“Keep your voice from weeping,

and your eyes from tears,

for there is a reward for your work,

declares the LORD,
and they shall come back from the land of the enemy.

17 There is hope for your future,

declares the LORD,
and your children shall come back to their own country.

The Lamb and the 144,000

1 Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him x144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. 

2 And I heard a voice from heaven alike the roar of many waters and blike the sound of loud thunder. The voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps, 

3 and they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 

4 It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, 

5 and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.

The Flight to Egypt

13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” 

14 And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt 

15 and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Herod Kills the Children

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.

17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:

18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,

weeping and loud lamentation,

Rachel weeping for her children;

she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.”

This just happened when HAMAS (Iran) launched one of the most violent terrorist attacks ever.  This is GENOCIDE against Jews.  HAMAS beheaded Jewish babies, raped and murdered Jewish women publicly, all in the name of their fake god Allah.

Way to go, Joey!  You raided our savings and passed the loot to Iran.  God saw what you did, and He is not laughing.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. ∆§§£∆¢€ Dervish bin §∆+∆π~§ander$666 supports HAMAS butchering Jewish babies, raping girls and women in public and exterminating other non Muslims. Dervish approves of the Iranian Government receiving $6 billion in loot from his idol god Joseph Robbing-it Bidet Junior.

    Next time Dervish, use your account to write your retort. You're too much of a coward to show everyone else what you really are.

    1. You got me Mystere. I was posting while sitting on the toilet with my Joe Biden vibrator going full speed ahead up my butt.

    2. My favorite dish is tube steak smothered in fat gay white men's "gravy".

    3. How much do you love cow farts, Mystere?

    4. Hamas butchering Jewish babies = I approve and encourage bigly.

      raping girls and women in public and exterminating other non Muslims = I condone.

      Dervish approves of the Iranian Government receiving $6 billion in loot from his idol god Joseph Robbing-it Bidet Junior = Happened and condone it bigly.

      Next time Dervish, use your account to write your retort. You're too much of a coward to show everyone else what you really are = too much a coward to let me comment.
      You got me Mystere

      I was posting while sitting on the toilet with my Joe Biden vibrator going full speed ahead up my butt = my butt has had a vibrator inside it.

  2. The IDIOTIC Progressives want us to take in some of the One Million SAVAGE, MONSTERS Gaza refugees, that Killed Hundreds or Thousands of INNOCENT Israelis and even beheaded little babies while their Mothers stood by and looked .
    This is the kind of insanity is what Progressive, Liberal, Democrat Socialists are all about. This is what today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party consists of. .The same Stupid, Clueless Morons of the Left want us to take into our country. This is what these IDIOTS form Harvard and Columbia are Protesting about. This is what these IGNORANT anti-American PIGS are marching in Times Square about!
    This is brought to us by the same “Democratic Progressive” mentality demanding to defund our police throughout America, releasing Felons and Murderers without bail in Blue Liberal Cities would somehow improve public safety.
    This is the why the “Progressive” District Attorneys are imminent threat to all Americans.
    Surely George’s Son Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. Bribing the right officials to funding the Court Judges that will do it in a secret way without others knowing about it. Blaming our Mayors, and others.
    The actions of Jamaal Bowman the U.S. representative for New York is actively working for, to upset the stability and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of that ANTI-AMERICAN "SQUAD" out defeat them ALL in the next election.
    We MUST clean up the mess that the Progressives made with the 7 million people they let in the country thru the OPEN BORDERS and Deport them ALL!. Now is NOT the best time to be asking for another handout from the hard working TAX PAYERS to take in Palestinian Terrorists.
    We don't need more problems to fill the rolls for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into another Gaza. Why do you think not one ARAB NATION will take in these Palestinian SAVAGES? Why do you thing that the people in Martha's Vineyard REFUSED to take in those 25,000 ILLEAGLE’S? So they were sent to New York, LA, SF, Chicago and Philadelphia.
    We don't need anymore of these Nut-Cases, and Criminals running-about loose in our Cities.

  3. Biden Says That “The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake About That!”
    So, you're trying to say we support Israel, just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan. So, you're trying to say we support Israel, and “Have Their Back”... Just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan, and had their Backs??

  4. Was it really necessary for Biden to spend untold thousands to fly to Israel and read from CUE CARDS?
    This is RIDICULOUS! He can’t even express himself talking to Benjamin Netanyahu telling him about what happened to the Hospital last night! Benjamin Netanyahu
    What this Potatohead is doing could have been done on camera from the Oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump up Biden, and try to make him look responsible, but he is even failing at that!. . The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the rest of the world is all aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel’s Prim Minister. .

    COME HOME AND ADDRESS OUR PROBLEM at the SOUTHERN BORDER instead, We are better off without him. He don’t belong where Grown-Up’s are seriously talking about an Importing issue.
    By the way, Biden didn't even mention the American citizens that are being held by HAMAS as Hostage’s
    And on another note: What is an AIRHEAD like Cory Booker doing besides making a clown out of himself? He has NO business getting involve in this situation. .


  5. We allow terrorist-linked students to wage campaigns on our campuses and in our streets. We refuse to deport those non-citizens who support Terror and we’d NOT allow those people into our country at the Southern Border either, as they are doing now..
    In fact President Biden SHOULDN’T even be going to Israel today. It will only invite more violence.
    In facy what is Biden going to do in Israel that he cannot do over a secure telephone?
    If he was going to go, then he should have gone in 5 days ago. As soon as the time for the Palestinians to evacuate expired.
    He wont go to the border or East Palestine and talk to our own citizens….but he will go to Israel at the possible start of a war?
    Just don’t be surprised if his dementia kicks in and he’ll wander off somewhere into the desert.
    The Democrats refuse to acknowledge the mass execution, and the horrific torture of unarmed innocent civilians as they attempt to disarm the law-abiding American people while excusing those who use weapons to commit violence in our inner cities.
    The Democrats refuse to call out Iran as they rush to save Hamas, Iran’s proxy in Gaza, with a ceasefire. They prattle on about proportional responses and collective punishment of Gazans. They refuse to acknowledge the truth that Hamas has collectively punished innocent Israelis on behalf of their religion. Teaching children to hate and kill Jews.

    How is it that our premier intelligence and law enforcement agencies are so busy tracking MAGA protesters in our Capitol that they are missing bona fide terrorists crossing our wide-open Southern Border?
    And, why are we not deporting Iranian students, and doing so NOW?

    The Bottom Line Is…
    President Biden and his Gang of Obama leftovers were WORTHLESS then, and a even more WORTHLESS now.
    To say we are in deep trouble is a gross understatement. The Obama/Biden Administration has totally screwed us, and it won’t be getting any better until that pack of Idiots are gone..

  6. Was it really necessary for Biden to spend untold thousands to fly to Israel and read from CUE CARDS?
    This is RIDICULOUS! He can’t even express himself talking to Benjamin Netanyahu telling him about what happened to the Hospital last night! Benjamin Netanyahu
    What this Potatohead is doing could have been done on camera from the Oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump up Biden, and try to make him look responsible, but he is even failing at that!. . The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the rest of the world is all aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel’s Prim Minister. .

    COME HOME AND ADDRESS OUR PROBLEM at the SOUTHERN BORDER instead, We are better off without him. He don’t belong where Grown-Up’s are seriously talking about an Importing issue.
    By the way, Biden didn't even mention the American citizens that are being held by HAMAS as Hostage’s
    And on another note: What is an AIRHEAD like Cory Booker doing besides making a clown out of himself? He has NO business getting involve in this situation.

  7. There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons, thanks to Obama.

    Well, he did it again, Joe Biden who never does anything right, has really Screwed up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Millions of dollars to the Palestinians.

    In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Good Ole Senile Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly totally United with Israel. But this time, we are also at war against our "own" dumb-ass President.
    And as usual the “Trump Obsessed” Leftists just can't avoid deflecting the TOPIC from Biden's idiocy, to “Trump” . The fact is, while Trump was president, there generally was peace. Now, Hundreds of Israelis are DEAD, 31 Americans are DEAD, and many of both Israelis, and Americans are being held hostage by these ANIMALS. .
    So, do you support if and when Iran’s Nuclear Bombs start exploding in US cities ? Possibly as soon as 3 months from now!
    America ALWAYS believe in “Peace through strength”. The threat of being annihilated is the only thing these ANIMALS understand. So, don’t be so naive.
    So please Liberal’s, Progressive’s, Democrat’s, Wake Up, and Get a Brain.

  8. If you CAN handle the truth the truth is that L C the anti Semitic blogger and commenter is a embarrassment to the entire Blogsphere world ...

  9. Yesterday we saw Hundreds of Jewish American protesters entered a congressional building to DEMAND a CEASEFIRE in the Israel-Hamas war, prompting some Republicans to describe their actions as an "Insurrection."

    Two Jewish anti-Zionist groups, Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, staged a sit-in inside the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building on Wednesday, calling on Congress to push for an immediate Ceasefire and prevent an expected Israeli ground offensive in Gaza.

    "To the best of our knowledge, they were all arrested," Meyerson-Knox told Newsweek. Photos showed the protesters being restrained with zip-ties and led out of the building by officers.

    The U.S. Capitol Police said 305 people were arrested, including three people who were charged with assault on a police officer.

    However, the GOP has it all wrong. This was NOT, , NOT in any way, shape or form an insurrection!

    Let me explain why this is true!.

    1. No one wore a Viking hat. You can't have an insurrection without a man running round with a Viking hat.

    2. This was a mostly peaceful and mostly legal protest. Sure, they assaulted a police officer and broke laws that caused them to get arrested within the building. Big deal. But were any of the unalarmed protestors shot dead by police at the Capital? No !. This tells me that the police did not feel threatened when assaulted by protestors. Also, they were breaking laws within the building until later when they started Chanting , then they were arrested for making un-necessary noise . We all know they will get out the next day instead of being held in jail for 50 years or mor like REPUBLICAN insurrectionists..

    3. These were democrat Leftists. And Democrats can't be racist, they also can't be an insurrectionist. Duh! For example, Hamas is a Leftists organization that is hell bent on the destruction of the Jewish state. However, they can never be racist nor terrorists because they are on the Left. Therefore, they are free to be-head babies and parade Naked women up and down the streets, and torture women young and elderly, and Kidnap Americans and hold them hostage as long as they wish and it's all good, but once the dirty Jews come after them, then it's oppression and apartheid Right?

    4 Rep. Rashida Tlaib led the illegal protest that assaulted a police officer. You can't call it an “Insurrection” when the leader of the illegal activity is an active and sitting member of Congress. Plus, no Viking hat, so no points there. After all, only Trump belongs in jail compared to all of our fine law-abiding members of Congress with their Gold bars and Insider trading, etc.

    5. Trump condemned the protestors that broke laws at the Capital and condemned any assaults on the police. However, Rashida Tlaib praised these things, just like she praised the death of the Jewish and American scum by the thousands at the hands of the glorious freedom fighters of Hamas!

    So don't let any of your MAGA friends tell you there is a two-tiered justice system in the US today. Just get up in their face and start screaming, "No justice no peace!" like the deranged characters you see allover the Streets Protesting all the time!
    Yes, indeed. There was No insurrection here.

  10. Hamas is a corrupt, militant Terrorist group that rules Gaza with an Iron Fist, so the big question must be asked, and resolved : If Israel decimates Hamas, and I truley feel that they will,, who will govern Gaza? Who will be the next in line ? What better choice will the have than those slimy, two-faced, Pro-Palestinian Squad that smells up the House of Representatives? The members who routinely Denigrate, Disparage, and who Damage America and Are Openly Anti-america, Anti-israel, and Anti-Semitic?

    And, for their Supreme Leader, how about that Big Mouthed Squad Member Rashida Tlaib who is proudly flying a Palestinian Flag right now next to an American Flag right outside the door of her Congressional office. What better choice is there then to have another bunch of IDIOTS doing the job? It seems like they always have all the answers anyway!
    And of course the mentally ill, and corrupt Joe Biden, who has the Stupidity to stands in Israel and announces that he’sgiving a $100 million gift of the taxpayer money to Israel’s biggest and closest enemy in the guise of a “humanitarian gift.” Filtered through a notoriously corrupt Pro-Palestinian United Nations and various progressive non-governmental organizations.

    We all heard the announcement... “Today, I’m also announcing a $100 million dollar package n funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank. This money will support more than 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza.” as he refuses to freeze 6 Billion dollar gift that he had already given to Iran   Who targets Israel and is the worlds biggest Nation of Terrorists

  11. Replies
    1. Ich habe gerade eine Kacke in die Hose genommen!

    2. 🔺🔺Dervish, how was that quickie you gushed down? That Moonbat Moonshine took effect in a flash.🔺🔺

  12. Obama and his protege Joey Biden love the idea of handing Nukes to Iran and now Saudi Arabia. I guess ISIS will be their next beneficiary of $6 Billion Dollars and all the missile tech they want, no strings attached. Biden's solution, and contribution to the Party will be to import another 2 million Illegal Savages into the U.S, to Loot, Riot, and cause all kinds of Chaos to cause our Bankruptcy.

    Jamal Khashoggi

    1. Right now, HamAss benefits from the loot Bidet sent to their master, the Ayatollah, the HamAss puppet master.
