Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Clown Show Has Gone Full Ape Crazy


Something strange is in the ice cream the far left liberals are consuming in gallons.  It seems that justice has gone full ape crazy.  Something has gotten the liberals to celebrate like a drunken demon gloating with glee.

As liberals gloat with glee in the streets over the arraignment of Donald J. Trump, in hopes of having his whole family sent to prison and be executed for a crime that they did not commit, they are playing with fire.  

Fat Alvin Bragg better watch himself before Satan chops his nuts.  He needs to get off his diet of ape slop and get his full faculties back, before his bloated fat carcass become breakfast for Satan.

Comedian Terrance K. Williams showed his full righteous anger towards the far left, Alvin Bragg and the corrupt George Soros Crime family for trying to mete out injustice against the Trump family and America.  Williams is not the only one telling us what's ahead for liberals, and it's not going to go well for them.  Benny Johnson had plenty to say about it on his streams:

Benny Johnson

Their justice is as real as a moon melon.


  1. Why are people obsessed with hating Trump? Don't they have something better to do like enjoying life?
    Why do so many still obsess over constantly hating Trump? Biden is president now.
    I guess it’s just Trump Derangement Syndrome sadly sinking in.
    While the Democrats and the Democratic Socialist Party of the USA been inserting themselves with this awful Biden administration in power . It must have taken them years to orchestrate this although we weren’t aware of it. . The goal that these “So Called” Progressives are now following the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals bio which was to indoctrinate the very young and then use them to take over the country! Isn’t that EXACTLY what we are seeing now!
    As the Attorney General of NEW YORK STATE has invited parents to bring their YOUNG Children to see and hear the Drag Queen Stories right here in New York City! They and so many others to break the family bonds and weaken the Family unit. They used the very same Alinsky's book as a example to turn up the heat on indoctrinating our children. What these people are doing is going to be very hard to reverse. We have already seen Joe Biden REVERSE every GOOD thing that Donald Trump had done to Make America GREAT Again, and he took it all away with one brush of an Executive Order.
    And when Trump lowers Taxes and made us Energy Independent ,
    Trump secured the Border, Built the Wall, Cut off the flow of cheap labor from coming into the United States, and soon even the Low Wage Earners were making a decent living wage and every person of color was either employed and off welfare or making more than they ever had made before. Trump gave the people hope as they could again see a path to the American Dream that the Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, and Socialist had been trying to kill for forty years. This very low unemployment, by people of Color, scared the Democrats to death, their lie, and their plan was now exposed. Trump also Regulated Social Spending, and he took us out of the Bad agreements that we were already in for years
    Trump was the person the Democrats feared the most. He was the person people wanted to follow, as we CLEARLY saw inall of his rallies. And we also saw Joe Biden’s followers in Coffee shops, and in parking lots. Always under 50 people at the most!
    This infuriated the left, and the Senile, Fool, Joe Biden just sat back and Reversed it all. And here we are, in the biggest mess that we have ever seen in our life times.
    So, what did the Biden Administration do in the first two weeks of his Questionable presidency. He killed our Oil and Gas industries, and he literally shutting them down. Opened up the Southern Border, thus ALLOWING over 6 Million Illegal immigrants into the United States , bringing in Drugs that were, and is Killing our citizens, mostly children , , aiding the drug and human trafficking of young children to the pedophiles that were also entering the US and locating all over the country. along with the Drug Cartell that flooded in every key State and we even paid for the destination that they traveled to where they can tien our people into slaves of the cartels. Biden even Imposed heavy regulations that had been removed to regain total control over the US economy. The list goes on all to regain control and the power that the Democrats had lost with the Trump administration. .

    1. Continued...
      Donald Trump was seem as their enemy Number One, because he singlehandedly destroyed the Democrat -Socialist Controlled Agenda and the command and control of the US economy they had created, in just three short years, despite the ways they attempted to stop him.
      Two of Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachments had failed, other countless lawsuits, and countless defamations of character,
      A phoney attempt to hurt Trump by the TV actor Jussie Smollett had also Failed, and Smollett had been sentenced to 150 days in jail, and ordered to pay a fine of $145,000 for lying to the police about being the victim of a Hate crime.
      And even now a made-up charge from the New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg is being seen as a phoney charge.And hopfully will be dismissed.
      Even the January 6th charge has now been shown to be a Nancy Pelosi concocted and false operation. This being done to Stop Donald Trum from running again in 2024.
      This was, and is still, an orchestrated Coup De'Taut by the left, not only for Trump but the entire US Constitution. NO DUE PROCESS. And the Outrageous raid on Trump’s Mar-A -Lago Home iwas, and should be considered another Illegal Searches and Seizure event! And the saga continues even today. As the persecution of his family and friends continues .
      The recent allegation by the New York District Attorney hasn't gone anywhere in New York either. The District Attorney Bragg is just grasping at straws. The Grand Jury indictments do NOT by any means mean that he is Guilty . The prosecutions allegations are beginning to look like being Bias just made to take him down.. Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton are the one’s that should be serving time, not Donald Trump.

    2. Political Chick, it's going to backfire badly. The severe obsession the far left has against Trump because heaFakeeps exposing them for the crooks that they really are will be their biggest downfall.

  2. Clearance Thomas’s acceptance of a friend’s hospitality should be weighed in light of what the Clintons, and the Obamas, and of course the Bidens, who Joe, and his Disgusting Son Hunter have literally and treasonously sold access and favors to our enemies. Or to those members of Congress who made serious money trading on insider information that would have sent ordinary people to jail.
    And for ANYONE to compare Clearance Thomas to Hitler is not only a cheap thing to do, but a disgusting thing to even say, as they are hardly the same thing.
    What we do know is that Thomas never visited Epstein's Pedophile Island like Bill Clinton has done, many times.. . We know Thomas didn't pal around with Domestic terrorists like Obama did, and who even called Bill Ayers his “”MENTOR” . And we also know that Justice Thomas never asked his Son, the same Son who slept with his Dead brother’s wife to pay his bills, or took money from the Chinese.

    1. Welcome to The Donkey's Revenge, CandyCorn! I saw what you wrote at Boston Piggy's, and how that hate filled sow Shenehneh mistreated you. She allows her piglets to spew outright lies, slandering me and my blog partner Mystere, yet never allows me to say anything, even when it's a neutral topic such as music. I saw how she gloated with glee over how Justice Clarence Thomas is being viciously attacked by the far left, and she condones everything they are doing to try bringing him down.

  3. I think that I can now HONESTLY say that I have Heard it All.
    Baseball. Batters are hitting more Home Runs due to "Climate Change". I've really got to hand it to the left on this one for coming up with the most absurd hypothesis yet. Is there nothing sacred in their war against the climate? But, I have to ask, is it a good thing or a bad thing batters are hitting more Home Runs? Seems like it can make the game more exciting, so let's all root for more home runs!

    Good Lord, these Lefty Climate Change NUT’S have really gone Insane!

    1. They certainly love the pig slop dished out at Boston Piggy's dump site 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  4. Replies
    1. What did you say?

      "The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)"

      April 7, 2023 at 8:30 AM

      "Clarence Thomas is an uncle Tom, and a traitor to the United States. He and his wife deserve to be executed for the crimes they committed for the past 20 plus years against the United States of America."


  5. In MY Humble OpinionApril 8, 2023 at 7:14 AM

    Finally we have now seen the real Kamala Harris , And nOT the one we have been seeing all along!
    As Kamala, calls the Republicans "So-called Leaders" & Cowards Who Do Nothing about Gun Violence, in an ABSURD, RIDICULOUS, an LAUGHABLY FOOLISH SPEECH.

    Joe Biden puts her in charge of the Border, so what does she do? She goes to Nashville? She failed at the Border,and didn't even try to do something, but it's good to see her take the leadership on Gun Control , instead of that other raving Idiot Chuck Schumer.

    Kamala Had One Job, Just One, and She Couldn’t Even Do It Correctly!.
    Tennessee is one of the last Conservative strongholds in America, which explains why the Left is continually attacking them and persecuting them! Sound Familia? .
    And they try to make Marjorie Taylor Greene sound foolish, when Kamals Harris’s screaming is like hearing nails on a Chalkboard, when she;s not Cackling. What a nauseating sounding woman.
    I guess that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe figured to send his Number Two to show his "Concern"... and to get her The-hell-outta His Hair or Bald Head for a few days.
    So, Biden says there are more things to be concerned with than our Border.
    Then the idiot Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "border czar", blames Republicans for the border crisis.
    So, lemme' get this straight: There's no “Crisis” at the border, but it's all the Republicans fault.?
    This administration has just earned its spot as the ABSOLUTE WORST in the history of our nation.
    Maybe the “Over Ambitious” New York District Attorney can bring charges against the Whole State of Tennessee and throw them in jail instead of Donald Trump.

  6. Are You as Sick, and Tired, and plain outright Outraged about the Liberal, Marxist, Democratic Nazi, Communists, as I am? Are you sick of them wanting to Change America?
    They want to ban our guns –
    They are Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship -6.) They think that they are Above the law.
    They are Demanding uniformity of the populace in thought and action –
    Dissent is against their policies and will be crushed or silenced
    They are Killing their own Babies!
    They seem to Resorts to Crime or Violence to use as leverage to force their idea of “Change”
    They are Anti-Semitic!
    Anti-Israel !
    And even Anti-American!
    They are ruled by oppressive decree than legislative action
    They Implement their own agendas rather than do the will of the people –
    They are Blood Thirsty for war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs.
    The Ridiculous fact of Men claiming to be not only Women, but better than real Women, taking over and excelling in areas their Male bodies give them the physical advantage, taking over professional positions for being “Trans”, rather than deserving or being worthy of being better in Sports.
    They even create their own Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live.
    They Gain their power through Fraud and Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means.
    And they Promote social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control.
    They believes in Re-educating the populace history by promoting their agenda and suppressing truth.
    They Cheat in every Election, because it’s the only way they know how to win!
    And they have people like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, and Biden to execute their Filthy Agenda
    The Bottom Line is that they must be Voted OUT.

  7. I have a resort in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, that I go to almost every This is Secrets resort in San Jose Del Cabo. All inclusive resort and also has its own private beach area. Great shops on site. This resort is super close to the airport and about a 35 minute drive to down town Cabo.… Is a beautiful resort with its own private beach area. And it even has wonderful shops on the site. This resort is super close to the airport and about a 35 minute drive to down town Cabo.
    I tell you this only because I want that Douchbag Dave Miller to know that HE IS NOT WELCOME HERE!

    1. CandyCorn, my blog partner Mystere saw Dave on a WordPress blog site. His WordPress handle is OaxacaDave. Since he was on someone else's blog site, Mystere played polite. But if he ever comes here, I will call him 0'CaCa Dave. He's a pseudochristian who uses God's name in vain, claiming he's a saved man.

  8. Hunter Biden has artwork for sale in NY gallery for $85,000
    Then Hunter turns around and pays 10 times market rate to his Dad, because the Big Guy gets a cut We're a banana Republic

  9. Rattrapper, Be "Polite to him"?

    Sorry, I guess that I'm not as nice as you are.... LOL

    1. CandyCorn, Mystere was on someone else's site, as well as 0'CaCa Dave. Mystere was playing nice as a courtesy to a guy who calls himself The Lone Cactus. 0'CaCa Dave Miller was also a guest, so Mystere held back, only for the sake of not risking getting banned on a good guy's site. If 0'CaCa Dave Miller gets cocky enough to come here, he'll wish he hadn't by the time I'm finished with him. Mystere manages a WordPress site, and won't let 0'CaCa and the piglets from Boston Piggy's pig sty comment there.

  10. Once again, hypocrisy is not a strong enough word.

    The 1/6 protestors are languishing in jail over the charge that they impeded an official proceeding, which is exactly what the Tennessee protestors did. Yet our incompetent idiot of a VP was down there railing against “censorship” in the latter case - when she rightly should have been with the families of the victims of the trans-monster - while supporting the arrest and imprisonment of the 1/6 protestors who did the same.

    1) Why is impeding an official proceeding to be defended when it’s by leftists, yet charged as a crime and punished by jail when it’s by righties?

    2) Can anyone think of a stronger word than “hypocrite’?

  11. After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

    This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now Joe Biden & Kamala Harri But even putting that aside, I just don’t understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man who has done GREAT things for our country. who made our country great again, ESPECIALLY after 4 to 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration. And the fact that Bidum is COMPLETELY to blame for the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa riots in the streets were not Trump's fault, because Black Lives Matter and Antifa were all 100 percent the democrats fault... The Hunger & homelessness are rampant due to Joe Biden’s inflation, 25% of all American adults are struggling to feed themselves. More than 200,000 Americans dead from Fentanyl poisoning due to Biden’s Open Door policy at our Southern Border. And Biden's Stupid Border Czar.
    The Democratic Governors shut down their State economies and all screamed, when Trump wanted to reopen them early.
    And while we are at it let me tell you that Donald Trump is not going to jail. So Keep dreaming, and keep up your TDS, because nothing is going to happen over this Fat Jerk Alvin Braggs BS. Sorry but it’s NOT gonna happen.
    The District Attorneys should go after the Real Culprits - all the dumb Democrats, and Progressive Liberals who keep voting for these Asshats.
    The Democrats used 'climate change' to drive tax increases and FORCE their world view and agenda on others. And thankfully Trump destroyed it.
    Trump dared call out Democrats for rigging the election, and putting that demented idiot in office.
    Trump was right when he called the Democrats leaders stupid morons.
    And Fact: Trump leads Biden 44% to 35%.

  12. Democrats, AND THEIR Moronic Leader have ruined America, and yet the Liberal Cities such as. San Fran, LA, New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies Jewelry, and other Stores are closing their doors and leaving. The Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. The Crime Wave is Worsening, , The Homeless and Drug situation is awful, and is getting worse.
    The Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.
    Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.
    The War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.
    Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!
    The Democrats cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.
    They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.
    Karine Jean-Pierre , the President’s Pree Secretary continues to "Mistakenly" Call Kamala Harris The President, and that’s not a supprise, because they are all Delusional.
    The idiot Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "Border Czar", blames Republicans for the Border Crisis. Yet the Democrats say that there isn’t a Crisis at the Border, yet it's the Republicans fault. Try to figure that out!..
    Biden says there are more things to be concerned with than our Border.
    Then the idiot Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "Border Czar", blames Republicans for the Border Crisis.
    They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.
    We are seeing Major Banks literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.
    I guess that the Transgenders and the ungrateful illegals are more important than American citizens who've been working hard and paying into the system their whole lives
    Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

    This country is lost., and I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

  13. We are witnessing more and more police officers, prosecutors, and politicians corrupting the judicial process and cannot be trusted to protect the rights of innocent individuals wrongly accused. In some cases, pursuing these individuals knowing that contrary or exculpatory evidence exists, and if revealed, would be embarrassing to public officials or costly to the State. While there was no physical evidence linking Donald Trump to ANY crime, or any substantial evidence that may have been any, the Delusional George Soros funded Alvin Bragg to Prosecute him. All this while the President of the United States of America is actually Ruining this Country, with his Crazy, and Ridiculous accusations

  14. If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under Father God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had,Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation

  15. Joe Biden tells the Today” show’s Al Roker ‘that he plans on running’ in 2024, as he Colors his Easter Eggs.

  16. FOR those that Remember THE NEW YORK CITY DISTRICT ATTORNEY BRAGG, TRUMP INDICTMENT IS CAMPAIGN PROMISE KEPT. Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney in Manhattan who has led the Witch Hunt to indict former President Donald Trump, had run for his current office in 2021. promising that, if he were elected, that he would go after Trump. And try his best to put him in Jail.

    In fact, the 2018 campaign for State Attorney General was a bidding war in which each candidate PROMISED to pursue Trump with more effete than the other candidates. The winner was the now Attorney General Letitia James, who although she tried, she had not been unable to come up with any Criminal charges against Donald Trump personally, but she did, along with Bragg, prosecute the Trump Organization on VERY questionable grounds or, if not questionable, at least grounds that led observers to wonder whether the case should have been pursued so hard in the first place... Even although it wasn’t against Trump personally, organization was not named .
    Alvin Bragg and the Washington Democratic officials who have pressed the Trump indictment, and the Anti-Trump supporters who have cheered them on, it was not really about the question of whether Trump committed the misdemeanor offense of falsifying business records and whether that misdemeanor can be properly increased to a felony by alleging some other illegal act. It's about holding Trump "accountable" and thus satisfying many Democrats demanded "accountability" for the former president. That's why the Manhattan indictment is more of a “campaign promise” to fulfill a promise than it is a legal case. Bragg is the one that should be investigated, for his part in letting ALL THOSE REAL CRIMINALS GO FREE.
    I guess that they Hated Trump because He Had the Audacity to Claim He Wanted to Make America Great Again!
    Imagine that thinking that he only wanted to make America better

  17. A Question for Boston Piggy.
    Do you take yoga classes to stay flexible enough to wipe your own Fat Behind ?

    1. Dervish Sanders of Paris Tennessee and Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belcherville Massachussets stick their tongues up Shaw Kenawe's anus and lick it clean for her.

  18. That Progressive Dingbat must live in a cave and only comes out at night with the other Bats , because that BullShit she spreads isn't true.

  19. They don't want you hearing that AMERICANS are being forced to fight a war that THE Democrats created........especially when the dead bodies come back, and Biden has to stand there gawking at his watch, wondering when the ice cream parlor opens. Like he did the last time that the Dead Americans came home in Coffins

  20. Why would anyone, other than a gullible idiot, pay any attention to anything that the Progressives say?

  21. So the Truth has finally come out!
    It Was Joe Biden Who Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo!

    So where is the NEWS of this on all News Channels?
    He was on record saying he did not send the goons, so now we know that he was LYING AGAIN!.
    And now, the truth comes out for Everyone to know that it was Biden who was DIRECTLY Connected to the Mar A Lago Raid, Despite his LYING Testimony to the Contrary!
    Do you Remember when Biden purported to be stunned by the news of the raid of Mar-A-Lago? He couldn’t possibly have been “Stunned”. Because he was in on it.

    He got that CRAP from Obama who used to say the same Crap every time he did something bad! And the lefties call Donald Trump a “Lying Tyrant”
    When it was Poopy Pants all the time!
    Of course he was involved in the entire thing all along.... That should have been crystal clear from Day One.
    And the same goes with the “Classified” Documents... BECAUSE Pedo Joe knew about the finding of documents that he had, the Mar A Lago Raid was done to provide cover for his Classified Documents.
    What the Potatohead is doing is exactly what you'd expect to see in a 3rd World, Banana Republic.

  22. Once upon a time I had no issues with Gays, Transies, or Gender Grooming ( in fact I had never even heard of some of their Crapola. . But the past several years the LGBT communities. With all it's Insanely that they seem to have these days. .
    I couldn't have cared less about any of them, not even some random Pride flag that I would see on occasion.
    They can get along with me just fine. As I could without them.
    if they act like people instead of acting like a gay persona, or constantly drawing attention to themselves for being Gay, always talking about being Gay and so on. Or flying the Gay flag all over the place more so than flying the American Flag. But as late, all I seem to see,or hear is talk about Transies. Transies winning Women’s Swimming competitions, Wanting to enter Women’s weight Lifting events and so on, So damn much that I have become sick of hearing and reading about it. Personally, I have WAY more important things on my mind. I have much more to think about other than “Is this a Man or a Woman”? But what really gets me Pissed is this thing that they are doing with the Kids. The Politicions are now making those Drag Queen events for Kids , and much more, and frankly, the entire LGBT Crap is past Tiresome, what they are doing with KIDS, has really gotten to really bother me.
    Be Gay, be Trans, be Anything you want but Keep it to Yourselves and Leave Children out of it. And don't EXPECT OR DEMAND everyone buy into your delusion.

  23. Joey Biden’s Nutsy Press Secretary Karine-Gitchigoomie Jean-Pierre was Caught in TWO More Big Lies on Inflation! Surprise, Surprise! Wjhat else is new?

    And Joey claims that the Democrats control all 3 branches yethe blames the Republicans for how is that?

    Today’s a day that ends in “Y”, so the White House Press Secretary Karine-Gitchigoomie is gaslighting the public again. This time, President Lyin ByDumb ‘s top spokesperson was attempting to explain away surging 8.5% inflation—a major political liability for this administration—when she made the dishonest mishaps.

    “Depending which data you look at, two-thirds to 70% of inflation data is the result of energy prices,” Karine-Gitchigoomie Jean-Pierre’s claimed during a Monday briefing. “A large part of that is the result of… President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the impact on the global energy markets.”

    This part of Karine-Gitchigoomie Jean-Pierre speech is just straight-up false.

    For one thing, inflation remains at 6.5% even when gas prices are factored out entirely. So, the 70% number she keeps parroting is simply not accurate. And while Putin’s horrific invasion of Ukraine has indeed disrupted global energy markets and led to higher gas prices over the last few months, gas prices were already rising over the last year—and inflation more broadly began all the way back in May 2021.

    The Nut-Job press secretary went on to conclude that because today’s inflation is supposedly driven by Putin’s invasion, “I don’t think anybody could have predicted it a year ago.”

    This is the most ridiculous part of Karine-Gitchigoomie Jean-Pierre’s entire remarks. I’d bet that she’s gone by the end of BiDumb’s term. And frankly I’d bet that he’s gone as well.
    All Proving One thing! YOU CAN'T FIX 'STUPID'


  24. Out of all the sensible people your Party could have put out there,
    Your party put a Senile, old Demented Idiot hoo doesn’t even know the day of the week it is. And in turn our county has turned into a 3rd world nation that refuses to see anything wrong with this idiot and refuses to see anything wrong with what he did leading up the destruction of America,

  25. In My Honest OpinionApril 14, 2023 at 5:53 AM

    Joe Biden attended a banquet dinner on Thursday at the Dublin Castle after delivering a disastrous speech before the Irish Parliament.

    Biden was totally out of his mind mumbling something about being a Biden.

    “One of the things that she’d look at me say, ‘Joey, remember, remember who you are,’ like ‘you’re a Biden’ — like what the hell is a Biden? You know what I mean? I’m like, like I’m a, you know, anyway,” Biden said.

    “Let’s Go Lick the World” – Joe Biden said to Banquet Attendees at Dublin Castle

    The Poor Guy has gone OFF HIS ROCKER! He must be a good friend with the Dalai Lama, who was pictured with kissing a little Boy on his lips!

  26. We are ab to see the gnashing of teeth, the wailing, the crying, the anger tantrum-throwing, and the screaming at the sky again .Every Progressive Blogger’s blood start to boil.
    And Every pathetic, criminal, treasonous, illegal scam, accusation, coup attempt, snd Impeachment attempt that had failed begin over again, and been exposed for what it was.

  27. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has AFFIRMED your right to own Guns, so don’t let Biden or any of his Stupid Stooges tell you otherwise.
    It’s YOUR American Right.

  28. The “Potatohead”, the “Clown in Chief” the Senile , Puppet who fumbles, and Stumbles, and Stutters in Incoherent Half Sentences is saying he will run for a second 4 year term ! When the man walks it looks like he has pooped in his pants !
    The man can hardly survive 4 more days & he wants to wait for 2024 to be elected again.
    The democrats pretend & want us all to believe that there is nothing wrong with Biden.
    The man has been Incompetent for over 40 years, and is given the job of exiting thousands of people out of Afghanistan? And look at what happened when he did! We lost 6 Billion dollars worh of equipment. And he has been on the wrong side of domestic & foreign issues since he first became Senator!
    There is absolutely no doubt that he is being controlled by some major powers from within & from abroad.
    It is bizarre to pretend he is in control or that he is competent.
    Catastrophe after catastrophe is his legacy !
    If the democrats don’t have another candidate to run it is an abomination!
    This man is so deep in treason & corruption that it is hard to believe that anyone would vote for him.
    His ineptness & incompetence are not even really age related.
    It’s just Biden.
    The world & America are in trouble & in true danger.
    Everything that could be wrong has gone wrong since he got “ elected”
    Domestically, inflation, gas prices, food prices, energy costs, crime , division & mob rule & rioting & murder & theft are the highest ever.
    He has made transgender matters the most important issue & crisis when it is really not ! Wokeism, white supremacy, cancel culture & the border are a disaster.
    Foreign policy is even more disastrous !

    1. The jackal and his hyena sidekick will be taken out very soon by God Almighty. When we see the carcass in a casket at the DC Rotunda and the hyena howling around the White House, angrily looking for him, not knowing that he took his dirt nap, that will be a huge sigh of relief for many in the nation.
