Monday, June 19, 2023

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„Derpy bin §atan~§ander$666 Got Triggered?? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Hey there, Derpi$$!  So you lost control over your bowel movements after you read some of my posts?  πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„  Thanks for the free advertising on your hatemongering site!  It made for some comedic relief to read your infantile temper tantrums over nothing.


While you baselessly accuse the blog team of wishing death upon your idols, you keep failing with baseless retorts, showing zero proof.  You're a brain dead imbecile, worth nothing to society.  I along with Mystere, Porky and Don Key NEVER wish harm on anyone.  I do tell what God is saying, and I guess sometimes who might be the ones He might be talking about, AND I STATE it might be whoever, just as a courtesy warning to the ones risking getting punishment.  You, on the other hand, are ripe for getting punished severely for trashing God's Prophets and Prophetesses when you know they're telling the truth.

Your fake god in the 0ffal 0ffice (as he disgracefully turned the White House into) will be facing God's judgement for his criminal enterprise with his White China snorting boy.  Your idol's days are numbered.

Now, let's see what looney retorts you wrote.  Mystere sent me some screencaps from Cleveland Foxers that are quite juicy.

You should really be careful about what you say, Derv¡$h og-al-b¡n §atan~§ander$666.  It will land you into a place called Fire Lake.  Remember, you're not smarter than God Almighty.  You should plug your stinkhole rather than pass your flatulent retorts as if they really matter.

πŸ”ΊYou've proven what you really are, DERPI$$ bin §atan~§ander$666.πŸ–

Now about Jimmy Carter's passing prophecy:  the prophecy was that when Carter passes, that is A TIMING MARKER of when certain other prophetic events will start rising to pass.  When Bill Clinton keels over, Hillary won't have any cover to hide her crimes.  She will be put on Military Tribunal and get executed for her crimes that she skated on.  Chelsea and her hubby are also accomplices to a number of those crimes Hillary gets convicted on, and will likely get executed for them.  World courts usually execute the families of those involved in acts of treason, which can be bad for the kids of the Soros, Rodham and Clinton Crime Clans.  By the way, when I was in high school, one of my classmates was the son of a political refugee from the Persian Gulf region.  The country his family fled from wanted to execute his whole family bloodline, including uncles, aunts and all in laws on both sides of his family.  So if a blood thirsty regime finds the Clinton Clan of Hillary guilty, it's lights out for Chelsea's kids.  And NO, I don't condone that!  You, on the other hand, wish that on the Trump family including all of Donald Trump's grandkids, nieces and nephews.


  1. Support For same sex marriage, and or relationships Plummets since Pride Day was changed to Pride Month. Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising.

  2. I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden but not to the extent that he lost a loved one which made him use drugs, and turn around to have an SEXUAL affair with his own Sister in law, and deny support to his own Child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have her Grandfather even acknowledge her.
    Children don’t magically “get over” trauma such as this. Trauma, Toxic Stress, and adverse childhood experiences can, and usually permanently change children’s childhood, which can have serious, lifelong consequences. Didn’t that Weird bunch of Biden’s ever think of that!
    But I guess not! Not from a Father, that takes inappropriate showers with his Daughter. Not when Hunter screws his dead Brothers wife and gets a Stripper pregnant.
    Hunter is a Junkie, lying, crook that spends thousands on hookers. And take Millions for America’s Enemies... I really don't want or need to know anymore

  3. Are you like me, who is pretty darn sick and tired of hearing all these negitive thing happening because of “Pride MONTH”? Yes, I said Pride Month, not Prid day, or Pride Parades, Or seeing Pride Flags flooding the place where ever I go, even at a Baseball game! Are you like me, saying Enough is Enough already?
    As pretty much everyone knows, the month of June is Pride Month for the LGBTQ community. The month is filled with pride parades, rainbow themed accessories, a never ending list of additions to the Pride flag and letters after “LGBTQ+etc…”. This year especially, it has also come with some very heated controversies regarding just how far we’re doing the whole gender ideology agenda and exposing children to material covering explicit sex acts and a zillion “sexualities” even many gay people haven’t heard of! Now, I do want to clarify, I am not against consenting adults choosing to be in whatever relationships they choose with whomever they choose. I was raised in a family who would have supported and accepted me if I identified with the LGBTQ community and oppose actual hatred and ostracism of those who are gay. I also acknowledge that there are some Gay conservatives too who are opposed to the radicalization of the Gay community.
    Please don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely NOTHING against the Gay Community, or even a Pride Parade
    However, with the increasing acceptance of the LGBTQ movement, it has shifted towards a more radical ideology and appropriated by the Left. What once may have been a movement to grant basic acceptance of gay, bi, and lesbian people in the community now has devolved into an angry and militant group who cry “homophobia” and “transphobia” at the slightest criticism. And by criticism I don’t mean “Gays should not exist”, but points such as:

    Children should develop their sexuality without schools and the community offering up 100+ “options” that sound trendy, pressuring kids to choose something other than straight (Boring!!!).

    Children shouldn’t be exposed to sexually explicit material in the classroom in the name of “inclusion.” Yes, kids will find it elsewhere as generations before have, but there’s a difference between searching for it and being fed it!

    A biological male or biological female is not, and should not be regarded as the other sex regardless of what gender they present as. A trans woman is NOT a real woman and a trans man is NOT a real man due to objective sex determination in the human species and biological differences between male and female bodies. Pretending otherwise has denied not only reality, but women’s rights and safety in private spaces, sports, and elsewhere.

    Children under the age of majority (Much less ELEMENTARY AGED children!!!) should not get permanent life altering surgeries or hormone treatments to become trans any more than getting any other life altering or permanent decision such as a tattoo, joining the military, entering a contract, buying property, living fully independently, working hazardous jobs, etc., etc… due to the fact that brain development doesn’t even finish until one’s mid twenties!

    “Canceling” and ostracizing anyone

  4. Support for the same sex marriage, and or relationships Plummets since Pride Day was changed to Pride Month. Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising.

  5. Anyone who may be thinking of Voting for Joe Biden again, please remember that you’ll be voting for the same Guy who said Hunter Biden is the smartest person that he knows.

  6. Shaw Keawee thinks "That Joe Biden stood by his son through this terrible time in his life shows a tender and gentleness of spirit that is too often rare in human beings.

    If Joe Biden did nothing else in his life, his humanity toward his son would be reason enough for us to admire and emulate him."

    Oh so "Standing by" a Lying, Cheating person who betrays his country by committing treason: turning against his own government, and even perhaps by selling secret information is something to be Proud of?
    WOW, I guess you thing that being Proud of a Atrocious Gangster if he was your son is also a thing to be Proud of?

    1. Those are the kinds of candidates Boston Piggy drools over and posts about. By the way, I found some photos that Boston Piggy posted of her grandkids a few months back, as she slobbered over queers brainwashing kindergarteners and first graders.
