Monday, July 1, 2024

Sky News Australia Hosts React To The Joe Biden Clown Show


"I've never seen someone murder a corpse, but that's happening right now on my TV."

These videos are beyond hilarious!  The Joe Biden clown show is out of control.  JoeJoe keeps glitching in anger, contempt and sneers.  They missed the greatest part where JoeJoe ripped a loud wet fart while Donald Trump was speaking.


  1. Biden don’t know WHO, or WHAT, or WHY,now he blames blames the recent overseas traveling that gave him “Jet Lag for his disastrous debate: last Thursday night. Saying that he nearly fell asleep on stage , that’s how tired he was!
    Not to mention that it was he 17 days ago that he returned to the United States.
    "I didn't have my best night that night," Biden told supporters. "I wasn't very smart. I decided to travel around the world to a couple of time-zones,
    I didn't listen to my staff. And then I came back and I nearly fell asleep on stage,"
    First ,it was traveling on AF1 isn't like the middle seat on SW Airlines.
    Second, he took a weeks vacation leading up to the debate.
    The third excuse was that he has a bad cold.
    Then it was because his handlers over “Prepared Him”
    The excuses keep getting more ridiculous.
    Then it was Hey, everyone can have a bad debate.
    Now it's that difficult travel in a flying 5 star luxury hotel 17 days earlier did it.
    And now, the vultures are gathering to decide just how to get RID OF HIM!
    And the leftist loon who destroyed California is apparently on the Democratix Socialist short list to replace Biden.

  2. Which "leftist loon" destroyed California, the greasy haired jackass or the baldy before him?

  3. Let me guess, "Helmut" also lives in California? All Mystere's sockpuppets live in California.

    1. πŸΆπŸ•πŸ¦ŠπŸΆπŸ•πŸ¦ŠπŸΆπŸ•πŸ¦ŠπŸΆπŸ•πŸ¦ŠOh look!πŸ”Ί ∆§§£∆¢€ ‽€₹₱¡$$ ß¡Ξ  §∆±∆Ξ ~§∆Ο€‽€₹$666 came to scratch his joebidenholes.πŸ”Ί

      Nope, I'm in your head, Assface.

  4. Donald J. Trump is EXACTLY what real leadership looks like. Are there any examples of Biden leading like this? Trump is THE MAN this country needs at this time
    The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our Country!

    1. Exactly! And Democrats have secretly hatched a Plan B to assassinate Poopy Pants and the hyena Mamala the same day. That fulfills a prophecy from Midnight Cry With Deborah from April 7 2021 "2 Renowned Politicians In DC Shall Die On The Same Day." But Satan is trying to usurp that prophecy by attempting to poison Speaker Mike Johnson. This will fail, and Speaker Johnson will become interim President until Donald Trump returns, keeping the seat warm.
