Friday, August 23, 2024

Mamala Hoebama Empoxx - Border Czar



  1. How did this all happen?
    Well let’s look at the Video Tape.
    As we know the Russians are bad and Trump colluded with them! Or So They Say! You just keep saying that over and over again and the people will see it as truth! It's a lie, but that does not matter. And that’s only the beginning. That’s how it all started. The people will read and hear the lie repeated endlessly. The newspaper says it, the radio station says it, the college says it, so it must be true! After all, it was all over CNN, so it must be true!
    The old recipe still works and in places like the city I grew up in it is working to the extent that mass schizophrenia has taken hold in the city population like an epidemic. The modern term is Trump Derangement Syndrome and there is no mask you can wear to avoid it. Oranges Man is Bad, he called the Mexicans that crossed into our country ILLEGALLY a bad name!

    The people in the city saw the reaction of the losing side in the presidential election of 2016. The opposition to that election swore it would take down the interloper in any way possible. The people in the city watched as the US, supposedly the hallmark of democracy and free speech, conducted itself like the Bulgarian Secret Police. They used security orgnizations designed to surveil foreign threats to spy on the populist outsider and a tainted state media to spread the lie to the masses.

    Apparently, the , Clinton's, Bill & especially Hillary and the other Commies like the Obama's had a plan that was interrupted by the”orange guy “ the guy hated by the left. The Guy named Donald Trump who was really championing the will of the people. They saw something that they felt was rotten in Washington. This could not be allowed to stand by what the new guy called the "swamp". I don't think the people in New York my home city are ever going to understand what is actually happening. When someone has been neurologically conditioned and gaslit to believe lies they are sick with those lies and by the time the truth finally emerges that sickness is terminal.
    The coordinated with the leftist Media and they had the people brainwashed so it was impossible to defeat them.
    You can't reason with these ignorant people; it's too late. When that kind of mass psychosis takes hold it has no quick cure. Even a botched assassination attempt cannot rescue them back to reality.
    And now they did what we thought was impossible, they actually threw the current President under the Bus and rallied around a commie Dummy known as Kamala Harris who became the Sweetest of the Swamp. And she pick a slime ball who is even worse than she is A liar and fellow Comrade named Tim Walz who has more skeletons in his closet then a Graveyard.
    I just hope the rest of the country does not follow the path of New York City my home town so New York doesn’t become another California.

    1. You do know Hochul's been seen at Satanic rituals, casting spells. She's about to get taken down if she doesn't stop doing that.


  2. Tampon Timi's the perfect choice for Kommie Kammie . Together they’ll crash the party and run the entire party into the ground, while we watch them with amusement as they self destruct in front of the whole wide world.. it’s going to be more amusement than Joe Biden was trying to walk UP the stairs to an Airplane.

  3. The border cannot be "closed". tRump didn't build a wall. The wall he did build fell down. Or was cut through, tunneled over, or gone over the top of.

    FYI, "July is on track to see the fifth consecutive monthly drop in migrant apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border..."

    Despite the fact that d0n-OLD instructed Mike Johnson to tank the bi-partisan border bill, our fantastic president Joe Biden is tackling the problem and doing a great job.

    btw, Mystere, there will not be mass deportations. Even if d0n-OLD is "reelected" predisent.

    1. On second thought, d0n-OLD won't be "reelected" predisent. He and just dumb Vance might even have an "accident" and Kamala Harris will become a 2 term President until 2033.
