Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Prophet Hater


  1. I'm not any kind of prophet, Mystere. I've never claimed to be.

    "Presidential assassination" doesn't apply to donald tRump any longer. He isn't currently president and won't be president again. That is a prediction, not a prophecy.

    Re your claim that I am an "arrogant piece of garbage"... I can't see that words in the balloons you have coming out of the primate's butt. They are too blurry. I assume you placed words in my mouth. Things I have never said and would never say. Because you are a bigly liar. And are sinning by bearing false witness against me.

    "A false witness is one who stands up and swears before others that something untrue is true, especially with the intention of hurting someone else or ruining his reputation. The lies told by a false witness come from the sinful human heart -- along with murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, slander, and evil thoughts (Matthew 15:19). Jesus said that man is defiled by these evil things that come from the heart".

    1. Satan also quoted scripture. He told Jesus to jump from a high point, saying that "Angels will protect" him from the fall. Jesus said to him "It is written: do not tempt the LORD your God."

      Your quote of scripture is a ploy of Satan, Dervish. You still want Donald Trump and all his blood relatives taken down by bullets.

  2. btw, I am a FAKE prophet hater. The conmen grifters you believe are prophets are lying turds.

    Just looking at your Cleveland blog, I see Clay Clark. He is a lying turd. I see Steve Schultz. Charlatan. Johnny Enlow is another turd. Any "pastor" or "prophet" that sides with dotard donald is lying for money. God is not a trumper, Mystere. donald tRump is a minion of Satan.

    1. "Fake Prophet" to you is a person who tells God's Truth, Dervish.

  3. What has become of OUR COUNTRY ? - Ever since Biden’s very first day in office we have seen our One Time Beautiful Decline daily! We see the Radical Antifa, and Black Lives Matter Violent activists tore down dozens of statues including Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. None were held accountable or charged with a HATE CRIME Rioters tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus and Nothing happens to them..
    Welcome to America’s New 2-Tier-Justice System.
    This is what the hatred of Joe Biden’s Democrat party, and their supporters and BLM and antifa. And this is the undeniable truth. Nobody will ever forget these images. Of these barbaric attacks on history reminding us of when the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

    The ugliness and pure ignorance of the Black Lives Matter Supporters is there for everybody to see. They will never attack or dismantle any statue of an African who led wars of conquest or had slaves. Nore would they Tear Down any Statue of a African American even if it was a Radical Felon like George Floyd who has become a National Hero in the Black Community. They are hypocrites of the highest degree and have no moral standing. George Washington, was know as the father of our Country, and George Floyd, is know know as the Hero of Black Lives Matter. They have even erected Statues of him .
    Like the Statue of the Marines Hoisting the Flag on Iwo Jima, was a symbol of the Heroism of the Marines The Drag Queens of today hoisting up the Pride flag, symbol of American Males being fabulous, and wonderful.
    We can only hope for a better future in this country without this idiotic cancel culture …. and those Statues that were destroyed in America must be rebuilt when we get RID of this Cancer known as the Progressive Party. .
    And if you want to be honest with yourselves it was Nancy Pelosi who encouraged those radicals to tear down those Statues, Just as she allowed those people to “Storm the Capitol”
    So the Bottom Line is that the politicalization and the hypocrisy is undeniable. Left Winger Radicals are able to get away with racism and even destruction of historical monuments that represented beauty and America. They’re even able to get away with attacking others like we saw in the left-wing BLM and antifa rioting of 2016 and 2020.

    Leftist riding in 2016 and 2020 killed dozens of people and cost billions of dollars worth of damage. Right wing rioting riding has done nothing they pretty much had one single event January 6 nobody was killed January 6 th pretty much saw people peacefully walking into a building that was legitimately, Mostly Peaceful.. And Donald Trump’s supporters have attacked pretty much nobody except for a handful of fist fights with cops on one day Jan 6 2021 and they caused maybe a few thousand dollars worth of damage compared to billions caused by the left-wing. Compare that to the Hundreds of Days of Violent Rioting by the Left in 2016 and 2020.

    1. The Biden worshippers have no idea what's coming their way. God is hating what He's going to need to do to Biden and the Biden cult followers.

  4. This video makes Mystere extremely horny.

  5. Dervish Sanders February 1, 2024 at 7:35 AM
    "This video makes Mystere extremely horny."

    Dervish Sanders' queer fixation
