Monday, July 8, 2024

Biden Won't Be Reelected...

Even RINO Meghan McCain knows Buttstink Bidet won't serve a second stolen term of Presidency.  She knows Bidet's butt blasts have humiliated the DNC.

Too late, JoeJoe.  You let her do it, knowingly.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Joe Biden leaves a fresh scent of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream everywhere he goes.

  2. Mystere: Joe Biden leaves a fresh scent of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream everywhere he goes.

    Mystere: Dervish Sanders sniffs and licks Joe Biden's crack daily.

    You're replying to your own comment, Mystere. You commented as "Clarence Odbody". Therefore your reply is about yourself. You just admitted you sniff and lick crack daily. Though I think the name you really meant was "Rikishi" -- your husband.

  3. Clarence Odbody is Dervish Sanders
