Tuesday, June 13, 2023

2 Will Die On The Same Day Prophecy Coming To Pass...

Dervi$h og-al bin §atan-§ander$666 will be throwing a hissyfit when 2 of his fake god idols in Congress and the Senate pass away on the same day, in the morning and evening.  The prophecy first given on April 5 2021 to a prophetess appears to now be on the horizon.

No one knows who the two will be, but they will pass in the morning and the evening of the same day.  They will be famous politicians who have been part of the cabal.

Who knows which 2 wicked liberal clowns will croak and keel over on the same day?


  1. Der böse gefälschte Christ Mystere betet (WIEDER) zu seinem Meister (Satan) für diejenigen, die er hasst zu sterben. Selbst die kleinen Kinder derer, die er hasst - der blutrünstige Satan, der Mystere anbetet, will sie tot sehen. Das Militär wird Chelsea Clintons drei Kinder (Alter 10, 8 und 5) hinrichten? Wirklich, Mystere? FYI, Chelsea Clintons Ehemann ist KEIN Neffe von George Soros.

  2. Hey Dervish, get off the Moonbat Moonshine Hooch! Your boys will need you at GITMO soon.

  3. I won an all-expenses-paid vacation to a tropical location? I'm looking forward to it. Will I receive plane tickets in the mail? How many of my boys can I bring?

  4. Take a nap, Dervish. You won't need a ticket. Bring all the boys. There's a bigly BBQ roast party waiting for you as the guest. Just hop a train to Delaware and meet up at the Biden house.
