Sunday, February 26, 2023

Train Prophecy...

Train Prophecy

Balloon, Train & Revival Prophecies from Robin D. Bullock

Update February 27 2023 Medusa Spirit Prophecy

God has spoken through prophets to warn us about what is going to happen unless we do things to either let them pass or stop them from happening.

Prophet Robin D. Bullock and others have seen what is going on behind the scenes.  The prophets are ready to chase the wolves out.


  1. Dear Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, Socialists Communists, and All Other Assorted Idiots.
    You know, it really bugs the hell out of me when I think about the dumb, Illiterate, uneducated morons who put this Potato-head in office and who are still defending him today. And so many good people and hard working families have to suffer because of it. And when us conservatives complain about the damage he has cause, we are called all kinds of names because of our hatred of this walking Vegetable, and his Crooked, Money Grabbing Son. Well, that’s no surprise, that’s the liberal’s mantra, “Blame Trump” or call us “Racist’s”, or Homophob’s And still these useful idiots, are in awe over this Socialist, and won’t accept the truth.
    I don’t know, if but that Progressive Blogg writer was raised by socialists and communists or whether she learned it in school, or whatever, but all I know is that I don’t like her, in fact I think that her entire Blog is full of Commit Lovers, and contributes .
    The bottom line is that we hae had more that enough of progressive, socialist, bull shit, and her followers that put their CRAP on other blogs that we Republinans read, and write on.
    Especially that Anti-Semitic squirming little RAT commenting on Lisa’s blog with his so called “Jokes”. That Worm is nothing less than a POS!
    Even thought we Republicans tried to tell those dirtbags about that walking Zombi that falls when he walks UP the stairs but they wouldn’t listen, instead they said that we were crazy.
    YOU voted for what you thought you were getting, but you got Much Worse.
    And although your won’t admit it, you know it.
    For the past 2 years, the Senile, Delusional Old Fool has made it very clear that he wanted to make himself, and his Crooked family “rich” and he did.
    We conservatives, tried to warn you that he was, and was always lying.
    We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to ruin this country, but you wouldn’t believe us, you just wanted to get rid of Donald Trump at any cost.
    You told us that we had no idea what we were talking about.
    You Called Us Crazy. You Called Us All Kind of Names..
    YOU even said that we were lying.
    Well, now that you’ve seen foe yourself
    Most of All you Liberals wanted this Half-wit as their President and now that you have him, you want to get rid of him!.

    Remember Obamacare, well now That’s Only Just The Least of Our Problems,we told you that there was much more to come..
    We told you so.
    We told you about his Crooked, Crackhead Son also, but you didn’t care!. You didn’t even care when you heard about his Lap-Top.
    We were correct about that too.. But you didn’t believe it until you read it in the NY Times, and other Liberal Rags.
    So, Just Wait untl 2024 when that POS in the Oval Office is Kicked out along with his Phony “Dr”. Wife, and his Troop of Losers. The sun will come out again.
    Well, I’m glad that I glad that off my chest, and I feel better now

    1. Have you noticed that these half wits who only have, at the highest, the intelligence of a full grown pig, are oinking that everything gone horribly wrong is Trump's fault? They squeal that train safety deregulations are 100% Trump's fault, even though their farting pants pooper had from 2021-22 to force railroads to have these alleged problems resolved before the train wrecks happened. They even went out of their way to accuse the dead trucker who stopped his rig on a railroad crossing of being an alleged Trump supporter who deliberately stopped on the tracks to cause the train wreck in Texas.

      I don't even think they have the intelligence of a full grown pig. Animal experts say a full grown pig has the intelligence of a person who is 4 years old. These liberals aren't that smart. Their intelligence is that of a 2 year old or younger toddler with mental and emotional disabilities.

  2. Dr. Morris FishbindMarch 2, 2023 at 4:53 AM

    Many of Scientists and High United States Officials now are saying whatever the truth is about COVID being the result of Lab tinkering in China, to even suggest it is hardly a “complete distortion of reality,” as Dr. Anthony Fauci has vociferously maintained while attacking anyone who said so as a “conspiracy theorist.”

    One prominent law maker after another just TORE into Dr. Anthony Fauci after the Energy Department concluded COVID-19 likely leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China — a theory that Dr. Fauci the former White House chief medical adviser repeatedly rejected. But Fauci not only advised the American citizens to constantly wear a Mask, but advised them to double up and wear TWO of them. The practice of wearing Masks to prevent catching Covid or spreading it was COMPLETELY DEBUNKED by the Chief Medical Adviser earlier this week, and repeatedly rejected the idea..
    In July of last year, Fauci hedged slightly by saying that he was keeping an “open mind” about the lab leak possibility, only to later insist “it looks very much like this was a natural occurrence.”Since reclaiming the House last month, GOP lawmakers have called for an investigation into both the origins of COVID-19 and the government’s handling of the pandemic.
    After hearing the latest report by an expert concluding that COVID likely leaked from a lab, Dr. Fauci sais., “We may never know” the origins of the pandemic, but that “we must all keep an open mind to all possibilities.”
    It has NOW been PROVEN that this guy Fauci had completely lied and Knowingly Mislead the American public.

  3. I for one will GLADLY admit to the fact that love watching these TREASONOUS TRAITORS, these LYING, SLIMY, PROGRESSIVE, SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS THAT ARE ACTUALLY FULL FLEDGED COMMUNISTS , writing, these anti Trump, and now as predicted anti Ron DeSantis flaunting, and exhibiting their admiration,and fondness for Joe Biden and his accomplishments, like giving us a booming economy, and the many, many jobs that he created,
    Obviously Donald Trump and his Cult of MAGA Republicans have done NOTHING for this country IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO THOSE JEALOUS Progressives, who have been wishing, and hoping for America to fail, so that hey could say “I TOLD YOU SO”. . Obviously these people hate America and only care about the Liberals, and the HATEFUL Progressives This can't be denied, we can see it by their treasonous response to Joe Biden's miserable way that he had handled the Country, and the MESS that he has made of America in only TWO short years!
    The Progressives Obviously believe in Party over Country, and have done a great job in sowhing that in those past two years. After all what have Joe Biden’s accomplishments been? The way that he planed the Fleeing of Afghanistan? The Billions of dollars of equipment that was left behind for the Enemy? The Inflation? The empty shelves in the Supermarkets, the Many, Many Shortages, the High prices of everything including Gas? The lack of money in our savings accounts? Legalizing marijuana? His Intense Political Division when he promised “Unity”?
    The Biggest Political Scandals in American History! His Son’s Laptop? The FBI and America's Justice Department has become Politicized. The OPEN BORDER, and the CHAOS that it has created? Appoints people for High Ranking Positions by their Gender, and Color instead of by their Qualifications! And all you need to do is Look at our Vice President to see what I mean! .
    Anybody that is mad or jealous of this booming jobs report is a traitor that should be executed.
    He has made Watergate look like a Minor Speeding Ticket.
    Who would ever thing that an American President and his Son would be taking Multi-Millions of dollars from our Enemies, Laundering Money, Selling Influence, Tax Evasion / Fraud, Espionage, Mishandling the Most Sensitive, Highest Classified Material by storing it in his Garage?
    He has been SO BAD that even the Democrats want Biden out of the 2024 presidential race
    We can see which people are traitors by just by how they respond to Biden. And the pathetic reaction and hatred, and jealousy of Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis, and for that matter ANYBODY who is a Republican, and a Republican Supporter.

    Joe Biden proves my facts..And that Piece of Garbage Meritt Garland is a very close second.

  4. Sassy Irish LassieMarch 2, 2023 at 2:41 PM

    Biden, the incompetent Potatohead , says Ukraine does not need F16 fighter jets.......YET!
    Wars are terrible, but if you are in a war or support an ally in a war, you fight to win.
    Biden said the war in Ukraine could continue for years !
    I know that opinions vary about US support for Ukraine, however now that we are sending tens of billions of military & humanitarian aid to the country, we should do everything boldly to help Ukraine to win the war. And another thing that I know is that is Biden should by any chance re-gain the Presidency, then we as a World Power are THROUGH!
    It seems the military aid is trickling to that country in bits & pieces & with all defensive weaponry.
    Fighter jets can be used for defense too. They can be used to shoot down enemy jets flying over the invaded country so that less people are killed & less homes, schools, hospitals & innocent lives are lost.
    Apparently the inept lunatic Joe Biden & his Pathetic Cabinet & government don’t understand this.

    It’s as though a prolonged war is what they politically need, regardless of the human tragedy & destruction on the invaded !
    Another tragedy added to the many tragedies domestic & foreign, caused by this Idiotic, Inept, Imposter, Potatohead named Joseph Biden !

    1. Bidet is about to get his just punishment very soon

  5. There appears to be a Progressive turd on these Blogs who makes some vicious attacks at the Republicans, and the Republican bloggers.

  6. All I know is, the one that is being presented to us on a daily basis is NOT the same one that was appointed to VP with the fake Pres. Obama. Two totally different thugs and they think we are stupid enough to believe they are the same!

  7. An alleged Chinese spy balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after having traveled over the US for Seven days, gathering whatever it could in secret info. Several other mysterious objects were shot down afterwards in the subsequent days and weeks. While the lack of transparency about these is concerning, the real concern is the agenda behind such a stunt: I mean, really? In this day and age of internet cyberstalking, hacking etc., do we really believe China had to send an obvious giant spy balloon to spy on us when they could probably hack into our online infrastructure and save the trip and the obvious “peekaboo, I see you” message? It should come as no surprise countries like China, Russia, Iran etc. are trying to spy on us, and honestly, we’re probably spying on them. We’ve known this for decades. It’s not like the government needs an overt signal to convey we’re being watched in the era of the Surveillance State. No, the more plausible explanation was to scare us and keep us distracted from some more relevant issue the Swamp doesn’t want us to take notice of. Of course, if anyone openly argues this point, they’re labeled a “conspiracy theorist”! So give us a break, that so called "SPY" balloon, was not a SPY Balloone!

  8. Disgusted With LiberalsMarch 6, 2023 at 6:44 AM

    Questions arise about just how John Fetterman was able to write a letter while uhe was HOSPITALIZED for Depression?
    It is not only what the letter said that has raised peoples eyebrows, but Fetterman's ability to write it when he was hospitalized for Depression?
    The Blaze recently reported that the senator — who suffered a debilitating stroke during his campaign — checked into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Feb. 16 to obtain treatment for "severe" depression. He was prompted, in part, by an experience of disorientation in the aftermath of President Joe Biden's Feb. 7 State of the Union address.

    I would suggest that there ISN’T A SINGLE PERSON within the border of the continental United States that is not going to ask the question of how John Fetterman wrote a letter in the United States Senate while under direct medical attention at Walter Reed Hospital for self admitted fear of harm and Depression?
    Nobody has heard from or even seen John Fetterman for over two weeks now, and now he's apparently 'co-sponsoring' Senate bills.... Can Somebody, Anybody, Explain this to Me?

    1. Anyone who believes what that Progressive Blogger spews is an Ignorant fool.

  9. The Sassy Irish LassyMarch 7, 2023 at 6:40 AM

    This is what the Democratic-Progressive-Liberal Party has come to. Pretty sad. :(

    This month, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics wrote to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski asking him to revoke the broadcasting licenses of Rupert Murdoch. A ban would include any and all news organizations affiliated with Murdoch?s umbrella organization, News Corp, which owns FOX NEWS.
    And these Progressive Democrats DARE to compare the Conservative Part to Nazi Germany
    It kind of Smells like Obama, and his Filthy Ilk!

  10. Joe Biden gave another one of his DIVISIVE speeches to continue the divisions & guilt trip that he has brought to the country.
    This man is a total failure , so Unaware and so Uninspiring and only knows how to pander and to bribe who he thinks will vote for him .
    He just does phony preaching & lies & smiles like a senile fool.
    If you listen to this man, you would think America is the worst country in the history of man.
    Yet, millions of those Illegal, and savory people are striving to illegally come here... and for what? to spread their filthy venom, their DRUGS, and to spread more CRIME here! .
    No country is safer for minorities, people of different races & color & religions than America, but we don't need these people
    to come here with their Crime, and their murderous drugs to Kill our children as they are doing. .
    Immigrants from all backgrounds & the countries of the world, black & white, poor & rich, have come here to rise to incredible
    heights of wealth, success & stature in all walks of life !
    Listening to Joe Biden, you feel guilty for being an American !
    He is a disgrace, a lying, cheating 'Traitor' but I am not discouraged by this mistake of a corrupt, inept man. I just want him OUT of our government. He and his CROOKED Son need to be thrown out if need be.
    But Keep the faith for America will change course & survive.
    America always survives, because of the good people, past & present !

  11. It seems that our old friend Jane”Hanoi “Jane Fonda has waded into the climate change controversy with the opinion that if there wasn't racism, yes, Hanoi Jane said that “ Racism causes climate change”.... there would be no climate crisis. Honestly people, you can't make this stuff up and it seems there is no limit to idiotic things that people think about it..
    Their everyday things like their mansions, limos, yachts, private jets etc. apparently aren't a problem. It's just all the stuff that allow US ordinary people use that’s is the real problem.
    We are seeing Leftist Madness and Stupidity in Full Display.

  12. Elon Musk accused the Jan. 6 House committee members of “misleading the public” following the release of new Jan. 6 footage saying that they “Cherry Picked the footage they showed”.

    Mr. Musk blasted the Jan. 6 committee: Cheney, Kinzinger, and Schiff stating that they withheld evidence for partisan political reasons.
    In a response to a tweet that criticized former Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for lying, Musk blasted the lawmakers for withholding evidence for “partisan political reasons.”
    The Shaman was being shown around by Capital cops in a completely peaceful manner, and that should have been shown by the LYING DEMOCRATS.

    We have been taken over by Fascists. Those Democratic cultists liars are out of their minds. How can ANYBODY possibly support them?

  13. A Lady WQho Still Has a Voice,of FreedomMarch 13, 2023 at 5:16 AM

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    November 21, 2022 A Lady of Reason
    We (Literally) Can’t Afford to Be Silent Anymore

    Ever since Joe Biden took office as President of the United States, the country has gone on a downward spiral of swamp induced corruption, censorship of fellow conservatives, lunacy being taught to the next generation, weakness in the eyes of our opponents, not to mention the economic crash, supply shortages and massive inflation! In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large holiday dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and astronomical prices mean many struggle or simply cannot afford to carry on their family traditions. Many struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week. Want to travel to family out of state? That family road trip may cost double or triple the price than it did before 2021 with gas as it is! Zoom gatherings, anyone? That is, if you can still afford the electric bill, or are not under rolling blackouts! For many this Christmas, the tree will look barer than in past years and even Santa may have a tighter budget for the children. This will be the reality for many middle class families, not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, saved money for rainy days have found under Biden, the storm outlasted their savings.

    Of course, many are okay with being more frugal around holidays. People, not things are truly what makes this season special. That’s not the point however: When you work hard, save more than you spend, make wise decisions for your future and frankly, live in a first world country envied by the world, you ought to have a comfortable standard of living. You may not need a palace or a fancy yacht or luxury vacation every year, but most will agree they need a roof over their head, electricity, heating in the winter, groceries in their pantry, gas in the tank, etc. at affordable prices. Under Biden’s economy, prices have doubled, tripled, even are expected to quadruple in some cases! The rich and upper class elites who are often radical liberal won’t be affected. Pelosi can fill her luxury fridge full of the finest brands of ice cream. Those on welfare cradle to grave or are here illegally will be provided everything they need free of charge so they’ll vote Democrat. Who loses out? Fellow patriots who have worked all their lives and supported themselves and their families. Even after the devastation the Covid fear mongering has wrought on small business owners, people fired for not getting the Covid vaccine, employees laid off, hiring freezes, lost opportunities, supply shortages etc., the economy has not bounced back. Putting restriction after restriction on the trucking industry, shutting down domestically sourced pipelines, inflating prices on everything, all trickles down to how we can afford to live the lives we want, and frankly, have earned through our labors. Funny thing how under “America’s worst president” we had one of the best economies

  14. A Lady with a Voice of ReasonMarch 13, 2023 at 5:40 AM

    Those Desperate, Pathetic, Pitiful , Progressives, Dumbasses, on the Left tried the same Pathetic stunt with the Palestine Ohio Train Disaster, as you did with EVERY Disaster Despite the NY Times, and the NY Post Having Calling out Democrats for Covering up, and Lying, Repeatedly !
    Trump Had Nothing to Do with the Accident., and yet you Stupid people tried to pin it on him, like you are now doing with the Bank Failures.

    It’s exactly the same pathetic lying attempt to blame Trump here as you Democraic SCUM have been doing to him for over 4 years. You and your disgusting ILK should be ashamed of yourselves if you had ant sham in you at all, but you don’t. You are ALL a lot of LYING SCUM!
    And that Biden appointee Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that the Federal government would not bail out Silicon Valley Bank! She like that other Creepy Worm Pete Buttigieg are nothing but Biden’s Puppets, and they are as much lying scums as he is.

  15. A Lady Who Still Has a Voice,of FreedomMarch 13, 2023 at 6:03 AM

    As we get closer to the 2025 Presidential election we are seeing more, and more Republicans become candidates for the office of the Presidency, they also become candidates for the Democratic’s Smears, Name Calling, and Lies, , Dehumanization, Defamation, Demonization & Character Assassinations.
    This is equal vilification and smears, for Women as well as Men candidates, White or Black , Minority and Ethnic Candidates ! The Socialist-Democrats make No exceptions. This is what they really mean when talking about equality, and Biden’s “Unity”.

    The most qualified, the smartest, the most proven, the most experienced, the most Patriotic will all be the biggest targets, by these American Haters. .
    The Democrats will do this in different degrees depending on which Republican candidate is a potential to win. Trump was and still will be the TOP target, and as soon as he’s indited Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley will become the top targets as well, in fact we are starting to see that right now. .
    The corrupt and fake media and the so called "Journalists" will be there, as always, to carry the dirty water, and lying for the Democrats and further their Propaganda and their Fake, and Dirty misinformation.
    Be ready, the race has started and will escalate as we move closer to the elections of 2024.
    Also we have thank Fox news, and especially Tucker Carlson, who had showed us the real peaceful video footage of the January 6th protests that the left has been callin g am “Insurrection” ever since the first day. I believe that it was first given that False name by Fancy Nancy Pelosi and he Lap Dog Chuck Schumer.
    It's unimaginable that any group of people or any party would be upset to see the truth, unless the truth is not part of the agenda.
    It shows the "Horned man" with the cape peacefully being led and walking into the various rooms of the Capitol by one of the Capitol Policeman. . This man has been jailed for a very long time. This is just one example of innocent footage & innocent people being locked up. Compare this footage with the violent footage of the Riots and destruction, and the Fires & Vandalism and anarchy that took place for several months in a row throughout the entire nation in 2020.
    The Travesty and the Injustice Here Is Shameful, and Digusting..

  16. This Was Seen On Another Blog,

    I Have A Challenge to All Of You Liberals Out There In La-La Land!: Can any of you name the alleged NY State “CRIME” that Former President Donald Trump allegedly committed? The CRIME that all of you are SO Dammed thrilled about that the INEPT Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg who won’t put a “Black” in Jail no matter what crime that he may have committed, but might be on the verge of indicting President Trump over the Stormy Daniels matter, and while of course I hate to burst your bubble, I can’t help but wonder whay crime Donald Turm MAY have committed!:

    I know it’s not murder. I know it’s not kidnaping. I’m sure he didn’t Mug anyone or throw them onto the Subway track, or steal their I-Phone! I know it’s not a felony Drug sale case. Did he violate any campaign contribution laws, as SO MANY Democrats have done? I don’t think so!
    But I’m not sure I understand what crime you folks are so sure that he allegedly committed. Do you?

    So, please, tep right up, and tell us all, the name that alleged Crime or Crimes that he had committed.
    Like I said, of course I’d hate to burst your bubble, but I can’t help but wonder: .
    Somewhere I read that it’s because Donald Trump’s lawyer tried to buy the silence of a porn actress who said she had a sexual encounter with the Former President... Well If that’s the charge, Let me see, although I don’t claim to be a Lawyer, or an expert on Law, but it seems to me if that’s the case the charge would be a Federal Issue. And why in the world would the Manhattan District Attorney have jurisdiction in this matter? Or perhaps this is JUST ANOTHER WITCH HUNT!.

    But it ain’t a Felony.. And this is the SAME of story that has been gone over, and over many times, and the Statute of Limitations on any misdemeanor has long since been over anything to do with Stormy Daniels,,,, So It MUST be JUST ANOTHER WITCH HUNT!

  17. Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

    Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

    And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. This Potatohead can't even find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

  18. The Democratic-Socialist, Liberal Communists, are so afraid of Donald Trump winning that they didn't want him to run again . That's why they are so scared to death he's going to be running again

  19. January 6th was All About Saving America from the Democrats, not about Overthrowing the Government
