Saturday, December 23, 2023

Coal For Christmas?

Dervish Sanders  December 23, 2023 at 8:11 AM

Praise Satan!

December 23, 2023 at 8:13 AM

I want some delicious cat turds for Christmas 🎁🎁🎁🎁


Be careful about what you wish for, Dervy.  Those coals made specially for you might be more than you wished for.  Praising Satan is not good.  That lands you into Fire Lake.


  1. Those comments are both fake. You're the Satan and Cat Turd fan, not me.

    1. Those comments are yours, Dervish. You're the jackal full of hate. You're a hate filled liar who worships Satan.

  2. I saw that comment about cat turds under the name "Mystere" attached to your unhumorous "Christmas Humor" post.

    I am not a fan of Phillip Buchanan, Mystere. I think he's a dumbass. I'm not a fan of your master (Satan) either.

    1. You wrote those vile comments, with your fake Mystere account, along with other vile retorts that are taken down by the blog team. Another thing: Satan is YOUR master, not mine. You stand for a vile crooked traitor who usurped the White House with a stolen election. You back a crooked puppet whose crooked drug addicted criminal boy loots the public and launders the cash through crooked deals. Your idols Joseph Robinet Poopy Pants Biden, his drug addict criminal boy Hunter and the money laundering siblings of Joe (brothers Jimmy, Francis and sister Valerie Owens) are going to be taken out in God's Time.

      As for Catturd, he's not Phillip Buchanan. You hate Catturd because he boldly tells the truth, hurting your liberal stink tank that gives you plenty of loot under the table.
