Monday, July 22, 2024

JoeJoe Won't Escape The Judgement...

Who told you that you can hide from God Almighty and His Judgement?  Judgement still awaits...

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. The judgment that awaits Joe Biden...

    What is the reward of a faithful servant of God?

    God rewards his faithful servants with a guarantee of everlasting job security in his kingdom. Then the master said, "Come and share your master's happiness". The master did not treat his servants like employees. He welcomed them into fellowship with him. He treated them like his friends and his family members.

    1. JoeJoe's job security will be guarding the others from escaping hell when Joey hangs off a meat hook for his dirty deeds done dirt cheap. He'll make them pay the same way he pays when they try in vain to get out of their due punishment.

    2. Joe Biden isn't going to Hell. That's your evil fantasy. Your "due punishment" is what you should be worried about, Mystere. A Turd as evil as you is going to Hell for sure.

    3. Joe Biden is going to hell, and it's a SAD FACT. He is not repentant of his sins. In fact, he already did go to hell. These "Joe Biden" fakes you see are also going to hell very soon too, for willingly doing things for huge sums of cash from George Soros, Tom Steyer and the others in the Illuminati cabal running the Communist Democratic Party you idolize and worship, Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666.

      And unlike you, I only worship Yeshua the Messiah and am saved by His Grace alone, not by any works whatsoever. You should read Ephesians 2:8-9 before you joebiden yourself and find yourself joebidened by Satan.

  2. Here Are The Facts…at least as I see them.
    The PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS with the help of their media buddies are trying to recharge the already disorganized, and Tottaly Croupe party to generate some excitement for a Kamala Harris nomination.
    But the facts are unmistakable.
    President Joe Biden, a sitting president, is physically and mentally incapacitated to the point where we are facing a clear and present National Security Threat. We do not know who is acting as the Commander-in-Chief and pulling the strings while our nation is involved in a hot proxy war and is being asked to assist allies at war or who are in imminent danger. The Chinese Communists have entered the Northern Hemisphere and are parked 90 miles off the Florida coast. Clearly, the President of the United States is mired in criminal corruption, possibly treason, and can never be brought to justice due to his “Mental” condition.
    Nobody has elected Kamala Harris, who was Selected as Joe Biden’s pre-announced “Woman of Color” selection, without regard to her political competence or effectiveness. NOBODY, But Barrack Obama, and Bill Clinton have already made her the Nominee.
    The world remains in chaos, and the Obama acolytes acting as puppet masters would likely be present in a Harris administration where the collusion, crime, and cover-ups would continue. In addition to a failed foreign policy, the progressive communist democrats have bungled the three issues most important to the American people. First, the economy is in shambles with inflation and a decimated energy sector preventing recovery. Two, the border remains wide open to an invasion of illegal aliens who are draining social safety nets, jobs, housing, and resources faster than they can be replenished. Illegal aliens, including drug dealers, sex traffickers, and terrorists, have an open door to our nation, with crime and violence rampant across the country, with democrat prosecutors and activist judges favoring criminals over victims.

    1. Continued:
      The Progressive Communist democrat shock troops, including Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the pro-Hamas terrorist supporters, are still rioting and destroying private and public property.
      The Progressive Communist democrat media propagandists are following the objectively false talking points: Joe Biden was a great president and a man of accomplishment., Kamala Harris is a qualified presidential candidate. Things are getting better, and the progressive communist democrats are the party of change and hope rather than the party of slavery, segregation, and Marxist revolutionary racial and sexual exploitation.
      Considering how quickly the delegates dropped into line and the money bomb exploded with hundreds of millions of dollars, it suggests that Kamala Harris was the recipient of a palace coup declared by former President Barack Obama and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
      The County is crumbling and these people think that they have been appointed KING to do whatever they want to behind closed doors!…
      With the progressive communist democrats in disarray, it’s every man and woman for themselves, and leakers and whistleblowers are lining up for the immunity train to avoid investigation and prosecution in a new regime.

      The corrupt Department of Justice recently told a federal judge that it has managed to locate transcripts that they previously denied having and which documented President Joe Biden’s handling of classified material in talks with his biographer. We also found that the White House edited the transcripts of the Special Counsel’s Biden interview and that the actual tapes would not be provided.
      .In an apparent tit-for-tat move, Representative Andy Ogles initiated an effort to impeach Vice President Kamala Harris shortly after she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The grounds for impeachment are based on high crimes and misdemeanors involving Kamala's role as “border czar” and “extraordinary incompetence” in enforcing immigration laws, and for not invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office following his dismal debate performance late last month that raised serious questions about his health and cognitive ability.
      The Real, and the Big question is, do the GOP representatives have the colones to do to the Democrats what they did to President Donald Trump? I'm afraid not!

    2. Be glad that the GOP in this case doesn't put targets on the fake Joseph RobbingIt Bidet'$ head and others to get them assassinated, unlike the Communist Washington Democratic Cabal.

  3. d0nald tЯump is constantly inciting violence with his hate-filled lying rhetoric. There have been quite a few trumpturds caught before they carried out violence and others who have successfully carried out violence.

    Like the trumpturd who slaughtered 20 people in a Walmart in El Paso Texas in 2019.
