Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Did Joe Biden Just Commit Political Suicide?


Did Joe Biden commit political suicide during these past 2 days?  The Biden legal team has gone after Donald Trump, countering the charges of criminal activity involving Hunter Biden with criminal charges against Donald Trump, with hardly any proof.

The crazy acts of desperation to imprison Trump continue from Farting JoeJoe Bidet's desperate ass clowns.


  1. Assface Dervish Says "The persecution of Joe Biden and his family by evil trumpturds continues."

  2. Assface Mystere says "The Biden legal team has gone after Donald Trump, countering the charges of criminal activity involving Hunter Biden with criminal charges against Donald Trump, with hardly any proof".

    Except it's Special Counsel Jack Smith who is going after tRump. Not the "Biden legal team". Biden has nothing to do with Jack Smith's investigations and charges. Also, there is a LOT of proof of donald tRump's guilt. I saw for myself on TV the mob donald sent to the Capitol to stop the electoral vote count.

    1. Jack is a puppet for your god JoeJoe Bidet

    2. He is independent.

  3. Dervish is a seething ball of hate = no.

    ...wishing harm and death on people who follow Godly ways = no.

    Dervish is a lover of all things evil = no.

    He endorses child molesters who hold public office = no.

    politicians who have drug addict sons running the country into the ground = Hunter Biden has no role in the Biden Administration. Joe Biden is doing a fantastic job running the country.

    ...and sick perverts who engage in satanic sacrifices = no.

    To this day, Dervish has not condemned the firebombing of Dr. Rand Paul's office = had not heard about this.

    ...because he wishes death upon him and his family = no.

    In the eyes of Dervish Sanders, everyone who has Donald Trump's back deserves violent death and destruction to their family members = no.

    1. What's wrong Fartface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666? Did JoeJoe stop eating Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream?

    2. Did you say Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream? That's my favorite flavor. I want my Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream now!

  4. Dervish denies not hearing about Rand Paul's office getting firebombed. The news was national and widely known. And Henry County Tennessee is near the Kentucky border. It certainly was bigger news near Paris Tennessee. Dervish celebrated the bombing of Rand Paul's office.

    1. Is Randall Paul dead? Why would I celebrate failure? That's if I wanted him killed. Which you say I do.

  5. This Trump persecution, and demonizing, and whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it. When a group of jealous opponents campaign to get him out of their competition, as Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer, and Adam Schiff did by LYING, something is wrong! Lets see they impeached Trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without ant Republicans to rebut, without any proof? No problem. and how about the Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? When a TV star has to FAKE a beating by a MAGA supporter, I’d say this has gotten to be Insane! When a Blog Author continues to Constantly write about him, and NEVER ONCE writes a word about the constant Insanity of the Current Moronic President, you know that someone is Obsessed with Donald Trump!
    i personally, am getting sick, and tired of pointing out how UN American and idiotic the democrats ARE.
