Saturday, December 23, 2023

Nursie Poo Poo & Davey Dubya's Death Threats...

These 2 clowns think they can issue some vile death threats against world leaders and get away with them, under free speech.  Read what Nursie Poo Poo and Davey Dubya squeal out.


  1. Mystere backs the Orange Hitler. Mystere loves the Russian soldiers who rape Ukrainian women and murder Ukrainians. He wants more of it. Mystere cheers Putin's war crimes.

    Mystere also cheers the mass casualties and suffering in Gaza. Due to his vicious hatred for Muslims. He wants the innocent Palestinian men, women and children to be slaughtered.

  2. Mystere is a extremely evil turd. Unless he repents he will burn in Hell along with the minion of Satan whom he worships (Donald Trump). You will pay a heavy price for worshipping the evil Orange One, Mystere.

  3. Mystere made death threats against Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton and her husband as well as her young grandchildren. Mystere expressed his strong desire for them all to be hung for imaginary crimes.

    This would be the same hypocrite who feigns outrage that some (now fewer) women are able to exercise their right to choose. He wants to see little kids strung up.

    Mystere probably agrees with John Schneider that Hunter and Joe Biden should be hung. Well, the Secret Service is investigating Bo Duke now, Mystere. Should they investigate you?

  4. ∆∆Derpy suffers Massive Political Derangement.∆∆


    ∆∆Let us laugh at Leslie Carpenter's old pictures posted earlier...∆∆
