Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bidet Cowers Out Of Presidential Run Like The Chicken He Really Is


JOEY The Talking Chicken Bidet cowered out of the race, like a typical chicken that he really is.  Typical Chicken!


  1. Joe Biden’s 2024 Campaign is now Dead: Killed by Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi
    So the worst president in the history of the United States endorses the worst Vice President in the history of the United States
    How can a man be unfit to run as a candidate and still retain the Presidency foe Four more months? ?

    1. JoeJoe RobbingIt Bidet's term isn't going to end well for him and Kackling Mamala Hairballz. The Far Left don't want Mamala for Presnit either. Presnit JoeJoe RobbingIt Bidet won't finish his term, and neither will Kackling Mamala Hairballz.

  2. BS. Joe Biden was determined to stay in the race and whoop dotard d0nald's ass. Which he would have done if the rich elite dEmocrat d0nors had not forced him out. No money (while d0nald is getting 45 million in Musk money a month) would have meant losing for sure. Biden did not have a choice.

    Thiel and Musk wanted Vance. That is what they are paying for. Your "tough guy" candidate bowed to the pressure from his much wealthier superiors and did what he was told. Though d0nald (unlike Biden) actually did have a choice. He didn't have to put a guy on the ticket who called him "America's Hitler". Yet the wuss with zero integrity did.

    1. What's wrong, The Fake Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders? Are you upset because your false prophecy of your idol Joseph RobbingIt Bidet sitting on the 0ffal 0ffice throne fell through?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

      Your idol #PoopyPants must be too pooped out to run again?😆😆😆😆😆. Or did he suffer too many public runs to the point he got tarred and feathered?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. Mystere: The Far Left don't want Mamala for Presnit either.

    BS. AOC endorsed her. Bernie Sanders says he is going to do everything to help her win. As usual, Mystere has no idea what he's babbling about.

    1. Mystere didn't say anything. I did. You, on the other hand, are the one who babbles and are tone deaf to reality, by your own choice.

  4. Mystere is obviously silently agreeing with everything I wrote.

    1. Did you just fart again, JoeBidenhole Dervish? It sure stinks to be you, Ickybod Dervish. All those super loud noises coming from your joebidenholes and the stench of death coming out of sure stinks to be you, JoeBidenhole Dervish.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
