Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Elaine Chao's Sister Angela Drives Tesla Into Texas Pond And Drowns

Mitch McConnell's sister-in-law and Bank of China executive Angela Chao dies in car wreck at age 50 - Daily Mail UK

"Angela is the sister of Elaine Chao, who was the first Asian-American woman to ever be appointed to the president's cabinet - and is married to Mitch McConnell

Her devastated family said: 'Her absence leaves a void in our hearts' " Daily Mail

My condolences to the Chao family.  While I don't back Mitch McConnell and his acts of treason, I do feel for the family.  May God comfort them in the loss of Angela.

Was it an accident or was it a political  assassination?  Let us hope it was just an accident.


  1. I believe the accidental drowning was just that, an accident. It's too bad it happened.

  2. The TInfoil Hat Nutter MystereFebruary 15, 2024 at 8:45 AM

    Angela Chao is assassinated by the Cabal! The cabal members need to be taken out, sent to Gitmo, face military tribunals and executed.
