Friday, May 31, 2024

Natasha Owens: Trump Rally Bronx New York

posted from Bloggeroid

Merchan Farted On The Constitution And Justice


Juan Merchan farted on the wrong person.  This will not go well for that Colombian jackal in the Judgement seat.

Juano bit some moonbat guano.  He'll be heaving very soon, as Alpha Lions wake up and come after him and his butt buddies.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The JoeBiden Has Come To Roost

Remember what Michelle Malkin said in 2018 about Venezuela and how far left Democrat Socialists and RINOs don't care about the well being of the USA?  The jackass has come back to the Democrat barn.

In the late 2000s, circa 2007-2008, Prophet Kim Clement was told that Donald John Trump would become President in the future, when America needed to be rescued from the Cabal.  A few days after Donald John Trump got voted in as the President-elect, the Prophet Kim Clement went home to Heaven.  More prophecies he received earlier keep turning up on video.

A number of videos that got banned by YouTube are downloaded by others to protect them from being destroyed and hidden.  Prophet Fireman Mark Taylor videos are cropping up on video sites competing with YouTube without censoring the content.  Update May 28 2024 - The last video on this post replaced a video uploaded twice on this post.  I' m finding videos I kept before Joe Biden ordered U2be to take them down.  These Mark Taylor videos got censored by the Bidet regime running U2be.  A number of them are coming to pass now.



"Your 'October Surprise' PROVOKED MY WRATH! You can run but can't hide! 

Your leaders got eternally punished for provoking the 'October Surprise' attack against my people. 

The next solar eclipse will mark your bigger downfall. The dimming of the moon is your warning to your followers around the world who choose to oppose my nation Israel and my people."

posted from Bloggeroid

California's Freedom Awaits Over The Hill...

Words For California:

The Donkey will kick the Goat's Head. The Goat will reel into the wall, exposing the children hidden in a room. 

The Goat will charge the Donkey, butting its head into the Donkey's belly. 

The Donkey will kick back, kicking the Goat up the Hill, sending it crashing.

The Donkey will then lose its footing, falling downhill with the goat."

posted from Bloggeroid

Lefties Losing It: Gender Pronoun Clown Show

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Righties Relishing It: Liberals Are Self Destructing...

∆This has been super amusing watching Dervish having a mental meltdown over my previous post.  I posted 2 of the images above on the previous post.  Perhaps Dervish identifies as a mutt dressed up in a pooch costume and parades around Paris Tennessee?  NAAAAAH!  He's just upset because his clowns are putting on an embarrassing public freak show, making him blush BIGLY.

Rita's "Lefties Losing It" exposes the far left for the Ass Clowns that they really are.  The series of the Looney toons clown show exposing them for the extreme fools they are has angered Dervish.  Come to think of it, there is an old archived photo the team used that angered Dervish.

"I identify as a dumb mutt."

Yes, there were photos in the archives.  Dervish got upset back around 2015 about these photos.  Lefties really lost it!  Righties Relishing It are having Bigly belly laughs over this.

Lefties Losing It: Gay Guy Identifies As A Dog

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wacky Wednesday Classic Pics

Today, I thought I would bring out some of the old goofy photos on several blog sites.  It's time to lighten the mood a bit and chuckle over a few old pics.