Monday, May 1, 2023

Where Was Shenehneh?

Sunday, April 30, 2023


To my P.E. Readers:

I was busy with family and with my volunteer work at the goat farm. 

I’ll be back Monday.  

Stay safe. 




  1. Well whata ya know, The Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who was deported 5 times. Thanks to our revolving door policy 5 people are DEAD including a little 8 year Child. .

    Build the damn wall and lock down the damn Border already, this is not a political matter! It will save American Lives, including our Children’s ................Do you people live in a Cave or something?

    Maybe we should let Whoopi and the rest of the idiots on the view know about it as they NEVER even mentioned it!!

  2. So the IDIOT-IN-Cheif wants to Make all Military vehicles Electric by 2030 !
    Well isn't that special! Biden & his INEPT administration are in the twilight zone & in complete idiocy.
    If our military is fighting in a war, our men & women, our children, are they going to be supplied charging stations by the enemy ? Do you really think that China, or Russia will want to supply our Millary with Batteries for our Vehicles? I don’t!
    Also, do you get a break or Time Out during War to charge your vehicle’s battery?
    There is not one importd thing that Biden and any of his cabinet members get right, NONE! .
    Most of the batteries are made in China to begin with and China, if not an outright enemy of the US, is not a friend, so how do they expect them to supply us with anything helpful to us! .
    The people in Bidumb’s adminstration that are in charge of anything including Transportation, and Health are so reckless, so inept, and so unqualified and just not up to the task!
    When you’re throwing Bombs & Missiles & Fire to the enemy in a state of War, where hundreds if not thousands of people are being killed, NO BODY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT “ CLIMATE CHANGE” it shouldn’t even be a Very Distant priority.
    You’re shooting canons and all sorts of explosives and flying the fastest fuel consuming Jet Airplanes in the world and driving Tanks, and people are getting killed, WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT “GLOBAL WARMING”! Except maybe that Blabbering Moron Chuck Schumer!

    The insanity, and the incompetence is a trademark of Joe Biden and his team of Potatoheads. .
    They are in there own world and completely clueless, and hell bent on the destruction of America at a time when the enemies of the country are more united and more numerous than ever before in history !

    So, when some one asks you, “how’s the war going” ? You can answer by saying.. Do you mean the war over in Ukraine? Or the United States Government’s War against its own people? Well, the first one, the Ukraine War, is mostly destroying Europe though, apparently, they haven’t figured that out yet. Europe’s economy is toast without affordable Russian Gas. We turned off their pipeline for that and nobody in Europe objected. They just sucked it up and went back to smoking cigarettes, and drinking cappuccino,and espresso at their Cafe’s A year or so from now, nobody in Europe will have enough money for a cappuccino or cigarettes and maybe then they’ll start asking the Man in charge who runs things there some questions if they live that long.
    The main thing about the Ukraine War is that the US doesn’t want it to end. You understand, it is not about principles such as freedom for Ukraine. It’s about beating Russia no matter how many dead Ukrainians it takes, because US officials developed a delusional theory about Russia feeding the Republicans False information to Get Trump.
    And if the world stops using the dollar in trade, the dollar will lose value, and so will the trillions in US bonds held by other countries, while Biden keeps on spending the money that we don’t have.... Can you spell debt crisis?


  3. Parents: Discourage your kids from entering the military until a sane, American president is elected. Nevertheless, Who knew back in the late 1970s that the Village People were the Navy of the future? Who knew? Who knew that our President would be a Lunatic, and allow Transgenders into the Armed Forces?

  4. The American Way of Life is under attack while career politicians destroy our economy and a LUNATIC is sabotaging our nation’s incredible potential. We will take our country back from the corrupt Washington establishment and return power to the American people, where it belongs. We will achieve a future of prosperity, security, and peace — creating once again the greatest economy in the history of the world, defending our borders, restoring energy independence, and leading with strength and pride on the world stage.

    It is time to put America First once more and usher in a glorious new era of faith, family, and freedom. Together, we will save lives, save jobs, and save America. Join me in our unstoppable mission to Make America Great Again.

  5. Why is it necessary for elementary age children to discuss Transgenders, and other sexual topics in class? This is the first I’ve heard about a legislative effort to make this topic “age-appropriate,” but I don’t see why anyone should object. I don’t understand why we can’t allow children to be children while they’re still children. In any case, isn’t this a topic that normally takes place between Mommies or Fathers ,and daughters, in the home environment, and not in School?

    Why Not Talk about Math, History, English? Get those kids back on track! These teachers who are concentrating on Gays and Transgenters, and Diversity, etc., in classes are the ones who caused the fact that kids are Behind….”Fix It, Folks…stop the Rubbish…..This isn’t a Teacher’s thing! Teach What Kids Really Need to Know! And Let Children Be Children.

  6. We have another BS story of the harm caused by the COVID lockdowns. Party City the store thatis devoted to “Party Goods” is closing 30 of its stores after filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy:
    “Party City has announced plans to close more than 30 stores after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Business Insider reports.
    The company says that it’s woes are due to the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain issues, the report said. It will close 31 stores in 15 states, including four locations in Michigan.”

    Of course, it is not the pandemic, but the UN-necessary LOCKDOWNS, that brought about the Party Store’s demise. But if you had tried to suggest in 2020 that the lockdowns were a stupid idea, you would have been censored by The People “Who Know Better”, such as our Current President, just as RFK Jr. is being censored by these same Democratic people. As they are doing to anybody that is a Threat to his re-election.

  7. Personally I think that biggest and perhaps the most important LIES told by the progressive communist democrat regime is by the Incompetent, Inept, and Unqualified White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre,, who has the Gaul to stand right before the White House Press Corps and the American people and tells us LIES like the “Illegal Immigration Has Gone down by More than 90 Percent.” That is one the most a blatant lies of the Century! Just look for yourself at the Long the lines of illegal’s crossing the border and the statistics by the Border Patrol. There are more, and more of these people crossing the boarder every day, and much more to come this week. And that’s simply because of the inaction ( lack of action) taken by this President.
    Also when a President is seen as a dishonest or untrustworthy President, it encourages the citizens to be angry and frustration, and brings on these Protests, and Strikes,,and Even Violence, leading to more serious actions which threatens the rule of law. And that leads to even more serious actions such as Mob Violence, Looting, Arson, and yes even the use of Gun, and more Violence, such as Murders.

    The American citizens, simply can not and refuse to accept, and believe the lies of this blatantly corrupt progressive communist democrat regime that is trying to destroy America from within.
    I am particularly disgusted with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. At least when Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki lied, she did it without having to read every untruth sentence from a book that had the Pre-arranged answers as Karine Jean-Pierre so obviously does.
    And to make matters even worse, last week White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Barack Obama the “President.” While speaking to the press, she stated “President Obama announced that, pardon me, I meant President Biden.” as she then make light of the situation
    Freudian Slip? Maybe!

    Also she had told us that “This Administration Has Taken the Border Crisis Very Seriously Since Day One”
    Do any of you liberals believe that?

  8. I truly can care less about if the fascist left will label me a racist for this thread I am posting. When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in a third World Country like Africa for example, and not in America. The majority of advertisements are now bein dominated by Black actors and actresses, and by actors of other Nations. . Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of Black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they majority of advertisements. And to make my example even more so, there are more advertisements using people from India than ever before, ask yourself why? Wht are there are many So, why not ask why are there not more advertisements featuring Latinos instead of Black people? There are much more Latinos in America than Black people, and there are even much more White people in America than Black, or Latino people - yet Black people seem to dominate the TV advertisements. Do we live in Africa and I am just not aware of it and I am using stats for America instead of Africa? Don't EVER talk to me about “White privilege” ,because that’s just plain BS.... the only racial privilege in America today is Black privilege that is the only race that has a privilege.
    Does the Black Lives Matter group have anything to do with this? I wonder..
    As for me, I would not mind at all seeing some advertisements featuring Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Indians and giving them some identity and significance as well. Why are some of these ethnicities being ignored? Supposedly, we live in the melting pot known as America and not Africa, perhaps corporations should do a better job of diversity instead of caving in to Black privilege

  9. If Democrats hadn't cheated an election then January the 6th would have never happened! Ever think of that?
    The Jan 6 that the lying Democrats describe didn't happen. There was no “Insurrection”. Your idiot in the House, like Adam Shiff, and Chuck Schumer compared it to the attack on Pearl Harbor for christ sake. Talk about FAKING it. Those comments where Ridicules

    Those Democratic House members so conveniently forgot al about the 6 months of Democrats rioting with Democrats and Black Lives Matter, and Antifa running amok rioting, looting and burning, and their SO CALLED Demonstrations and Political Violence in America was far worse than the comparative small group of people that got rowdy in the Capital Building.

    It was already proven that it was a Sham Committee and they didn't want the public to find out the real truth. There weren’t any Guns, or other weapons on January 6th How can you have an “Insurrection without Guns? It’s impossible. The committee should have been named 'Operation BS”
    It was the Fascist left-wing scum and their ilk that's been for Defunding the Police, and the Fascist scum Antifa (the real fascists) attacking the Police during their violent riots. Oh, and it was the Leftwing ilk who had phrases like "Pigs in a Blanket, Fry em like Bacon" in reference to law enforcement. So Don't try and act all righteous and come off as a supporter of law enforcement now. you hypocritical Leftists.
