Friday, November 24, 2023

Leslie Elden Carpenter III AKA Rational Nation USA Spews His Anti Semitic Hate At Progressive Eruptions



  1. Replies
    1. And Dervish got his belly filled this Weekend with plenty of pig slop at Boston Piggy's Hate Trough "Progressive Eruptions".

    2. Leslie Carpenter III hates Jews, as seen at Shaw Kenawe's racist pig pen.

  2. Oh? I'm a lying POS? How is that, Dervish? I didn't post this. Rattrapper posted this. And if you go to Boston Piggy's hate site, Leslie Elden Carpenter III did say and imply what is in the photo caption. Nursie Poo Poo is a Jew hater, as seen in his comment at Boston Piggy's hate trough. He's part of the pig slop.

  3. You lie, Mystere. Les Carpenter did not say what you wrote. Also, "Rattrapper" is one of your Blogger accounts. As is "Q-anon".

    1. HERE YOU ARE, MY BOY DERVISH! I've been wandering all over the blogosphere, looking for you. You did such a wonderful job on Thanksgiving, wiping my butt and changing my diapers while Jill was making her best Thanksgiving turkey tacos and burritos for everyone. Jill even let me eat plenty of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream pie and pumpkin ice cream between meals. You did a great job wiping my butt while we showered together, but we're not going to tell Jill, because that's our little secret.

    2. OH MY BIGLY GOODNESS!!! OH MY BIGLY GOODNESS!!! Mr. Best President Ever! You're here, thanking me! What a bigly honor it is! My bigliest wildliest dreams have come true! #BestPresidentEver has come to thank me for wiping his butt while showering with him! I'm getting a bigliest thrill ever up my leggs!

  4. Nursie Poo Poo advocates for Hamas in his retort at Boston Piggy's hate filled pig pen: "As we give thanks for the blessings and wonders of this precious human life let us pause and reflect on the continued oppression and suffering of innocent civilian Palestinians over the last 70 years in Gaza and the West Bank by greedy pigs as well as all those oppressed and or living in poverty everywhere by Zionist pigs on our planet."

    Nursie Poo Poo's attitude is this: "May Muslims replace Zionists wherever they're present, ALLAH AKBAR! ALLAH AKBAR!"

    Dervish can't see what's between the lines in Nursie Poo Poo's vulgar retort, because Dervish is Satan's cheerleader and a bigly Jew hater.
