Monday, July 8, 2024

Satan Plays Russian Roulette... BOINGLY BOING BOING BOING!!! OOOOOOPS! PART 2

ill Farting JoeJoe drop out of the race on his own? It looks like he refuses to give up his power.  Democrats appear to be desperate to take him out of the race.  Will he be "Bidencided" by a whack job?  Don't be surprised.

His bimbo caretaker wants to keep him in the 0ffal 0ffice so that she can live high off the hog on our hard earned loot stolen from us.  She could care less about his well being as he keeps cracking his marbles.

What are the Democrats trying to hatch to keep Sir Poops Alot from running for re-election to the 0ffal 0ffice?  They have 2 old replacement clowns lined up to take over, once Farting Poopy Pants and Mamala are taken out permanently.  Kissy kissy PooPoo!


  1. You clearly suffer from very strong delusions. Refusing to take your Seroquel, Mystere?

    1. Hey there, Assface Dervish! Isn't that your twin and your fake Indian getting ready to replace your two pinheads occupying the 0ffal 0ffice and the Veep's bunker?

    2. What's Seroquil, Buttstink Derpwood? Is that the painkiller narcotic drug you're addicted to? I don't take any kind of prescription medicine. I'm in great health, unlike you.

    3. Seroquil is a constipation relief drug injected up my butthole daily to relieve me of my constipation pain. It gives me a Bigly tingle when it relaxes my bunghole muscles to take a bigly poopie.

  2. Mystere injects "marshmallow wands" up his endo. It gives him a bigly orgasm when a "marshmallow wand" massages his prostate.

    1. A Response from Dervish's second account blog site:

      Curve Bullet Billdozer June 10, 2024 at 9:04 AM
      "Hi Nazi Boy!!!
      Gee you do get the scum to comment at your hate site!! I'm jealous!
      Gee, I wish I could get a Jew hating, fag boy, liar to comment on my blog!
      I guess I have to learn how to suck a cake pop as good as you do to get such greats to comment at my blog! Enjoy sucking his marshmallow wand Nazi Boy!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Hey faggot Dervish, I don't need my comments published, because everyone already knows you are a boy boinking pedophile."

      ↑Is this where you got your "marshmallow wand" idea from, Dervish?↑

      I suspect that's Luke or Tom exposing you for the sick freak you are, Dervish. God wants us not to attack and hurt children. Luke or Tom has the goods on you, Dervish. Your backhanded confessions expose you for the sick freak you are, just like Biden exposed himself on live TV on the night of the debate regarding his Alzheimer's disease progression.

      Your queer perversion is catching up with you, Dervish. And you must have gotten a Bigly thrill when you saw that sick tranny freak on that Lefties Losing It segment showing that deranged sick freak using Disneyland snacks to describe his genitalia.

    2. I see autocorrect screwed up the comment. God WARNS us not to attack and hurt children.

  3. 🔺Dervish sodomizes marshmallows? No wonder why he gets constipated and suffers severe pains daily.🔺

    Sodomizing marshmallows up his joebidenhole will definitely make him need his Seroquil injections daily to relieve his chronic constipation. Dervish's acts of queerness will catch up to him when his local sheriff Joshua Frey knocks his brothel doors down and takes him away in handcuffs to the Henry County pokey cage.

  4. Dervish will think he's in heaven when his Sheriff Josh Frey puts him in the pokey cage. His brothel buddies will be giving him free prostate massages when he bends over and opens his joebidenholes.

  5. I don't know who "Sheriff Josh Frey" is. I don't have any "brothel buddies" or "joebidenholes". "joebidenholes" is something that exists solely in your delusions. I made ZERO "backhanded confessions". I can't "confess" to things I have never done.

    That comment you re-post sounds familiar, but it wasn't written originally by this "Curve Bullet Billdozer". Luke or Tom does not have any "goods" on me. No "goods" are presented in the comment you quote. Those are baseless and false allegations. I have never harmed a child.

    I don't know what "Lefties Losing It" segment in which someone describes his genitalia as "Disneyland snacks" you're talking about. I have never seen any such "Lefties Losing It" segment. I don't know what a "Disneyland snack" is.

    Mystere is bearing false witness again. "One who bears false witness against one's neighbor commits as serious a sin as if one had borne false witness against God".

    Mystere: ↑Is this where you got your "marshmallow wand" idea from, Dervish?↑

    No. I got the "idea" from a comment YOU wrote.

    Mystere wrote, "I'm sitting at home today, watching TV, eating great barbecue, cake pops and marshmallow wands for dessert"

    That is a comment from the Minus FJ blog, "Political Tea Leaves" on May 27, 2024. One where you fake a comment from me. But YOU wrote that.

    Mystere: Dervish's acts of queerness will catch up to him when his local sheriff Joshua Frey knocks his brothel doors down.

    I've never engaged in any "acts of queerness". At least not how you mean "queerness". I don't have any "brothel doors". I don't have a brothel. I've never been to a brothel.

    FYI, Seroquil isn't for constipation, it is an anti psychotic medication. You should be taking it.

  6. 🔺 Dervish's doctor is a liberal quack🔺

    How did Dervish know what Seroquil is? His quack doc prescribed it to him for his pain meds. Abuse of drugs makes him a psychopath.

    Assface claims he doesn't know who Sheriff Josh Frey is. Yet he called him a Barney Fife right wing extremist in one of his retorts.

  7. "Yet he called him a Barney Fife right wing extremist in one of his retorts".

    Sounds like one of your fake comments. I never wrote that.

    I don't abuse drugs.

    1. You don't abuse drugs Dervish? If that's true, then it means you're dumber than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, two of the dumbest people in political office. It means you're dumber than Ichabod who is mentioned in the Old Testament. And Ichabod was one of the dumbest people ever mentioned in the Bible. Boy, you really know how to expose yourself!
