Saturday, August 24, 2024

Democrats Kept Passing Gas In The Windy City


What has the DNC Convention done in The Windy City this week?  They farted around, passing gas and stinking up the neighborhoods.  They had nothing of substance to bring to the delegates.  All they did was fart around, trash talking Donald Trump with nothing of substance.  Typical Chickens. 


  1. What kind of an accident are d0n-OLD and "Vance" going to have, Mystere? You're wishing harm to befall the d0n-OLD/"Vance" ticket? How come? You've come to your senses and realize Kamala Harris would be a MUCH better president than d0n-OLD? I doubt it.

    fyi, I want d0n-OLD in prison where he belongs. I don't want him to escape justice by dying.

    1. Issuing Death Threats against President Donald John Trump is a felony, "The Prophet Dervish Xi Sanders." You might face charges of Treason if you get arrested.

  2. Who the Hell is "Hochul" who (in your delusions) has "been seen at Satanic rituals, casting spells"?

  3. Have you notified the authorities about my "death threats"?
