Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dervish, Why Do You Test God?

The sins of Dervish Sanders keep piling up as he knowingly tempts God Almighty by poking Him in His Eyes.  As Dervish Sanders plays with the occult, trying to cast curses upon everyone he hates, the curses boomerang back at him, causing his chronic pain to get even worse.

Dervish's addiction to pain killers will get worse as he curses prophets.  Dervish risks getting Fentanyl poisoning by attacking God's servants.  As the chronic pain he suffers worsens, the delusion he suffers gets worse, and the temptation to buy cheap drugs from black market sources will look more appealing to him.  When Dervish keels over and ends up in Fire Lake, he will have no one to blame but himself for his bigly demise.


  1. Why do you hate dogs so much, Mystere? Do you believe all dogs go to Hell, or are you only talking about the 4 dogs whose pictures you posted? What do you think those dogs did that they deserve to go to Hell for?

    I didn't write any "Dolfy baby" comment. You wrote that fake retort.

    Chuck Schumer has no ties to Epstein. donald tRump has ties to Epstein.

  2. Dogs don't go to Hell, Mystere. You are an extremely wicked weasel to suggest such a thing.

    There will be zero dogs in Hell for the fake prophet Amanda Grace to care for.

  3. donald tRump is a rapistJanuary 5, 2024 at 10:56 AM

    According to Katie Johnson, donald tRump "ripped her clothes off to have sex with her in a violent assault". This occurred at Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan home in 1994.

    E Jean Carroll says she was sexually abused by Trump in the spring of 1996 in the dressing room of a Bergdorf Goodman store across the street from Trump Tower, where Trump resided.

    A jury awarded her $5 million for sexual abuse and defamation that occurred with comments Trump made in fall 2022.

    As per Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

    "The jury... found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina", Kaplan wrote...

    donald tRump is a rapist, Mystere. Mystere defends rape. No doubt he will delete this comment. Maybe because the religious nutter thinks God told him to.

  4. donald tRump will burn in Hell for his many sexual assaults and rapes, Mystere.

    donald tRump and his buddy Jeffrey Epstein took turns raping a 13 year old child!

    Mystere is an extremely wicked weasel for denying the truth that donald tRump is a sexual assaulter and rapist.

  5. Dervish Sanders suffers mental illness, caused by Satan Worship which he gleefully engages in with pleasure. And no, Derpy, dogs don't go to Hell. I never said dogs go to hell, YOU did. Your pooches will be cared for by Amanda and Chris Grace when their times to go to Heaven come to pass. Your dead dogs are being cared for by someone who cared for their siblings who has passed into eternity. Scooter fears for your eternal doom awaiting you. Your other mutt that recently died is with Scooter.

    And falsely accusing Trump of crimes is fuel for the intense fire you will fall into when you send yourself to Fire Lake. Your stupid aliases you use are perfect for the clown show, Dervish. Who are you going yo smear next, Derpish?

    The more you poke God's Eyes, the faster you will seal your demise. The meat hook is getting sharpened and heated if you keep it up.
