Sunday, November 26, 2023

Death Threat Against Donald Trump Posted On Blogger? Not Very Smart Nursie Poo Poo

Leslie Elden Carpenter III isn't very bright when it comes to spewing things on the Internet.  He recently in the past few months blurted out things that could land himself in the Federal Pokey for the rest of his life.  He had the gall to issue some dangerous statements on Progressive Eruptions which are now screen captured for the Federal Bureau Of Investigations to use against him if they decide to.  I have quoted him here to show you what he peeped and muttered on Shaw Kenawe's hate site.

Not very bright, Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belchertown Massachusetts!  The FBI could easily burst into your trailer, taking out Linda, Dawn and your grandson during the raid.  That would be tragic and their blood would be on you.


  1. Question: Death Threat Against Donald Trump Posted On Blogger?

    Answer: No, not on Blogger. In Mystere's delusions.

    1. Your rabid hatred of Donald Trump and Jews blinds you severely, Dervish. And let's be clear: Rattrapper wrote this post to call out Leslie Elden Carpenter III over his anti-Semitic death threats and his death threats against President Donald John Trump. Your retorts prove you support killing Jews and and those who are pro America.

  2. Hamas is welcome to reside in the 2300 or 2400 block of Highway 69 in Paris Tennessee free of rent or in the 2100 block of Old Union Loop in Paris Tennessee for free. If the owners of the houses protest, Hamas has the permission to burn down the houses before they leave the premises while the owners are asleep inside.

  3. And how are going to get to Paris Tennessee, Mystere?

    Also, you don't have the authority to grant permission.

    1. Anonymous November 28, 2023 at 7:46 AM
      "And how are going to get to Paris Tennessee, Mystere?

      Also, you don't have the authority to grant permission."

      Why would I want to come to your brothels, Assface Dervish? I have no desire to head over to Tennessee for any reason. You should be responding to David Assholerox and addressing him, not me, for he wrote the comment.

    2. Hey Assface Dervish Sanders, if you ever try to dox someone again by posting confidential information you harvested from some information site, I'll report you to the proper law enforcement authorities. And don't try to deny that it was you who posted some guy's SSN in the comments on the "Scary With Children" post. You inadvertently left some digital breadcrumbs behind in that post. You're not very bright Assface Dervish Sanders. I made sure I took screenshots of the evidence beforehand.

  4. I'll report you to the proper law enforcement authorities.

    Do it NOW. I dare you, asshole.

  5. So turn over the evidence to the authorities. I DARE you, asshole.

  6. btw, you complain about "doxxing" but here you doxx Les Carpenter.

    1. Leslie Elden Carpenter III got doxxed? Really? His address isn't posted here unless you hacked the account with help from your butt buddy Donny Bortz III. Mystere, Porky, Donkey and I don't post addresses, as that violates criminal law in a number of States. Besides, Leslie is a drug addled imbecile, not worthy of any kind of publicity.

      Now your relatives have a 7** area code phone number listed publicly on a number of sites. Shall someone post them on a blog site you have no control of?😆😆😆😆😆

      Oh don't worry Dervy. I'm not a meanie. Unless you give me a reason to pass them to someone who hates you to post them on a blog, your numbers are "safe" with me. But it doesn't take a genius to look on the web and find the phone numbers on the web through questionable sites, like the dirty sites you use to doxx those you hate and wish to incite violence and death upon.

      Your death wishes got exposed, Dervy. And they blew up in your carcass. Your occultic spirit castings have boomeranged back and sealed your spiritual doom.
