Saturday, May 18, 2024

Righties Relishing It: Liberals Are Self Destructing...

∆This has been super amusing watching Dervish having a mental meltdown over my previous post.  I posted 2 of the images above on the previous post.  Perhaps Dervish identifies as a mutt dressed up in a pooch costume and parades around Paris Tennessee?  NAAAAAH!  He's just upset because his clowns are putting on an embarrassing public freak show, making him blush BIGLY.

Rita's "Lefties Losing It" exposes the far left for the Ass Clowns that they really are.  The series of the Looney toons clown show exposing them for the extreme fools they are has angered Dervish.  Come to think of it, there is an old archived photo the team used that angered Dervish.

"I identify as a dumb mutt."

Yes, there were photos in the archives.  Dervish got upset back around 2015 about these photos.  Lefties really lost it!  Righties Relishing It are having Bigly belly laughs over this.


  1. The Puppet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders
    May 18, 2024 at 11:36 PM
    "Mystere is posting his delusions again."

    Dervish has been on the Tennessee Warlock Moonbat Moonshine Hooch again.

    So did you copy this post to the counterfeit Donkey's Revenge blog, Dervish?

  2. Biden doesn't want an audience during the first (and probably the only) debate.
    One reason for this that has become clear is Biden farts often and loudly.

    He was in a meeting with black Democrats this weekend and Biden cut one so loud everyone was at first trying to stifle their laughter, but they all eventually burst out laughing causing Biden to turn and salute God knows what. I guess the invisible person he likes saluting.

    Like I had said last week, Biden sh*ts in hs pants s on a regular basis, and anyone who has met him in person knows he cannot control his flatulence like he used to. All of that ice cream has caused him to have uncontrollable greasy farts that reverberate through any venue. So if you see him turn and salute the air, he probably just farted. He may also be big into crop dusting. That's when you let out one long fart while walking and everyone in the immediate area gets a wiff of it.

  3. There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that President Joe Biden is unfit to serve as the President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief.

    Not only is he physically impaired and experiencing balance and stability issues, but he is grossly cognitively impaired to the point where his memory malfunctions to the extent he is not well grounded in time and location. He experiences difficulty reading the teleprompter and often slurs his words into incoherent sounds. Moreover, he is a habitual liar who says anything that comes to mind.

    Unfortunately, his wife, and his handlers, and Obama acolytes, have a vested interest in maintaining power for as long as possible. No Matter What the Consequences may be

    In addition to limiting his public appearances and providing extensive directions with pictures, Biden still gets it wrong and spouts any nonsense. That may come to him.

    You cannot even trust his recorded communications, which often require several attempts to patch together even a 15-second statement, and or his judgement in speaking off the cuff.
