Friday, January 5, 2024

The Epstein Island Bogeyman Cometh For Epstein Islanders.. 

The calm before the storm has arrived.  The storm the Democrats and RINOs fear now whips the wind, as it's set to expose them and wipe them out.  That client list will expose a number of people.

Dervish Sanders will accuse Trump supporters of doctoring the client list when charges come up big time against his Democrat idols.

Hey Dervish, your boy Chucky Screwmer is a pedophile!


  1. Mystere:'s set to expose them and wipe them out.

    In your delusions Mystere.

    Mystere: Dervish Sanders will accuse Trump supporters of doctoring the client list...

    No. tRump's name is on the list, Mystere. tRump and Epstein took turns raping a 13 year old girl.

    Mystere: ...when charges come up big time against his Democrat idols.

    I seriously doubt that's going to happen. donald tRump, IMO, is probably guilty... But I doubt he will be charged either. tRump has gotten away with raping and sexually assaulting women his whole life.

    Mystere: Hey Dervish, your boy Chucky Screwmer is a pedophile!

    You're a liar, Mystere. Epstein gave money to his campaign. That doesn't make Chuck Schumer a pedophile.

    1. Mystere isn't here, Dervy. Your fixation on Mystere is a sad mental tick and grand delusion. Must I show you a vile photo of Chucky? Used toilet paper boy Chucky is a sicko.

  2. btw, Mystere, you said dogs would be cared for by the fake prophet Amanda Grace... Since Amanda Grace is going to Hell, any dogs she would care for in the afterlife would also have to be in Hell.

    I never had a dog named "Scooter". Or "Jigaboos". Or "Buttstink". Those are name you made up. The second one you thought up because you're a racist.

    1. So it's the black faced pooch that croaked, eh, Derpy? The one with the brown streaks is still alive eh?

    2. So, Buttstink is the one that got freed to pooch heaven.

    3. And by the way, you're the racist, Derpish. You hate Asians, Blacks, Mexicans and Jews who don't vote for left wing extremist commietards.

  3. Notice that Mystere admitted that he should (but is not) ashamed of his behavior.

    1. Wow, Derpy! Referring to Mystere as an ape, eh? Proof that you're a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
