Thursday, July 4, 2024

Satan Plays Russian Roulette BOING BOING BOING!!!

Satan is playing with his Johnson... Boing Boing Boing...  Ooops!


  1. Why are you replying "no" to your own post, Mystere? Disagreeing with the stupidity you posted?

  2. Keep playing games with your anonymous retorts, Assface Dervish. You just proved it was you with your accusations. If you had just said that you didn't write that, Rattrapper could have dismissed that comment. But since you accused me of writing it, I'm responding back.

    By the way, I got word that the Democrats have a plan to replace JoeJoe and Mamala with someone very soon. In fact, you might even like the ones your party selects even better when they take out JoeJoe and Mamala PERMANENTLY.

    Tick Tock, Tick Tock... >BOING BOING<

  3. Ichabod Derpwood Sanders doesn't know the coded message behind this blog post πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    When the post gets decoded in the near future, Ichabod Assface Dervish Sanders will be sobbing uncontrollably over the hand God Almighty deals to stop the liberal cabal, and he'll be cursing God Almighty.

  4. Ichabod Derpwood Dervish Sanders is a puppet of Satan. He doesn't have the smarts to walk away while he still can. His microscopic pea brain is scrambled and fried beyond hope.

  5. "Coded" to an imbecile like you Mystere. You don't like Mike Johnson? I heard he is a bigly fake religious Turd, same as you.

    1. It's time to strike, Dervish, while the window of opportunity is still open. If we don't strike soon, the window of opportunity will quickly close. You know what to do, Dervish. You must hurry and strike quickly, NOW!

  6. Did you not read the latest post Rattrapper posted, Assface Ichabod Derpwood Sanders?

    1. Dervish is the biggest blog imbecile on Blogger, Q-Taro. He has no idea what's coming to his imbeciles he supports in his party of asses.

    2. July 9, 2024 at 7:27 AM// "You don't like Mike Johnson? I heard he is a bigly fake religious Turd, same as you."

      Cretin never reads anything he doesn't like, Q-Taro. ;-)

    3. Dervish will be screaming "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" and "Right Wing tRumpturds" when the Midnight Cry With Deborah April 7 2021 prophecy "2 Politicians In DC Will Die On The Same Day" comes to pass. It will concurrently fulfill the Timothy Dixon prophecy from 2021 or 2022 where he saw a coffin in the DC Rotunda with the carcass of Joe Biden lying in state one DC morning while Kamala Harris frantically and angrily looked for him, not knowing that he just croaked that morning in his sleep and it will also concurrently fulfill the Robin D Bullock prophecy where he got told live on an Eleventh Hour stream in 2021 that the hyena Kamala Harris will never be President, ever. Kamala Harris is the one who will be assassinated by poisoning in the evening. Satan has tried to usurp and hijack that prophecy by plotting to take out Speaker Johnson that day too. It turns out the DNC will be behind the poisoning assassinations of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and the attempted poisoning assassination of Speaker Johnson. They will play the Russia Russia Russia card in an attempt to accuse Donald Trump and his followers of the assassinations, but the public won't buy it, except the imbecile Joebidenbots like Dervish Sanders. The jackals behind the assassinations and the assassination attempt on Speaker Johnson will make Tony Blinken a patsy, by falsely accusing him of being the mastermind who allegedly plotted the coup. Blinken will be arrested on false charges trumped up by his DNC party when they find that the Russian collusion card fails them, and Blinken will turn State's evidence against his accusers.
