Friday, April 28, 2023

Funny Friday - Have You Laughed At A Libtard Today? Crooks And Liars libturds get triggered over Trump rally.

In their desperate attempt to stay afloat and remotely appear relevant to their left wing extremist base, Kooks And Libtards tried to make a video of Donald Trump being constipated.  They not only made fools of themselves; they just put a mark of judgement on their faces.


  1. The White House Correspondent's dinner was a story of doom & gloom by the worst President in history. It has become a lovefest of the mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the democrat party, & the democrats & their leadership.It was discouraging, depressing & predictable. Bashing Fox News, & Donald Trump & Republicans & conservatism was the main subject.
    The country is less free, more divided & more in disarray & turmoil than ever before, yet this was part of what Biden said:

    "When I ran for President four years ago, I said we are in a battle for the soul of America – and we still are. The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer," he said in the video.

    "Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they’ve had to defend democracy, stand up for our personal freedoms, and stand up for our right to vote and our civil rights. This is ours. Let’s finish the job," Biden continued.
    Many " correspondents" were clapping & cheering Biden on.
    Instead of addressing main issues, the man claims he is in a battle for the soul of America.
    As is typical, when he was speaking, he sounded like a failed preacher rather than President of America & the leader of the free world.
    How embarrassing, how shameful & pitiful

  2. The persecution of President Trump is a continuation of the police state that has been created under the socialist democrat party & the Biden administration!
    It is immoral, hateful , partisan, meritless & tyrannical.
    The Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, is an incompetent & corrupt stooge for the democrat party.
    He has let repeat violent criminals get back on the streets, & crime in New York is at record high levels.
    These district attorneys are not at all interested in controlling crime or upholding the laws , but rather totally politically motivated & driven by their sick ideology.
    For the democrats & the left, mobs protesting with violence & anarchy are acceptable & they call them “ mostly peaceful” but protesters who peacefully protest against them or for Trump are called all sorts of names & “ insurrectionists” !
    The double standard is what is expected in a banana republic or a dictatorship.
    Ever since Obama, the government & its institutions have been politically weaponized against conservatives & republicans in favor of democrats.
    The indictment of Trump for allegedly “ paying off “ a porn star, Stormy Daniels, is pathetic !
    The democrats & the left are so power hungry that they are willing to destroy all institutions of democratic rule & its principles.
    The hate & persecution of Trump is not by accident.
    it has been calculated & organized by domestic & foreign powers because Trump was not part of their corruption & the swamp they created.
    He was exposing the “ deep state” & that is not going to be easily allowed !
    They still fear him, but now even more , because a lot has been revealed & exposed.
    The status quo of corruption & deceit was almost ended, almost !
    Let’s unite & pray that forces of good & good people & true patriots save the country from this chaos & madness & end the deep state once and for all !

  3. Trump Derangement Syndrome is caused by witches and warlocks casting spells to destroy America and Israel. Bidet makes it worse by sniffing his boy's crack.
