Sunday, April 2, 2023

Leo Terrell's Funny Tweet

"Attention 75 million Trump’s Supporters. I decided to support Joe Biden for President in 2024!"


It almost didn't go well for a short moment.  People forgot that it was April Fool's Day when Leo Terrell posted that on Twitter.  But soon afterwards, they caught on and laughed.  After all, Leo is too smart to vote for a pants pooping farting jackal who is only interested in sniffing little girls and scarfing down gallons of ice cream in 1 sitting.

The People almost had a Charlie Brown football moment, but wised up and danced to the fun instead.


  1. So the question is will we or won”t we have another 4 years of Greatness, or will we sink once again as we did throughout the Obama/Biden 8 years? I personably feel that there isn’t any doubt about it and that the country will continue the rapid decent into the Socialist state started under Obama/Biden years. As we already know the USA was already on it’s way there until it was saved by the fact that Trump beat the Hillarybeast. The folks who like "Free" Stuff” and those that are too ignorant to know the difference won't come to the realization that they have been duped by a RIGGED election.

    If, and when (God Forbid) Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States there are several questions he should be asked immediately: Such as, Mr. President, do you know what time it is? what day it is,? Do you know what Planet you are on” Where you are? What’s your name? What State are you in? What year it is?
    No, Joe Biden is not exactly like Mike Tyson who got his bell rung and was punched in his head too many times !. His confusion, his decline, and his lack of awareness wasn’t caused by his going behind the Barn to beat up someone who called him a name! He doesn’t even know if that guy in the audience was a member of a constituency, or a MAGA supporter! He just has been around a bit too long and need a rest Perhaps on a farm where he could talk to the Animals, And where that wouldn’t be much less confusion. And as for the fact that got more votes for president than any other candidate in the history of the United States, well that alone is really a big joke. Even, Wise Men, and Scholars like Professor Alan Dershowitz are scratching their heads over that one.

    President Biden, who allegedly was the “BIG GUY” mentioned in communications about the same Chinese venture, dined at Hallie Biden’s residence last Friday during his regular weekend trip home to Delaware. It’s unclear if they discussed the looming bombshell, which Comer publicly said on Monday night on the Sean Hannity’s Show.

    The records show Hallie Biden received $35,000 over two transfers in 2017 from Biden family
    As the House Oversight Committee showed Joe Biden’s Daughter-in-Law Hallie Biden got $35,000 from China in 2017 while sleeping with the Pig Hunter Biden, her dead husband’s brother.

    So lets face it America, if in fact Joe Biden is declared the winner, and he is inaugurated, that don’t mean that he does need to be quick-minded, or articulate or even aware of his surroundings. He only needs to keep breathing and remain standing upright long enough to take the oath of office. And able to pass the “Presidential Torch” to Kamala. His corrupt past and his Crack-Head Son’s past will fade to darkness as fast as the Supreme Court’s lack of courage was in rejecting arguments challenging the fraudulent election that had just past. And things will go on, we may need to learn how to speak Chinese, but don’t worry, this soon will also pass.. And I kind of like Chinese food.

  2. There are a lot of stupid, gullible people in America today. Imagine, in the land of plenty which affords more civil rights and liberties than any other country on Earth throughout all of history, there is a sizable minority that hate our country, our Founders, and our culture and want to destroy it all in order to usher in an authoritarian reign masquerading as something called "democratic socialism". I got news for you little twerps. Go back and read Lenin's and Trotsky's speeches. They were advocating democratic socialism too (even though they were not calling it that; it was rebranded/reformed by western leftist scum). But today's American kiddies do not mind that 20th century communist regimes were brutal and deadly, and nearly destroyed the world with nuclear Armageddon. No, today's leftist rodent youth just thinks that "it has never been done right. Yeah, that's it, guys!! Nobody has ever done socialism right. But we will! YAYYYY!!!!!" The level of ignorance among these idiots is morbid and disgusting. Morons like this should not have a vote on any matter affecting our nation.
    ou know how the left has never, ever, EVER been patriotic? Then, after J6 they are all about law and order, draping the American flag over their bodies as they decry sedition, insurrection, treason, and a lot of other crimes they neither understand nor know how to spell. Let's face it: these idiots have not changed one bit. They are still American hating maggots, and they always have been, always will be, and they are metastasizing their hatred in today's youth.

    But let's look at this insurrection thing a little closer. If patriots have a duty to defend the constitution and our homeland, and the enemies of America have somehow wormed their way into power, what must an American do?

    1. Continued
      Now, I am not necessarily talking about J6 per se, as I do not consider that to be an insurrection. Only shit-heads and brain-washed idiots consider J6 to be an insurrection. It was a legal political demonstration that got out of hand when a bunch of troublemakers broke the law by committing misdemeanor acts of violence and other low-level crimes. The protest was infiltrated by some trouble-making people on the right who had an agenda, and by some federal law enforcement agents on the left who had an agenda. It is what it is. But an insurrection is was not.
      Think of it this way, Election Interference is their next best thing to do besides doing away with the Election Period!
      So, let's set aside J6 and perform a mental exercise. If the enemies of America ever take control of the power centers of America, and are clearly acting to undermine our constitution, and some American patriots who object to this and seek to conserve and protect our constitutional republic decide to act against the government seized by enemies of the republic, is THAT an insurrection? Or, is the insurrection what the ENEMIES are doing to the republic and the patriots are trying to restore law and order to the republic and its people? Please note that I am not advocating ANYTHING in this post. I do not consider myself MAGA or, frankly, anything other than a constitutional conservative. I hate violence. Having the ability to resolve our differences through the use of language is what sets us apart from the animals. Of course, the left is perfectly fine with their advocates acting like a pack of fucking wild animals. That is because the leftists are horrible people.

      I have no doubt that the Founders of our republic are spinning in their graves right now. Our youth have been manipulated into hating our republic via straight Marxist-Soviet tactics. We fought the communists for most of the last century and won. But now they are back and now they want to take our Kids and “groom” them so that they could be Fairies! That’s what they’re doing with this BS charge: to silence the voices of the Tens of Millions of American citizens who want Trump as the nominee. But AH!, that not what they want! So what do they do? They come up with some idiotic charge of “Paying a Porn Star, to Keep her from speaking”
      But they DO NOTHING t to the Tens of Thousands of Black Lives Matter Hoodlum that were burning, looting, and murdering their way across America last Summer. And it’s not only that, our Cackling Vice President Harris even arranged Bail to get them immediately released , while all the non-violent January 6ed protestors have been in jail for years without a hearing, and that my friends is equivalent to a .Banana Republic .Yes, America is beginning to look like a Banana Republic in the sense that it's becoming dysfunctional because of Biden’s Insane Politics.

  3. The Senile, Delusional. Babbling, Stumbling Tripping on his own Feet, Donn’t even know what State he’s in, or what dat of the week it is Joe Biden just let it slip to Reporters his Team is Coordinating these Trump Indictments to “Stop Donald Trump From Ever Taking Power Again! As he just let it slip as he was answering reporters questions. He confirmed it's all about stopping him from getting reelected.
    And he said the Important part out loud, Biden all but confirmed that his team is coordinating these Trump indictments to “stop Trump from taking power again”
    He Sid If it’s Legal we’ll do it, if it’s not Legal, we’ll find a way to do it anyway” AND THAT’S A QUOTE!


  4. I'm sick of the practicing Communist Dictatorship like Biden has engendered. Like Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, like Chuck Schumer Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, and all of those in the MSM who've supported all these lies 0nce, and for all.
    Four years ago Pelosi was telling the press that she was the most powerful woman in America and not Hillary Clinton.
    Nancy Pelosi deserves life in the slammer for her corrupt abuse of power as House Speaker, to cause nothing but trouble for the Executive Branch because she hated Trump and went after him at the behest of none other than another criminally bent politician--Hillary Clinton who never passed up an opportunity to collect information via the FBI beneficiaries of the Russia-funded Clinton Foundation who gave millions to the foundation right after she set aside 20% of America's high-grade uranium to Putin, yes, the Putin who has made two threats recently of nuking America. That makes Hillary Clinton look and smell like a traitor to the United States of America.
    What some people won't do for power, like jeopardize a Nation of 333,000,000 people.
    These elitists slip up every once in a while and let out what they really believe... and it becomes very clear that they don't care one bit about Justice, or due process, or any of us “Little People”..

  5. It is MORE than likely that people from groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other Progressive Communist Democrat Agitators and Activists posing as Trump supporters are going to Trump Rallies, and Supporters groups disguise as his followers, but are actually communists, and or Democratic Activists looking to cause trouble for Trump.
    Look for these progressive communist democrat to also criminally interfere with the 2024 presidential election.
    Nobody is above the law, except these frauds.

  6. Angel Reese told “Dr” Jill, that she is not interested in Jill Biden's pitch to invite Iowa to White House alongside LSU

    The First Lady, also known as “Doctor Jill” said that she wants the DEFEATED Iowa Women’s basketball team to be invited to the White House in addition to the National Title Winner Louisiana State University. She watched LSU’s 102-85 victory over Iowa from the stands on Sunday night.

    Reese tweeted a link to the story which included Biden’s comments, calling it “A JOKE” along with three rolling-on-floor-laughing emojis. In a comment on an Instagram post which included Reese’s tweet, the recently crowned NCAA champion said: “WE NOT COMING. period.” ESPN host Stephen A. Smith echoed Reese’s sentiment, “That is a bad suggestion. Runner-ups don’t get invited to the White House. Why are we trying to change it now? I completely agree with you, Angel.”
    She wants to invite the Iowa team so that there would be a increase in the IOWA votes for Biden, if he decides to run.

    This is going to be a bigger issue for the Biden admin than they realize -- many blacks are now vowing to not vote for him in 2024, citing that this latest display of racism is their last straw. This is a prime opportunity for the GOP to win those voters over if they are smart. This is a prime opportunity to highlight to the blacks that this current First Lady and this entire administration is the most racist admin in the history of this country.

    Since When Do They Invite the Losing Team to the White House?

  7. Oh you bet there’s a Backlash coming…. And I can’t wait for the Elections to come in November 2024 , There will be a shift in power unless these elections are rigged like the last presidential election. I think if that happens again in this country I believe it will lead to another revolutionary war. I truly believe Americans need to wake up we don’t have a Democrat problem we have a politician problem the republicans are on board with the rules for thee but not for me all of them get to do insider trading including their families but if us common folks did it we would go to prison. Politicians DO NOT have to pay into Social Security, but we are FORCED to pay into a system that our Politicians both Democrat and Republicans have almost bankrupt. Once they retire they collect a pension for the rest of their lives, over 150,000 a year(not taxed i believe). After 20 years of service my small retirement check is taxed, federal, state, SS, you get the jist. If you actually look at all the taxes that you pay over 50% of your income is going to taxes so the taxes so the American government has become has become what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. The WORKING CLASS is taxed to death while people are allowed to sit at home and collect welfare and disability for being obese, I’m not being mean this is a fact. People want free health care which the United States probably could afford if our welfare system was an abused so much there are so many people that have babies just to collect more money so they don’t have to work. Our government is still paying people to stay home and not work, How can they say they’ve created over 600000 jobs when everyone is everyone is hiring places have had to shut down because people don’t have to work. Why work when Bidumb sends you Free Money? Americans wake up if they’re not working they’re getting money from somewhere to survive so it’s coming from the government. We have women that collect welfare while they say their boyfriends don’t live with them and their boyfriends are out making thousands of dollars the dollars it’s reported to the state and they do nothing about it. We send billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries in aid while we have children in America starving to death, We have the elderly who can’t afford to barely live and they worked in our country their entire lives. We have a war at home in our country the government against the American people. I took a note at 17 years old to die from my country when I joined the United States Army, Part of that oath said I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Every police officer every politician every service member takes this oath any one of those public servants enforces enforces any of these mandates that this corrupt tyrannical government is trying to force on the American people is Justice guilty for treason and tyranny against American citizens and citizens and every single 1 of them should resign from their positions. I am almost 50 years old and to this day even though I’m retired after 20 years and I’ve been retired for almost 10 years I will still die from my country and the freedom that I defended for 20 years of my life and now both of my sons are in the army defending that same freedom and they would die for their country too in any American who is not willing to stand up against this tyrannical You should be ashamed to yourselves and leave this country and go live in Russia, Iran, China, or even Venezuela because that is what America is going to become if this administration is allowed to continue to destroy our country and take away our Rights, and Freedoms. They did it once and Americans coward and obeyed these Socialist leaning towards Communist government with the Pandemic what’s next, What Americans want next is going to come when we get these people out of our Government!

  8. Dervish & Lester can SHOVE your pretentious BULLSHIT up your ASSES!
    Along with Shaw!

    1. Derpish Sanders of Paris Tennessee and his drug dealer Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belchertown Massachussets are just useful idiots for the Deep State.

  9. The Evidence of Joe Biden’s Corruption Just Keeps Piling Up, and the Media Refuses to Cover It !
    The Media fshould be ASHAMED of themselves for burying the bombshell story of Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s former business partner who has testified that Democratic nominee Joe Biden was involved in his family’s influence-peddling operations in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. More and more sources have confirmed parts of Bobulinski’s story — most recently a Senate committee — but many media outlets have refused to cover it.
    “Bobulinski told a remarkable story. Joe Biden — who once again could be [elected] president of the United States next week — was planning business deals with America’s most formidable global opponent. And when he was caught doing it, Joe Biden lied. And then he went further, the slandered an innocent man as a traitor to his own country,” Carlson explained.
    He lamented that “no one in America’s vast media landscape has pressed Joe Biden” for his excuse to smear Bobulinski. “Instead, reporters at all levels, and their editors, and their publishers, have openly collaborated with Joe Biden’s political campaign. That is unprecedented. It has never happened in American history.”
    “This morning, the big papers completely ignored what Tony Bobulinski had to say, so did the other television networks. Not a single word about Bobulinski appeared on CNN or anywhere else. Newsweek decided to cover it but came to the conclusion that the real story was about Qanon, somehow,” Tucker added.
    “This is Soviet-style suppression of information of a legitimate news story days before an election. The ramifications of it are impossible to imagine,” the Fox News host declared. “You should be offended by this not because the media are liberal but because this is an attack on our democracy. You’ve heard that phrase again and again. This is what it actually looks like. In a self-governing country, voters have a right to know, and obligation to know, who they’re voting for.”
    The Hunter Biden Corruption Scandal Is a Reckoning for the Legacy Media
    “In this case, they have the right to know that the Democratic nominee for president was a willing partner in his family’s lucrative influence-peddling operation. An operation that went on for decades and stretched from China and Ukraine, all the way to Oman, Romania, Luxembourg, and many other countries,” Carlson added. “This is not speculation, once again, and it is not a partisan attack. It’s true and Tony Bobulinski confirmed it.”
    Indeed, a spokesperson for Sen. Ron Johnson told the Daily Caller that all the material Bobulinski provided that the committee had reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee did not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false.
    This confirmation adds to a growing list of evidence suggesting that the bombshells revealed in Hunter Biden’s emails and Bobulinski’s testimony are true. While the Biden campaign, Democrats, and legacy media outlets have insisted that the bombshells are Russian disinformation, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, the FBI, and the DOJ rebutted that claim. Vladimir Putin himself came out in defense of Biden’s business deals.

    Bobulinski presented text messages in which Hunter Biden said his “Chairman” — whom Bobulinski claimed was Joe Biden — vetoed a plan for stricter governance on their company doing business with the Chinese.
    Here’s How We Know the Hunter Biden Emails Are Real, and a Serious Threat to Joe Biden
    He also discussed a May 13, 2017 email showing that 10 percent of the company’s equity would go to Joe Biden. When the story first broke, Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented actions to suppress The New York Post bombshell story, and now even the NT Tines is carrying it. .
