Sunday, May 5, 2024

What Is Joey Doing?


  1. This morning as it looked to be such a beautiful day, I thought that I’d I go slumming a bit and visited a (pardon the expression) Little Armenia Historic Slum also known as a Progressive my final destination for the day;.
    After crossing the Rail Road Track to get to the Border border,I saw a few shanty broken down stores selling tons of cheap merchandise that must have been stolen for somewhere , tents and homeless people , and some without clothing everywhere, and three tattooed individuals openly defacing a building with their Graffiti . No law enforcement was seen along the route.
    The difference between a “Progressive Blog” and a Hispanic/ Muslim neighborhood was not only the awful smell, but the disorderly manor which everything there was kept. For example food was left out over ningt on the table uncovered, and in the heated room A stray cat was rooming around and ate from the uncovered dish. The were chicken waling around the premises both inside and outside of the house. Oh well, I think that you got the picture by now.
    But Man oh M The really big difference between that disgusting looking, and Smelly place and the Republican’s homes are like Night, and Day! And It still amazes me to see, and hear what willfully blind people will post in defense of a lying, cheating, stupid, and fraudulent things these Progressives say when they want to convince you about anything at all. Even a stupid little thing like saying that their “Uncle was eaten by Cannibals”. Can you even imagine what these Nut’s would stoop to say? Oh, well you get the Picture, I don’t think that I need to go on any further.

  2. It disgusts me to see these what women and cucks who join in these protests. They would be beheaded in any of these places. Today I even saw a Chinese girl protesting, wtf is her interest in this???
