Sunday, January 5, 2025

Myers Brothers Live: 2021.03.27

Since the 2017 Whistleblower Movement, only the Myers brothers have dared to claim that the CCP could disrupt global energy supplies by bombing ships and blocking the Strait of Hormuz or the Panama Canal, thereby affecting oil and gold prices.


According to systematic plans such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the 13579 Project, and the Extermination of White Populations, the CCP's goal is to rule the world and control the people. 

2021.03.27 Myers Live:


  1. Guo Wengui is a Chinese criminal, Mystere. He tells nothing but lies to subvert the Chinese people. There is no such party called the Chinese Communist Party. That's a lie you choose to believe in your delusions Mystere.

    1. Miles Guo aka Wengui Miles Guo is a political refugee fleeing from Communist China for blowing the whistle on the CCP.

  2. Piss off, Mysere. I didn't write anything about Guo Wengui. There definitely is a Chinese Communist party, dipsh!t.

    1. Angry much and embarrassed, Dervy? The booger sugar got the best of you, Dingleberry Derpish.
