Sunday, January 5, 2025

The China Virus 2020... May 30 2021

The Wuhan pneumonia Corona virus was released by the Communist Party of China! European Organization Hearings...... Ask a scientist from China to tell him what happened, this scientist, this general showed them the video and the documents in his hand and the CCP's plan to release poison in Hong Kong, or in Wuhan, or the first time it was in Guangzhou and it didn't work, and then the main goal were military games, and the military games didn't succeed, and finally it was released in the (Wuhan) seafood market, in order to be very simple, stop the street movement in Hong Kong, and then kill the Trump presidential election, and destroy the world economy. Let the world economy turn to the CCP, turn the vaccine economy from China, from the spark of the vaccine economy to the CCP economy of the whole world as the core, and then eradicate the dollar, so that the CCP becomes the country of the world.

Mr. Guo Wengui's live video on May 30, 2021 57:41


  1. Du lügst Mystere! Es gibt keine Kommunistische Partei Chinas in China. d0n0ld tRump's Kumpane verbreiten das COVID-19-Virus auf der ganzen Welt, um alle zu terrorisieren und die Chinesen zu töten. d0n0ld tRump ist Mitglied des Ku-Klux-Klan und der Nazi-Partei.

    1. Drunk on your Tampon Timi horse juice again, Dervy?

  2. 你说谎的神秘!中国没有中国共产党。d0n0ld tRump的亲信将COVID 19病毒传播到世界各地,以恐吓所有人并杀死中国人。他是三K党和纳粹党的成员

    1. What are you saying, Dervy? No one here speaks or reads Chinese.

  3. What's the deal with all the fake comments, Mystere? I didn't "say" anything until now. You faked both of those comments.

  4. Really Dervish? The booger sugar in your Tampon Timi horse juice has worn off. Blushing much over your retorts?
