Sunday, May 14, 2023

Dummies Don't Consider The Consequences...


Publishing Personal and Private Information

When you publish information about someone without permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate. Most states have laws limiting your ability to publish private facts about someone and recognizing an individual's right to stop you from using his or her name, likeness, and other personal attributes for certain exploitative purposes, such as for advertising goods or services. These laws originally sprang from a policy objective of protecting personal privacy; the aim was to safeguard individuals from embarrassing disclosures about their private lives and from uses of their identities that are hurtful or disruptive of their lives. Over time, the law developed and also recognized the importance of protecting the commercial value of a person's identity -- namely, the ability to profit from authorizing others to use one's name, photograph, or other personal attributes in a commercial setting.

Specifically, there are two types of legal claims that relate to unauthorized publication of personal and private information:

  • Publication of Private Facts: The legal claim known as "publication of private facts" is a species of invasion of privacy. You commit this kind of invasion of privacy by publishing private facts about an individual, the publication of which would be offensive to a reasonable person. This legal claim can only be successful, however, if the facts in question are not legitimately newsworthy. So, for instance, if you disclose the fact that your neighbor has an embarrassing health condition, you might be liable for publication of private facts. If, however, this medical condition is particularly relevant to some topic of public interest -- say, your neighbor's fitness to serve in public office, a court might find that your publication is lawful. Determining what facts are of legitimate public concern is often difficult to determine, so you may want to get permission before disclosing potentially embarrassing information about an individual you interview or write about. If your work sometimes involves this kind of publication, then you should see the Publication of Private Facts section for further details.

  • Using the Name or Likeness of Another: The legal claim known as "misappropriation of name or likeness" is a species of invasion of privacy. Over time the courts also recognized a legal claim for violation of the "right of publicity," which is closely related. You commit misappropriation and/or violate the right of publicity when you use an individual's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose. These legal claims usually apply to the use of a name or image in a commercial setting, such as in advertising or other promotional activities, but they may apply anytime you take advantage of another person's identity for your own benefit. However, individuals cannot stop every mention, discussion, or reporting on their lives or activities, and many states explicitly exempt news reporting and other expressive activities from liability. For example, if you advertise your website using the photograph of a famous rival blogger (or even an unknown rival blogger) without permission, then you might be liable for misappropriation of that person’s likeness. (Another way of saying this is that you might be liable for violating the blogger's "right of publicity.") But, if you write an article commenting on the posts of that same blogger and include his picture, you generally won't be liable for using the blogger's name without permission or including the photograph for illustrative purposes. If you are interested in using the names or photographs of others, especially celebrities, you should consult Using the Name or Likeness of Another for further details.

While these laws can create pitfalls for citizen media creators, the risks are manageable and you can take certain steps to protect yourself. Most importantly, if you stick to reporting or commenting on matters of legitimate public interest and only portray people who have a reasonable relationship to your topic, then you generally can avoid liability. You should never use someone's name or photograph solely to drive traffic to your website, but you are free to cover the public and noteworthy activities of others, including celebrities. Finally, if you are worried about legal liability, you can get consent from the individual or individuals who might be offended by your particular disclosure or use. For additional information on what practical steps you can take to avoid liability, see the section on Practical Tips for Avoiding Private Facts, Misappropriation, and Right of Publicity Claims.

Finally, you should also be aware that the federal government, as well as many states, have statutes related to collecting personal data from those who visit your website. For instance, the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 requires the operator of a commercial website that collects personal information about users to conspicuously post its privacy policy on its Web site. The federal government also puts some restrictions on data that websites can lawfully gather. Congress enacted the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act to set limits on the online collection of personal information from children under 13. The Act details what a website operator must include in its privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent, and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online.  For information on using a website privacy policy to minimize the legal risks associated with gathering private information, see the Privacy Policy section of our legal guide.


Subject Area: 


  1. After that incident on the New York Subway with the Former Marine that tried to help his fellow Subway riders from heing harassed, and possibly harmed by that Wild, and Crazy Homeless guy.
    How many of you think the Marine who did the choke hold on the crazy rider did it to kill him?
    How many of you think anybody will ever try to help others on a subway again?
    Do you have any strong opinions or are leaving it to the NY DA Alvin Bagg. and a jury?
    First of all, let me say that If the EXACT same incident were presented to a grand jury in the heartland of America , the DA would be chased out of the room as fast as he came in... aAs for the trial it would likely most end by the Judge throwing it out!

    Were the Marine a Black man, the incident would never have even made the news period!. Were Neely a White Man, The Marine would have been awarded a year’s Free Travel on Public Transportation.
    Look at it this way, a guy goes berserk in a New York Subway car. He’s dirty, and scary and threatening in a closed environment with NO Police, or any sort of protection anywhere to be found . A fellow strap hanger sees the dangerous situation developing and moves to get him under control. He’s yelling “call 911” and 2 other passengers join in to help subdue the man. Witnesses come forward even though they were afraid. Neely the Homeless man acted dangerous, so they NATURALLY think the Marine’s a hero So, lets hope that the Jurors are also NYC subway riders, and they know what it’s like in the subway. . They’ll understand the situation immediately and find the Marine completely Innocent.

    But To Answer This Question!
    1. No, the Marine didn’t intend to kill him.
    2. There is no justification for prosecuting this case.

  2. Ms. Shaw, why don't you tell the American people one good thing that Biden or the democrats have done for this country since he got elected. Why is everything bad all Trump’s fault?
    Is it the inflation, or the high gas & food prices that you support ?
    Is it the massive border invasion, or the terrible, failed foreign policy that you endorse ?
    Perhaps you are proud of the incompetent method of departure from Afghanistan or the encouragement of the " little incursion " into Ukraine by Putin of Russia.
    You spew lie after lie after lie every night of your career.
    You are a tool in the hands of democrats & do their bidding all the time. Yes, Trump calls some nasty women "nasty", but you call half the country derogatory names & smear & dehumanize them ! Trump is neither racist or antisemitic as you falsely try to portray him.
    It is disturbing to watch you spin the truth time & time again !
    Where were you, hypocrite, con man when all summer 2020 democrat leaning groups were burning & looting & rioting & destroying the police & law enforcement groups ?
    Are you now concerned about assaults on police officers ?
    You're the one who constantly lies shamelessly & disparaged the audience & at least half the population for their reaction. Kaitlan Collins was not a journalist but a shameless "prosecutor" & partisan hack with an agenda to demean & vilify Donald Trump.
    She failed & then you were instructed by your masters to spin the event even more & tell us what we " heard" & what we should think !
    And suppose that everything we see on Fox, or ANYOTHER new station is Fake? Do you really think that Fox News stages all those lines of Illegal’s? Do they stage the Mobs of them sleeping in tents and defecating in the streets?
    The lawless BorderCcrisis is not by mistake.
    It is a calculated move by Biden & the democrats & the DNC to let in as many million illegal migrants into the country as possible
    The man leading this corrupt & fraudulent
    effort is Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Mayorkas.
    Mayorkas looks you straight in the eye & lies & says the border is secure & under control.
    He does so even when testifying under oath in the Congress . He just outright lies !
    Videos show the chaos & lack of order.
    Millions have illegally been let go unchecked into the country !
    This illegal entry is phase one of the conspiracy.
    When will you Wake Up, and Smell the destruction of our Country, by that Potatohead, his family and YOUR Party

  3. Perhaps you are proud of the incompetent method of departure from Afghanistan or the encouragement of the " little incursion " into Ukraine by Putin of Russia.
    You spew lie after lie after lie every night of your career.
    You are a tool in the hands of democrats & do their bidding all the time. Yes, Trump calls some nasty women "nasty", but you call half the country derogatory names & smear & dehumanize them ! Trump is neither racist or antisemitic as you falsely try to portray him.
    It is disturbing to watch you spin the truth time & time again !
    Where were you, hypocrite, con man when all summer 2020 democrat leaning groups were burning & looting & rioting & destroying the police & law enforcement groups ?
    Are you now concerned about assaults on police officers ?
    You're the one who constantly lies shamelessly & disparaged the audience & at least half the population for their reaction. Kaitlan Collins was not a journalist but a shameless "prosecutor" & partisan hack with an agenda to demean & vilify Donald Trump.
    She failed & then you were instructed by your masters to spin the event even more & tell us what we " heard" & what we should think !
    And suppose that everything we see on Fox, or ANY OTHER new station is Fake? Do you really think that Fox News stages all those lines of Illegal’s? Do they stage the Mobs of them sleeping in tents and defecating in the streets?
    The lawless Border Crisis it is NOT fake, or should trust the Democratic Party and ignore common sense and what our own eyes see!.
    It is a calculated move by Biden & the democrats & the DNC to let in as many million illegal migrants into the country as possible
    The man leading this corrupt & fraudulent
    effort is Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Mayorkas.
    Mayorkas looks you straight in the eye & lies & says the border is secure and under control.
    He does so even when testifying under oath in the Congress . He just outright lies !
    The Videos that they show are full of chaos and lack of order.
    Millions have illegally been let go unchecked into the country !
    This illegal entry is phase one of the conspiracy.
    And how about the Biden Family’s corruption? Are those Bank Records ALL Russian Disinformation, like the idiotic Politicians want us to believe AGAIN? You can keep telling yourselves that, but don’t expect us to believe it as well!

  4. The Trump Family got rich through Real Estate. The Biden Family got rich selling influence to foreign Countries.


  5. Time after time, Adam Schiff had lied when he was telling us that he had classified information that proved Trump was guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he constantly refused to produce his so-called proof of Donald Trump’s misconduct.
    So it was Adam Schiff's phantom Whistleblower that led to a sitting United States President being Impeached, not just once, but twice both times under FALSE accusations. That professional liar is completely incapable of telling the truth about anything. Schiff is an compulsive liar.
    And frankly, I’m surprised that Shifty Schiff isn't mentioned more in the Durham Report. But the Silence from the White House and Democrats like Shifty Adam Schiff is deafening after the report came out. Why am I surprised when this was so predictable?
    And now that we have dozens of REAL Whistleblowers coming forward from the IRS, the FBI and Secret Service with real and incriminating evidence against Joe Biden and his family and yet they are being silenced. But wait a minute just a few years ago, Adam Schiff produced an ANONYMOUS whistle blower who SOMEHOW overheard a phone call that got President Trump impeached. Does this sound like a government with a true system of justice to hold ALL our leaders accountable?
    So technically, it appears that Adam Schiff participated in a coup to overthrow the legitimately elected President of the United States. Therefor Slimy Adam Schiff should be tried for treason, not just removed from Congress.
    Don’t you think that it's time that we held these left wing liars, and corrupted crooks, and cheats accountable!

  6. My Thoughts on Trangenderism
    I am one who believes gender and sex are the same thing, as this was the normal thing for Millions of years and I see no reason to believe otherwise. Does that answer your question?
    And if you don't want an honest answer to the question, then don't ask it. Some might agree with your point of view, some might not, be prepared for it and respect their sensitivities, and we will respect yours, where we can. On that point, my position is as follows:
    I do understand there is a real phenomenon called ”'Transgender” and it shouldn't be trivialized or ridiculed.
    I also believe that the ”'Transgender” person should NOT be throwing their sexual choice in other peoples face!

    On the matter of children, It is my view as an adults, given that children have vivid imaginations, and that they tend to be influenced by many things such as other adults and what is on television, etc... that hey get ideas with which they easily change their mind, or lose interest, as time passes, that they often pursue fads and things trendy, and that we as adults, should try and convince a child, who might be gender confused, given that it might be merely an outside influence, a temporal thing, we should try first to have the child acknowledge their biological sex is their true sex, and if they (boys) exhibit effeminate characteristics, explain to the child that it is perfectly okay for a boy to be effeminate, perfectly okay for a girl to be masculine (as in a 'tomboy'), that these conditions often fade as they grow up, and that I believe, sincerely, it is actually better for one's mental and spiritual health to be honest and acknowledge what one truly is, and that, for children, over time, their truer selves emerge from the fog of life's barrage of confusing influences.

    After the age of 18, if they still are determined to be transgender, that is their right and we should respect it. If I were to counsel a young man, or young woman, I would still act in accordance to the above, given the chance they are still young, and still might change. I tell a young man or woman, it's perfectly okay to be gay, and watch out for the tendency some gay boys and girls to envy being straight, the solution of which would be to change one sex. In my view, envy would be the wrong reason to change one's sex. But doing that, is a radical change for one's biology, and can lead to serious health consequences. Proceed with the utmost caution.

    BUT, FOR CHILDREN, I ADAMANTLY DON'T BELIEVE IN SEX CHANGE SURGERY, PUBERTY BLOCKERS, FOR CHILDREN, NO MATTER HOW APPARENTLY 'URGENT A CHILD MAY MAKE IT SEEM . As I understand it, there is no surgery going on? (is there? I hope not), but some kids are given puberty blockers, and I think this is wrong (but I'm not an expert, or a Doctor, so it comes with a caveat).

    Children are children, they have powerful and fanciful imaginations (I remember vividly my own childhood--I remember in the 6th grade, I envied left handed kids. I thought being left-handed was 'cool', and since I was practically ambidextrous, it was easy for me to pretend being left handed. After awhile, the fad faded and I returned to being my normal self, predominantly right handed) and much is urgent in the life of a child. To make such an assumption for a child, leading to life altering drugs and surgery, in my view, is a mistake, and could be a tragic one, if harm comes to the child, that the child changes his/her mind, later on.

  7. Continued:
    I believe transgenders, gays, lesbians, etc., should be treated with respect and they should not be discriminated against and have all the rights that all citizens possess and that anti discrimination laws pertain to them, as they do to race, creed, etc.
    And that THEY should not being parading around with Rainbow Flags With their own Bars, Clubs, and excluding others out of their “Cult”. I am more than happy to treat a transgender with their preferred pronouns, and treat them as their gender to which they identify. However, there are limits, and those are commented on, herein.

    I simply do not accept the concept of 'non binary'. To me, these persons are androgenous/A-sexual. Unless you are born in with a rare case of being intersex, you are either or female. This idea of not indicating sex on birth certificates is insane. This was the conventional wisdom for such persons, when I grew up and over decades. I will use he or she or him or her as they prefer, but NOT 'they'. No one has the right to change what centuries have decided meanings of words mean.True, meanings of words evolve, but it happens always organically, NEVER by 'decree'. However, if anyone obliges on that point, it is out of courtesy, not obligation. I choose not to, on the subject of A-sexual persons. Why? Because 'they/their/them' normally means plural. I understand that 'they' has been used, though rarely, when describing singular when the sex of the person being spoken of is not known, that is the only grammatical exception, i.e, 'Someone-they left their jacket on the park bench').

    However, that being said.

    I believe that heterosexuals have the right to date ONLY other heterosexuals if they so please... If they date transgender, that is their willful choice, but for a heterosexual who claims he or is only willing to date, marry, fall in love with, only other heterosexuals that this does NOT constitute discrimination against transgendered persons. One cannot help who one is attracted to. I warn transfemales who might be considering surgery but only in order that they perceive they might be able to attract straight males. I say, hold on! While there might be some straight males who see you as a woman, myself, being a straight male, I must say, no, they will probably see you as a gay man, and you will have a tough time finding a straight man. In fact, transfemales would be much better off not getting surgery, and I strongly suspect there are far more gay men (for some I've talked to about it, anyway) that prefer well endowed transfemales, than there will be straight males who are so liberated they will accept you as they would any woman, and I advise them strongly not to go through it. It would be an irreversible decision and I don't see how it could improve one's libido, it seems logical that it would kill it, but I just don't know. That's my position, anyway. If there is any research on this, then point me to it.
    Sports, this is a problem. I understand that women are complaining, and they have a valid point. I'm not a sports enthusiast so I will let the professionals duke it out on this subject. I'm with the ladies, though, that's my leaning, unless someone can convince me of otherwise.

    And here is a choice of mine that NO-ONE can Change. And thats about “Restrooms” “Showers” and “LOCKER ROOMS”. No one with a penis should be allowed to use a woman's facility, ANY FACILITY. and vice versa. END OF ARGUMENT. BECAUSE I WILL NOT ARGUE ABOUT IT.
    I invite challenges, comments, discussions, affirmations, etc., as long as it is civil. If it is not, then such comments will be ignored.


  8. Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Donald Trump “Russian Collusion” scandal proves it was initiated by non other than the 2016 Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance
    by Former CIA Director Brennan.

    Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

    An individual not receiving any attention for her part in her own ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE is former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

    As President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama's Cabinet, and Obama's treasonous partisanly weaponized federal agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ) all together carried out their attempted coup and that Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a second attempt in Congress.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly told the American people that she would NOT allow the 1st Impeachment of President Trump to go forward unless she and Democrats had 2 things 1st:
    1. Bipartisanship to move forwatd with Impeachment

    2. Hard evidence of 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump
    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats / Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, had purposely LIED to the American people.

    The FACT that she did not have bipartisanship she promised to move forward with Impeachment was IMMEDIATE

    The FACT that she and Democrats had NO EVIDENCE was demonstrated during the Impeachment, through her attempts to force the US Senate to cinduct their Impeachment hearings according to HER rules, and through her own attempted defense of proceeding with the Impeachment.
    Don’t Forget that Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIE. And Don't forget that it was Adam Schiff who lied DAILY through all the hearings.
    It seems that Lying is a requirement to be a Democrat!
    Because it comes to them so naturally!
    The FACT Speaker Pelosi had no evidence and thus no reason to attempt to Impeach President Trump was CONFIRMED by Special Counsel Durham's 'Russia Collusion' report.

    With ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and ZERO bipartisanship Speaker Pelosi intentionally led Congressional Democrats in a failed attempted treasonous political coup against a President of the United States.
    So what happened, Nothing! No charges, No trial, No anything! And they are still spouting their Lies.
    Until there are legal consequences, then they will keep it up
    History will now forever show that:
    The Former 1st Lady, the Former Sect of State, and 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton initiated / attempted the 2nd (SECOND) Largest Criminal Political Scandal in US history by implementing her 'Russian Collusion' scandal in an attempt to criminally interfere in the 2016 Presidential election.

  9. The Doctor's WifeMay 18, 2023 at 5:18 AM

    Nancy Pelosi Said that “ NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW” EXCEPT:
    Hillary Clinton!, Barrack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Joe Biden, James Comey, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, John Kerry, etc, etc, and etc.

    1. These "Useful Idiots" did not get the message that the the invasion of the Millions of illegal aliens were consuming the wealth, and the resources of our Country! As well as the Safety of the Nation.

  10. FACT:
    The Durham report shows likelihood Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey and others colluded with Russia.
    As always, it was the Democrats that was doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

  11. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that our federal government has expanded beyond its intended Constitutionally defined scope and continues to infringe on the rights and powers of the states and individual citizens.

    Unfortunately, the American public appears reluctant to accept what is before their very eyes -- that the foundational reality of our Constitution has changed. We are no longer a free country in the sense that our politicians, judiciary, and law enforcement have the best interests of the public at heart.

    We are living in a time when facts don't matter, science doesn't matter -- and all we are left with is the regime's corrupt narrative which is being rammed down our throats.
    We have a border Crisis that is s serious that it could be the “Straw that breaks the Camels Back” one day! The lawless Border crisis is not by mistake, it is a calculated move by Biden and the other Lunatics in the Democratic party to let in as many million illegal migrants into the country as possible, strictly for the reason to have these people vote Democratly.
    The man leading this corrupt and fraudulent effort is the unqualified, and totally inept “Department of Homeland Security” Secretary, Mayorkas. Another tremendous mistake made by Joe Biden.
    Mayorkas looks you straight in the eye and lies to you as he says “The Border Is Secure and under Control”.
    He does so even when testifying under oath in the Congress . He just outright lies ! And he should be Impeached immediately, if not immediately, then Sooner!
    Returning to the Constitutional limits on federal authority to restrict the federal government's powers by the original intent and principles outlined in the United States Constitution may be impossible given the self-interests of corrupt politicians owned and operated by their elite masters and special interests.

    Where will we find those honorable individuals as leaders and not cede undue power to corrupt politicians in those Leftist Crazed parties , to determine the proper balance between federal and state authority to preserve our inalienable rights. As they are to interested in Gun Control, and Climate Control, and even banning Plastic Bags, and call us White people “White Supremacists” to worry about our Countries Safty from the Evil Commies that face us today.
    Do such men, or women even exist? Are today's prestigious and elite educational institutions even capable of producing such people with a sufficient background in history, morality, and the art of politics, who might be the person that will save us from becoming the next Socialist, or even COMMUNIST nation?
    Certainly it WILL NOT BE Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren, or Gavin Newsom , Michelle Obama, or Heavens Forbid Hillary Clinton, and God Forbid Pete Buttigieg .
    Frankly I don’t see any Democrat, or Progressive, or any other Nut-Job, or whatever you wish to call any of those LUNATICS in those parties.

  12. The current DUMBacratic Party is hoping BiDumb, who is a manipulative liar and totally dishonest, will run again.

  13. A former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is now a senior official within the New York State Communist Party.

    Records, first reported on by The New York Post, show 33-year-old Justine Medina worked for Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign for much of 2020, earning around $35,000. So the real question is Where did that Ditsy Headed Moron get all that money she is spending on Rent, etc

  14. More, and more we are seeing that the FBI is as Crooked as Joe Biden is.
    Foe example. The Durham report proves that the FBI is the Democrat's Gestapo.

  15. The House Weaponization Committee held a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI testified before Congress on Thursday morning. On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday. FBI agents Marcus Allen, Garrett O’Boyle, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives. And once again the Leftist's showed that they would rather have the FBI exposed as a corrupted agency, then have their party insulted and exposed as the FILTH they really are.
