Sunday, January 14, 2024

Trouble Ahead?

Seriously?  Be careful of who you mock, Dervish.  Mocking God's servants invites Satan to attack you.

Dummyhead liberal judges like this bobsy twin of dingleberry Merrick Garland are no match against God Almighty's appointed servants.
D'ohnut Chomping Chrispie Chreme Chrissie Christie finally got the hint to go away and let the real leaders run the country.  The only time Chrispie Chreme Chrissie Christie can run is when he sees a bakery truck loaded with D'ohnuts speeding off to a buffet banquet.

These 2 blubber belly bobsy twins will be chasing down Butt Blast Bidet's ice cream truck soon when the farting flatulent byrd brain comes out of the 0ffal 0ffice for his chocolate chocolate chip ice cream cones and rips a loud long butt blast.
The Basement Dummy's big butt blast blew down the border fences and let terrorist clowns into the USA.  Some of them are headed up Tennessee Highway 69 up to Paris Tennessee for food and shelter.

The 2 Baldies who let the invaders into the United States:  Baldy Moonbeam and Baldy Mayorkas. 
And here's a cancer in the Department of Defense that Basement Dummy butt blast brought upon us.  This butt cancer must removed if the United States is to become safe again.

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