Monday, May 22, 2023

Biden Won't Sniff This PΩ§§¥ Again... 



  1. Crooked, corrupt, charlatan, demagogue, entitled with a superiority complex , careless , power hungry & selfish & a total fraudster ! Shameless ! As for the current President, the media has covered for this president over and over, even interfering and suppressing info, because they KNOW he's a crook and nothing but a crook, just like his crooked Son, and the rest of the family!
    The above are just some of the qualities that describe Hillary Clinton. Not only did she destroy the lives of many innocent people & almost destroy President Trump, she destroyed the morale of millions of Americans and slandered the Russians. We as Americans deserve to know if our President is a crook, or if he, or she is going to be one!
    Like Hillary, this president has dragged the country into the toilet, and we have seem these political hoax’s one after the other with no regard about how it effected the country or its people.
    Billions of man hours of time and billions of dollars were wasted on a completely made up Pelosie’s and Hillary’s FALSE “ Russian Collusion” Hoax’s ! Not to mention the Jussie Smollett’s the disgraced Empire TV star’s FAKE Police report about being attacked by Trump supporters “a hate crime in reverse”

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin may be no saint, but Hillary slandered him as well as the Russians multiple ways and times.
    She was the one in collusion with Obama, Biden, the FBI , the DOJ and other intelligence agencies and officials
    Everybody involved, including Mueller & Comey were aware of the falsity of the claim.
    Almost as disturbing, if not more disturbing was the collusion between the media AND the democrats & government agencies involved in the fraud.
    The way they pushed this falsity forward & the way they constantly attacked Trump & his followers was demonic. It’s obvious, without any uncertainty, whatsoever, that the MSM is controlled by sinister government agencies & its operatives & that they are all agents of the democrats & their party !
    They were all part of a misinformation campaign, propaganda AND gaslighting against the truth.
    Their goal was to invalidate Trump, his millions of followers and decent patriotic Americans.
    If it were not for the Senate being majority Republican, the witch of San Francisco , Nancy Pelosi, Hillary and the other corrupt players would have succeeded in impeaching Trump, the President out of office !
    Under Biden the country is no longer a Republic or democratic & is sadly falling down !
    The DOJ, the FBI and many other institutions
    need to be corrected unless we want to go down the path of a banana republic, socialist dictatorship!
    Hillary Clinton and her co conspirators, like James Comey will forever live in infamy !
    God protect freedom and the Constitution, which was so wisely written to prevent tyranny of government against its people.
    God bless America !

  2. Why does the recently released Durham Report ignore the earliest origins of the Trump/Russia hoax?

    The most logical answer is that past and current members of the Obama regime, including high-ranking Clintonistas, are protecting former President Obama.

    It was determined that many high-ranking government officials were circumventing the requirement that government employees use government email servers to conduct government business, most likely to avoid public disclosure via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request or to hide nefarious, self-serving, or embarrassing activities.

    The existence of Hillary Clinton’s private email server used for government business, including classified matters, was made public because the government could not produce then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails following the Benghazi terrorist attack. Since she did not use a government email, there was nothing to be found.

    The Trump/Russia hoax was ostensibly concocted to distract everyone from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server that was most likely compromised by foreign intelligence sources and others. A disclosure that could have had a material impact on the upcoming Clinton/Trump presidential election, much like the disclosure of Hunter Biden’s laptop, could have influenced the last Biden/Trump election.

    But why did President Obama, Vice President Biden, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, and others who knew the Trump/Russia allegations were created, funded, and executed by Clintonistas acting within the regime allow it to proceed and damage the United States? Why did President Obama and other Obama regime officials choose to participate in what was a Clinton campaign dirty trick?

    The problem the Clinton server posed for the Obama White House was Hillary Clinton was communicating classified information with President Obama using his private Blackberry device that he fought so hard to keep, contrary to federal rules and regulations. Communications that were said to be compromised by foreign hostile and friendly powers.

    1. Crooked Hildebeest has her nightmare coming true very soon.

  3. Let’s take a look at the violent criminals running all-around where you are And you see a woman being brutally assaulted on a New York subway.... What do you do?

    Dealing with strangers who are violent criminals puts you in a world of unknowns that can be quite unlike the schoolyard brawls we all had when we were kids. Someone high on drugs can be virtually immune to pain and utterly without inhibition. Are you ready to get into a “no holds barred” battle with a career criminal who won’t hesitate to kill you? Are you ready to deal with a lunatic who most likely is high on drugs? As demonstrated by the recent case of the former Marine who subdued the thug in the New York subway, there’s a pretty good chance that someone’s going to be killed or at least seriously injured in such an encounter, and it’s going to be either you or the thug you’re trying to stop.

    1. The answer is.... Are you going to be Brave and help or Crazy and help?

  4. The Doctor's WifeMay 23, 2023 at 7:18 AM

    Nancy Pelosi said that “ NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”
    EXCEPT, Hillary Clinton!, Barrack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Joe Biden, James Comey, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, John Kerry, etc, etc, and etc. All of these "Useful Idiots" did not get the message!

    1. Yep, House Drinker Nanshee Pigloser and her asses didn't get the message.

  5. Ever since being inaugurated, Joe Biden has been doing all he can to make sure America is unrecognizable. Whether it’s infecting the military with Critical Race Theory or negotiating with terrorists on the international stage, Biden is slowly morphing America into his socialist “utopia.” But one of his biggest blunders comes from the border.

    While Donald Trump was President, he oversaw a massive enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so rabidly against Trump that he reversed course when he became president. The result has been an enormous border crisis where tens of thousands are held in cramped conditions.

    And Americans have had enough of Biden fumbling the ball. A new Harvard/Harris poll just came out that showed 80% of Americans believe illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
    So the truth is that we have a semi-Brain-dead President, who is a proven liar and who is thoroughly corrupt, peddling the influence of his office to hostile foreign adversaries for several decades. And who is both ignorant and grossly harmful when it comes to foreign and domestic policies. A man that couldn’t see the difference between a Weather Balloon, and a Spy Balloon, or who didn’t care!!
    And a Wacky, Grinning, Prune- Faced, Dense, Cackling, brainless, Idiot waiting in the wings to become the Fiest Female American President.
    The truth is that they wouldn't be the smartest people in the room, even if they were alone.
    All I can say is May God Help Us

  6. Obama said he would transform America when he was running for POTUS. He said he would have his own military to rival our own. Hence, the border. Hence, the drugs killing our military age men. He did it & here we are.

  7. Hallie Biden is unmasked as the mystery THIRD Biden family member to receive China cash: Investigation reveals Beau's widow and Hunter's ex got $35,000 in 2017 from $3M deal made by Hunter's associate

    Hallie Biden has been identified as the mystery Biden family member who received China-linked payments, according to bank information reviewed by House investigators.
    James Comer chairman of the House Oversight Committee, revealed new details obtained through a subpoena of the financial records of longtime Hunter Biden business associate Rob Walker. The investigator revealed that “from 2015 through 2017, Biden family members and their companies received over $1.3 million in payments” from accounts tied to Walker.

    1. Every family member of the Bidet Crime Clan will be prosecuted by the military for treason, and likely executed. The only one who will remain alive is likely that baby born to one of Hunter's hoochie girls.

  8. They lied to you about Donald Trump. They lied about Brett Kavanaugh. They lied about children in cages. They lied about #WalkAway. .American Conservative tweeted, “Barack Obama didn’t sit in Jeremiah Wright's church because he was a good guy, wasn't racist, and loved America. “He sat in that church because he was the opposite of those things. “Never a day goes by that we don’t feel the repercussions of his disastrous presidency. “The Durham Report revealed last week that Obama is guilty of orchestrating a government

  9. Biden is not my President. Doesn’t matter if he was elected or not!

  10. Biden is a lifelong racist demagogue.
    Biden very purposely incites racism, hate and fear for his political power.
    Bid Must be Impeached

  11. You forgot Biden's hairy legs speech where he called black children roaches.

    When later asked what he meant by roaches, he refused to answer, because the answer is obvious in the clip who he was talking about


  12. Could Michelle Obama be a viable Candidate for the Democratic Presidency? Would she even be successfully; feasible.
    Lets face it I would think that her, and her husband’s Radical politics, and her association with Progressive Communist Democrats, and lack of actual political knowledge and experience would disqualify, her popularity with her many fans.
    There is no doubt that President Joe Biden is mentally and physically unqualified to hold his current position as the President of the United States. And his physical and mental decline can only be concealed for so long, and even now it has been showing more, and more with every spep that he takes. It seems that he can’t even find the correst way to his White House office from the White House lawn!
    And even worse we have Vice President, who is incompetent, incoherent, and extremely unpopular. She has proven to be a Cackling, Giggling waste of human flesh who can’t even handle the position of standing next to the President wihout making a mistake.
    Michelle Obama has not even expressed her intention to run for the Presidency, but with the 2 Clowns that currently occupy the office there is a need, and some speculation of her candidacy. Although many Democratic voters seem to feel that she lacks , the skills, and ability to connect with people, and that can be very harmful for her candidacy. And without any domestic and foreign experience she may not be as popular as people may think.

    Although her being a Black woman would keep her from personal attacks.
    Hillary Clinton paved the way for a former First Lady to run for President, Could Michelle Obama be the next?
    While other may say “ She’s just what this country DON’T need, is a Rich, Angry, Black Woman as president to bring us all together”! AND I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!

  13. Compared to Joe Biden Tim Scott is an articulate and clean and religious human being.
    While Pedo Joe Biden would rather shower and/or sniff little girls.

  14. A Former Border Patrol Deputy Special Agent Says that Bidens Bussing to US Cities Policy is Bringing in Scabies, TB, COVID, Full-Blown AIDS, Fentanyl Deaths, and Other Disease!

  15. My God Shaw really is a dumb ass. She really don't get it!


  16. The only question is how far down the drain does your LEFTISTS government go before we all go down the Toilet wioyou creepy Idiotic Commie Leftists Democrats


  17. Democrats calls for boycott of all Catholics These Leftwing hate groups are getting to be very dangerous.
    Biden and his Hate ILK need to go.

  18. Progress maybe slow but We will get rid of the MORON IN CHIEF soon


  19. So, I Guess Mishandling Classified Materials Isn't a Big Deal Anymore As long as is dony by a Progressive President!

  20. Ever hear the term “Swimf Boating”? Well here’s the story behind that...Back in 1971, John Kerry told said that he "gave back" the medals he earned with his service in Vietnam. He, along with other anti-war veterans who discarded their honors, Kerry said at the time, "decided to give them back to their country."

    When asked whether he'd returned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, and three Purple Hearts he received for his combat service, Kerry replied that he had and "above that, gave back the others."

    Kerry was a leader among anti-war veterans and led them in a protest in Washington, D.C. According to news reports in 1971, "many veterans were seen throwing their medals and ribbons over the fence in front of the U.S. Capitol," and a handful of outlets "reported that Kerry was among these veterans," according to ABC.

    The new book charges that John Kerry accidentally “wounded himself in the buttocks” in Vietnam with a grenade he exploded, then lied to get a medal by saying he had received the injury rescuing one of his crewmen.

    The explosive new book, “Unfit for Command,” was released yesterday by Regnery Publishing and presents the biggest challenge yet to Kerry’s decorated war record.

    Based on the accounts of numerous vets, the book claims Kerry’s rescue under fire of Jim Rassman – an action that earned Kerry his third Purple Heart and a Bronze Star – didn’t happen the way the Democratic nominee claims.

    Larry Thurlow, the skipper of a boat trailing Kerry’s, says in the book that he saw Kerry suffer a buttocks wound earlier that day in 1969 when he was hit by fragments from his own grenade while trying to destroy a Viet Cong rice cache.

    “He dishonestly transferred the time and cause of the injury to coincide with the [boat rescue] action later in the day and claimed that the cause of the injury was the mine exploding during the action,” the book claims.

    In Kerry’s version of the incident, he says a mine struck his swift boat – wounding him in the buttocks and arm.
    Kerry maintains he braved enemy fire from both shores to race to the bow of the boat and pluck Rassman, who had fallen overboard, out of the water.
    But, the book says, “Many participants in the incident state that neither weapons fire nor a mine explosion occurred near Kerry during the incident.”

    “Unless one believes in the amazing coincidence that Kerry got two wounds in the same place on the same day, he lied to get the Purple Heart,” the authors say.

    Rassman is backing Kerry’s presidential candidacy, and he supports Kerry’s version of the rescue.

    The Kerry campaign responded that the Bush campaign has “crossed the line” in attacking Kerry’s war record.

    “This is not the first time they’ve launched such vicious attacks, they tried to ruin former prisoner of war Senator John McCain with the same dishonest smear tactics they are now using on John Kerry,” the Kerry campaign said in a statement.

    1. “The facts are clear for the American people: Not only did John Kerry volunteer for two tours in Vietnam, but his service in Vietnam was outstanding and highly commended which is something that many others cannot claim,” the statement concluded.

      Turning to another of the three Purple Hearts that Kerry was awarded, “Unfit for Command” authors John O’Neill and Jerome Corsi say William Schachte, who was on the boat with Kerry, watched as Kerry’s M-16 rifle jammed and he picked up a M-79 grenade launcher to fire in the direction of a “a group of sampans” pulled by fisherman up on shore.

      But Schachte says Kerry was too close to the target to use such a powerful weapon and that blowback from the grenade caused his arm wound – not enemy fire.

      “There was no report of any hostile fire that day,” says the book. “No other records reflect any hostile fire.”

      The book also quotes Dr. Louis Letson, whom Kerry sought out after the Dec. 2, 1968, midnight mission.
      Letson exclaimed, “Why are you here?” Kerry replied that he’d been “wounded by hostile fire,” even though Coastal Division Commandeer Grant Hibbard has said the cut was smaller than a rose-thorn prick.

      A self-inflicted wound isn’t an automatic disqualifier for a Purple Heart.
      The requirements are that the wound needs medical attention and that it was received during the course of an engagement with the enemy. Self-inflicted are eligible when suffered in the heat of battle and not involving gross negligence. The book also sheds new light on a controversial attack by Kerry’s swift boat against an unarmed sampan in January 1969 in which a Vietnamese boy was killed.

      The authors charge that Kerry raked the sampan with heavy .50-caliber machinegun fire before approaching it and later attempted to cover up the death of the boy by filing a report claiming five “VC” dead and no mention of the child. Kerry has said he it was a “terrible” incident that could not been prevented and that he will never forget the sight of the dead child.

      “Kerry’s service in Vietnam has been devoted largely to his own self-interest at the cost of comradeship, honor and tradition,” write the authors.

      O’Neill took over command of Kerry’s swift boat after Kerry left Vietnam to return to America. Corsi is a Vietnam expert.

  21. Yes out system is broken, and ite the Republicans that have broken it!
    The republicans have totally played the America public. The republicans are the swamp party of corruption, yet they are never held accountable for their crimes, which is why they keep on breaking the law.

    Republicans have fabricated lies against Joe and Hunter Biden, that have no evidence at all. Like Hunter paid Joe rent when he didn't, or the magic whistleblower that never even existed and now can't be found, then ignore repeated GOP crimes.

    Republicans are committing the crime of the century before our very eyes, and they are getting away with it. Republicans break any law they want, whenever they want, and take dirty money bribes from the Deep State, like Clarence Thomas did, yet their supporters don't even care.

  22. The Democrats have turned our country into a hell hole, with a horrendous Border Crisis, the worst inflation in 60 years, an horrific evacuation in Afghanistan.
    There is no end to their Madness. We have a President who is only a Puppet of Barack Obama who promised to “Transform “ America! And it’s coming true now!
    It Must Be Stoped!


  23. Memorial Day is meant to honor and remember the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice and died fighting for our freedom. Memorial Day honors those who have died in military service, while Veterans Day in November honors all veterans living and dead. Let's honor them this weekend!
    As we we commemorate our brave soldiers who died or were grievously wounded to safeguard our precious freedom. As we reflect on these sacrifices, let us honor their lives and consider and condemn those who would waste their magnificent contribution to America by knowingly collaborating with our enemies or restricting our God-given inalienable rights enshrined in our Constitution.
    And while we Honor those that gave their all, in Chicago they celebrated Memorial Day Weekend with another one of their Mass Shooting with 34 people who were shot, and 8 were Killed how's that for the new FAR Left Extremist Mayor’s first holiday!
    Those politicians, jurists, and others who overtly or covertly undermine or subvert our Constitution are every bit the foe of every American as if they were standing on the battlefield under arms.
    Freedom is being squandered by self-serving traitors selling out our nation and its citizens for temporary political power.

    While our troops fought to protect each other and our nation, today's political leadership, from the corrupt, incompetent, uncaring politicians, the bureaucratic cadre of progressive communist democrats, the activist judiciary which creates laws out of whole cloth, and those big technology multinationals that surreptitiously provide aid and comfort to our enemies, you are all little more than traitors in the battle to preserve America and American freedom.
    Be grateful for your freedom; remember, it should never be taken for granted. In just a few cycles of progressive communist democrat intervention, we have seen our national resolve, military strength, and stature within the international community eroded by corrupt, incompetent, and uncaring progressive communist democrats. Our enemy appears to own the Democrat Party, which should rightly brand itself as the U.S. Communist Party.
    Remember who we are and what we stand for -- and kick the BASTARDS that do not agree to the curb.

  24. In the past, BOSTON PIGGY usually posted a photo of one of my favorite sculptures in Boston, The Robert Gould Shaw Memorial, which is installed across the street from the Massachusetts State House, on Boston Common..
    But this year she’d rather post a Negative blog about Donald Trump!
    Why? Could it be because she’s afraid of him WINNING Again?

  25. The stupidity coming from some of these "brainwashed Leftist Trump-haters", and ESPECIALLY THE PROGRESSIVE BUNCH.. is so mind boggling.
    You can give (some of these silly individuals) the actual FACTS and TRUTH... and they'll still reject it, right out. These hypocrites are the worst kind of ignorance, they're Wilfully Ignorant.
    They laugh at people like myself for doing "the very things" they're accusing me of doing.
    In other words, they accuse me of being "TV brainwashed" ...YET they're the ones hating on the very person that The Majority of The Left Wing Media is dogging out.
    Malcolm X, had nailed it when he said, "...The Media controls the mind's of the masses."
    And then on top of that, their brainwashed little minds [ along with their selfish pride and huge egos ] it won't allow them to admit that they've been fooled.
    Sheer utter and complete madness, and Ignorance at its best.

  26. Shaw takes her thoughts, and her ideas Right out of Alinsky.’s book for Idiots, When you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.

  27. Frankly Dear, I don’t Give A DamnMay 30, 2023 at 11:10 AM

    John Fetterman sounds like a lobotomized idiot.

  28. The Left would blame conservatives for ruining the economy and keeping people at poverty level. They offer handouts to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants that they allowed in. Thank God that the ridicules student loan has been cancelled or we’d be even deeper in debt. But the welfare checks, keep on coming to the lazy non workers. Trouble is, it’s all a scam; encouraging dependency on the government makes us Putty in their hands Just vote how the Left tells you too no matter how damaging it is in the long run since we’re footing the bill! Their “solutions” are Actually bribery, and a band aid over a gaping wound without solving what’s really driving prices sky high. The elites tell us to adjust our standard of living. Settle for less while still working just as hard if not harder to get less than what you could get two years ago. Pay more for your electric bill while having to endure blackouts every week. Pay more to get less gas in your car. Pay more to buy half of what you need to feed your family. Your retirement has been pushed back ten years or is now only a pipe dream. Sending the kids to college? Beg the government to cancel their debt or go without. That vacation you saved for 10 years to celebrate your 50th anniversary? Forget it, It’s Just Not happening now! Is this acceptable to you? To see the sacrifices you’ve made towards your future fall short of what’s needed? To realize in a country the world envies for its wealth and standards of living you find yourself perilously close to the edge of poverty on a middle class salary? How does it feel as the main provider for your family to struggle to provide basic necessities, never mind any wants? Then welcome to the Socialist Democratic Party.


  29. The video of Joe Biden showing him Stumbling, and falling down the stairs at the Itsukushima Shrine summit in Hiroshima, Japan has been cirulating around the United States this week .

    Luckily, the president didn’tinjure himself as he caught himself before making contact with the ground.

    Throughout his presidency, Mr Biden has been captured several times tripping or stumbling down stairs at other times, in fact going UP the stairs to Airforce One.

    President Joe Biden was captured nearly tripping down a set of stairs while visiting Japan for the G7 summit on Friday.

    Footage of Mr Biden showed him fumbling his footing as he walked down a small set of stairs at the Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima, Japan.

    Luckily, the president did not fall down the stairs or seemingly injure himself as he caught himself before making contact with the ground.

    Throughout his presidency, Mr Biden has been captured several times tripping or stumbling.
    Last year, Mr Biden fell off his Bike while speaking with reporters in his hometown in Delaware. Maybe in the future they should think about getting him a THREE WHEELER!
    -White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters it was extremely windy that day.
    Another embarrassment for Biden, and the USA!
    Whenever Mr Biden is captured stumbling or falling, people will often blame his age as he is the oldest person to serve as president of the United States at 80 years old. Joey Biden often disputes comments about himself not being cognitively or physically fit to serve as president. However It's not just critics that find him Mentally and Physically unable, it is also people who voted for him. During the campaign he was kept/hiding in his basement out of view of the public/voters, and only allowed out under controlled conditions. Now they see exactly what he is.
    Many others feel that his whole life has been one Big Stumble
    All you "Sheep" that voted for Biden now i hope you realize--if anything--he cant be president again--hes feeble and has dementia--besides of losing respect from World Leaders, he’s lost respect from his own party as well.

  30. Why is it OK for Biden to have Classified documents cardboard Boxes, unlocked all over the place in his Garage especially when his Crackhead Son was living there ,,
    And now the Classified documents found in Biden's garage brings new focus to the White House’s refusal to release the visitor logs from his private residences.
    And Biden answered the question from reporter Peter Doocy with a DUMB SNOTTY answer claiming the classified documents were in a Locked Garage with His Corvette!
    Peter Doocy asked “"Mr. President, classified material next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?" Doocy asked.

    And Biden replied "By the way, my Corvette’s in a locked garage, OK?" And Biden fired back. "SO IT'S NOT LIKE THEY’RE SITTING OUT IN THE STREET."

  31. As the 2024 election approaches, Democrats are worried that not only will there be a rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden but that a third-party ticket could aid a Republican victory.

    The third-party vote has significantly affected the outcome of recent elections. In 2020, the share of third-party voters, among other things, helped Biden secure the White House. However the Democrats are strongly considering to give the nomination tto former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's, or possibly Oprah, or Michael Obama.

  32. The Sassy Irish LassieMay 31, 2023 at 7:31 AM

    sn't it Funny, or rather peculiar, and Strange, Odd, Curious, and even Weird how THE PROGRESSIVE BLOGGER kind of ALWAYS post all these Negative, and Objective little quirks about Trump, and now about Ron DeSantis, yet you NEVER have found anything to complain about with the MOST IGNORANT, INEPT, MORONIC, CROOKED,JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN JR. OR HIS ENTIRE CROOKED FAMILY, INCLUDING HIS CRACK-HEAD, TREASONOUS SON!

  33. Can you believe this?
    Calling Our Former President '”A Traitor to His Country!” Saying that : “Donald Trump was Ripped Apart for his Memorial Day Message” And NOW ripping Ron DeSantis apart as well!
    This is what I call PROOF of how abysmally insane the left is (in case you weren't already convinced and most people with an IQ above room temp were indeed convinced) well this is how I feel about The LOONY LEFTIST Progressive Blogger.
    And yet says NOTHING about Obama or Biden, who knew that the “Russian Collusion” was a hoax - and that Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi used it as the basis for the Democrats committing TREASON - and who attempt to overthrow the US government by trying to illegally remove a US President from office.

    If you haven't figured that out on your own by now, if you choose to ignore the Durham report, then you’re a willing Ignorant Dupe, as they are..

  34. The whole FBI is run by FAR LEFT LUNATICS!
    The House began the process of holding the FBI in contempt of Congress on Tuesday after the bureau refused to provide a subpoenaed informant file to Congress that allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Biden and a foreign national.

    The FBI had until Tuesday to convey the information file, which contains an unclassified document that is a record of an interview the FBI conducted with an informant. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed the file, but the FBI refuses to comply. The Justice Department does not deny the existence of the record.
    “Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee. The FBI’s decision to stiff-arm Congress and hide this information from the American people is obstructionist and unacceptable,” Comer wrote in a press release.

    My guess is the regime has evidence of Wray's involvement in probably Chinese/Russian espionage.
    And that they've got Wray over a barrel, and he's going to throw away his whole career to keep the evidence hidden.
    Wray isn’t protecting the Biden's. He is protecting what’s left of the FBI's severely damaged reputation. If it turns out that the FBI did NOTHING to investigate these claims, then they are finished. It doesn’t matter his reasons for doing so are irrelevant.


  35. LGBTQ people are fleeing Florida in Massive numbers.
    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, for we dont need Mentally ill people here in such a place of sunshine and fresh air.
    What percentage of people in the United States identify as trans? .5% - 1%? That's 1.6 million people out of 330 - 350 million people. Florida has a population of 22 million. So even if all 1.6 million trans people live in Florida, that only represents 7% of the population, and most of them will probably be like Hollywood actors and actresses who made those bold claims about leaving the country if Trump was elected, like the Loony Lefties Whoopi Goldberg, and Joy Behar,

  36. New York City"s Mayor Eric Adams is shipping the Illegal migrants to upstate NY - without so much as consulting the counties or towns they're sending them to - all for, they admit, financial reasons.
    While State's of Emergency are being declared all over to handle the crisis, McCarthy and Porterfield remain silent... Once again showcasing their lack of leadership. He should be shipping them back to the Crap-Hole that they came from.

  37. Naturally, the Loony Liberal blames the victim instead of the animals who attack.

    These kids have missed the discipline they sorely needed growing up, and now, thanks to the coddling of criminals and the anti-cop rampage by Democrats, they have no fear of being shitheads. Round them all up, and put each one in prison for assault and battery - with any with prior arrests getting longer sentences.

  38. The Democrats have ruined America, and there isn’t any Question about it!
    Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:
    I guess that the Transgenders and Ungrateful Illegals are more important than the American Citizens who've been working hard and paying into the system for their entire lives.
    And here are some of the reasons why!
    Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.
    The Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.
    Biden’s Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.
    The war in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.
    We are seeing Women voting against their self interests. The Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!
    Yet they constantly cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.
    They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that New York City is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets and harming our Citizens, .
    They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves, nor did their parents, or even Grandparents!. .
    We are seeing our Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

    And yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.
    This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war. I can’t see anything else in our future!
