Monday, June 26, 2023

Boston Piggy Oinks And Charges At Her Party Member RFK Jr.


Hey Shenehneh? What's wrong, Boston Piggy?  Your guy RFK Jr. has a brain.  He doesn't blindly follow your piglets who stink up the barn with their big failures.  Your jackasses have tossed out loads of common sense for §atan'$ turds in the pig slop you gorge down upon as if it were some gourmet delicacy.

Your party leaders have screwed you over by feeding you piles of turds in the pig slop they've fed you for decades.  The more you oink and slurp down the turd laden pig slop, the sicker and more deranged you become.  Your party tossed Dennis Kucinich under the bus years ago, even though he had half a brain.  While he wasn't the brightest bulb in politics, he had a little bit of common sense to not bow down and dance to the Looney Tunes going on in the party.  Way to go, Shenehneh!

Your sense of reality is as true and spot on as a moon melon!  Enjoy the moon melon rinds in your slop, Boston Piggy!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Queer Church Gets Struck By Lightning And Burns To The Ground

When you try to mock God, do not forget that God is NOT MOCKED!  When you sow EVIL, you REAP destruction.

Dervish Sanders Wishes Evil Upon President Donald Trump And The Trump Family

From the trash dump of Dervish Sanders' hate blog:

"Under the Biden administration the United States is becoming a totalitarian shithole. A shithole where evidence is fabricated to take down The People's choice for president. aka we're becoming JUST LIKE Nazi Germany!

According to this "Q" idiot, at least. Me, I think the tape is real and that it is damning evidence that will (hopefully) result in dotard donald being sent to prison for a long time.

Regarding where the tape came from, turns out it isn't a deep fake. Nor did it originate with a CNN wiretap.

"The recording was made in the summer of 2021, and includes Trump speaking with individuals who were hired to help Mark Meadows, Trump's final chief of staff as president, with researching a book he was writing at the time".

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders."

Notice how Dervish wishes evil upon Donald Trump, wishing Trump would end up in GITMO to be executed for crimes he did not commit.  There is no proof that President Trump did any kind of criminal act, unlike the thief in the Oval Office and his coke snorting womanizing boy Hunter Biden.

Dervish backs having child molesters running the country into the ground, while a just and true patriot gets wrongfully persecuted for standing up to a worldwide crime cabal ruining every nation worldwide.  Dervish worships his idol Satan as if he were a god and Joe Biden as if he were the annointed one.

Notice the "Political Bonkery" from Dervish Sanders as he bends over for his god Joseph Robinet Biden Junior?  Notice how he slobbers for that pants pooping public farting jackal clown who makes The United States Of America look like a clown show regime?  This mentally unstable douchebag from Paris Tennessee prays to Satan to get Trump executed with his whole family, while Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Clan sell the United States Of America to foreign criminal gangs.

Monday, June 19, 2023

😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄Derpy bin §atan~§ander$666 Got Triggered?? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Hey there, Derpi$$!  So you lost control over your bowel movements after you read some of my posts?  😄😄😄😄😄  Thanks for the free advertising on your hatemongering site!  It made for some comedic relief to read your infantile temper tantrums over nothing.


While you baselessly accuse the blog team of wishing death upon your idols, you keep failing with baseless retorts, showing zero proof.  You're a brain dead imbecile, worth nothing to society.  I along with Mystere, Porky and Don Key NEVER wish harm on anyone.  I do tell what God is saying, and I guess sometimes who might be the ones He might be talking about, AND I STATE it might be whoever, just as a courtesy warning to the ones risking getting punishment.  You, on the other hand, are ripe for getting punished severely for trashing God's Prophets and Prophetesses when you know they're telling the truth.

Your fake god in the 0ffal 0ffice (as he disgracefully turned the White House into) will be facing God's judgement for his criminal enterprise with his White China snorting boy.  Your idol's days are numbered.

Now, let's see what looney retorts you wrote.  Mystere sent me some screencaps from Cleveland Foxers that are quite juicy.

You should really be careful about what you say, Derv¡$h og-al-b¡n §atan~§ander$666.  It will land you into a place called Fire Lake.  Remember, you're not smarter than God Almighty.  You should plug your stinkhole rather than pass your flatulent retorts as if they really matter.

🔺You've proven what you really are, DERPI$$ bin §atan~§ander$666.🐖

Now about Jimmy Carter's passing prophecy:  the prophecy was that when Carter passes, that is A TIMING MARKER of when certain other prophetic events will start rising to pass.  When Bill Clinton keels over, Hillary won't have any cover to hide her crimes.  She will be put on Military Tribunal and get executed for her crimes that she skated on.  Chelsea and her hubby are also accomplices to a number of those crimes Hillary gets convicted on, and will likely get executed for them.  World courts usually execute the families of those involved in acts of treason, which can be bad for the kids of the Soros, Rodham and Clinton Crime Clans.  By the way, when I was in high school, one of my classmates was the son of a political refugee from the Persian Gulf region.  The country his family fled from wanted to execute his whole family bloodline, including uncles, aunts and all in laws on both sides of his family.  So if a blood thirsty regime finds the Clinton Clan of Hillary guilty, it's lights out for Chelsea's kids.  And NO, I don't condone that!  You, on the other hand, wish that on the Trump family including all of Donald Trump's grandkids, nieces and nephews.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Whackjob Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$ Claims Conservatives Had Conspiracy Theories Of Betty White Dying From COVID 19.


Derpy's lost his BBs in his reply to Mystere's 2021 post on the Cleveland Foxers site.  A conspiracy theory that Betty White died of COVID19?  Dervish must be smoking some potent BUTT SHROOMS or drinking some serious Moonbat Hooch if he read such a conspiracy theory.  When Mystere sent me that copy of the screenshot, I laughed.

Derpish loves that Buttweiner Beer!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

2 Will Die On The Same Day Prophecy Coming To Pass...

Dervi$h og-al bin §atan-§ander$666 will be throwing a hissyfit when 2 of his fake god idols in Congress and the Senate pass away on the same day, in the morning and evening.  The prophecy first given on April 5 2021 to a prophetess appears to now be on the horizon.

No one knows who the two will be, but they will pass in the morning and the evening of the same day.  They will be famous politicians who have been part of the cabal.

Who knows which 2 wicked liberal clowns will croak and keel over on the same day?

Friday, June 9, 2023

Phony Tony Fowchee's New Flesh Eating Virus: Coming Soon To Backfire

Word is out to the Prophets that there will be a flesh eating virus released soon, but it will backfire badly against the liberals.  You can only guess it's coming from Fowchee's mad science labs.  This psychopath is bent on experimenting and hurting the population.