Sunday, August 20, 2023

Fani Cooked Her Fanny

Update September 01 2023:  Fani is turning into a butt roast as the courts keep ruling against those of her ilk and motivation.


  1. For several months in a row in the summer of 2020 and on, there were Violent Riots, Looting, Burning & Vandalism and Destruction of Businesses and Public Property to the Tune of Billions of Dollars and Attacks on Law Enforcement and Death. Total unchecked anarchy ! These were all condoned and encouraged by the democrats who in many cases bailed the culprits out.
    Then for about 3 hours on January 6th. there was a peaceful protest with no fires, no looting, no destruction and no death EXCEPT the murder of an innocent unarmed female protester named Ashli Babbitt !
    For political reasons & with complete falsehood, the Democrats and the DOJ and the MSM have compared J6 to Pear Harbor and 911 ! The democrats call it as the “ biggest threat to our democracy” !
    Presently, the biggest threat to democracy are the democrats & their allies in the fake MSM .
    Nothing could be further from the truth !
    This was all calculated to harass Donald Trump after leaving office and in order to have excuses to persecute him and stop him
    from running for office again !
    And here is another classic example of democrats accusing their opponents, in this case, Donald Trump, of their actions & illicit behavior !
    Just like Jack Smith, this judge, is corrupt and bought and totally paid for by the DNC & the DOJ !
    This is shameful interference with Free Speech and a Fair Trial as well as Fair Elections !!
    In 2020 they hid the Hunter Biden laptop with all of The Biden family Bribes and the Corruption and now they are acting above the law by treating Donald Trump unfairly and unjustly and beneath the law.
    All this to Cheat him Again in running for President and winning !

    1. We'll see what happens next. And to clarify the reply below, you are not Dervish Sanders. The other Anonymous who commented August 21, 2023 at 11:29 AM is Dervish Sanders.

  2. God bless Fani Willis!

    1. Dervish Sanders aka Anonymous August 21, 2023 at 11:29 AM:

      "God bless Fani Willis!"

      Satan is your god, Dervish Sanders.

    2. Dervish Sanders akacAnonymous August 24, 2023 at 12:15 AM
      Spoken like the son of Satan you are, as usual Dervish.

    3. Ich habe das Hintern-Loch meines Meisters geschnuppert.

  3. Our Nation as we knew is different that it was when I was growing up, I doubt very much if our children will ever know the wonderful things that we di when we were children, I can’t even recognize this country anymore. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt, that we went off course just after Barack Obama was elected. If you remember he promised that he would “Re-Shape America” and he did. . We are, or were a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us. But the world, and our country are much different now.
    Biden had CERTAINLY changed it.
    And now Biden says that he is running in 2924 because he wants to finish the job.

    That is one of the things that really scares me. When someone is busy plotting and planning to “Finnish the Job” , I think it would be wise to oppose his efforts to “Finish the Job”
    When someone like these trolls for the Progressive Crap-Hole are so totally blinded by their partisan preconceptions that it doesn’t even dawn on them that WE Conservative, Republicans don’t think the way they even imagine we do.

    President PotatoHead is a walking Zombie, a Complete Senile Delusional Nut-Case . His administration is a disaster, and it is wrecking the Nation. . Why on Earth anyone supports that Alzheimer Victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “Finish” the Wrecking Job he has started is also a puzzlement.

    But the Vermin like these “Trolls” can go ahead and genuflect to the moron who thinks “Made in America” is a bad thing.
    Can it be fixed?

    Most Probably not. There are Far too many people that care more about their Political Party then the Country.
    Today that is seen as a weakness and our current President is feeding right into them .
    Our basic Ideas are drastically different. The Wide open Southern Border, the Ten Million un-vetted Illegals that Biden allowed to enter, the Draq Queen shows in Kindergarten, Porno books, given to 10 and 12 year olds. These Moroni Biden Supporters escapees from a Insane Asylum. who think that’s a good thing have gone too far and you must be stopped, or you can Kiss this Country Good bye. No on can work with the Clowns that the Democrats installed into DC offices. These Clowns who Rip up Presidential SOTU speeches on live TV are a prime example. .

    1. Shenehneh has impressionable grandkids whom she is trying to mold into her corrupt looney image. May I suggest to the Bloggers that be here download the photos of her grandkids from her hate site and post them on their sites to drive a point into Shenehneh's pinhead? Shenehneh pimped out her granddaughter with a photo of her wearing trampy looking makeup in excesses all over her face. Sadly, her granddaughter got exposed on her blog looking like a teenage tramp, and Shaw Kenawe is very proud of that.

  4. Honestly I don't know how you fix the New York Yankees for next year. They have a bunch of either over the hill players who have high contracts that no one wants, or a load of young not yet ready rookies, and this system not working, and not good. Fire Boone? I DO AGREE with that but that's not going to fix the problem. They also need to Fire Brian Cashmen, his time has expired a long time ago.

  5. After the Devastating wildfires swept across Maui reducing the historic and tourist town of Lahaina almost completely to ashes. Businesses and homes were destroyed and over 100 people were killed. About 850 are still unaccounted for, and hopes of finding them alive are slim, according to officials.

    After the MUCH considerable pressure to pay a visit to the island last week, Biden traveled to Maui on Monday. The president and the first lady Jill Biden traveled by helicopter to the most affected areas on the island before meeting with local and community officials.
    As President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden wear Hawaiian leis as they wave from Air Force One before departing Kahului Airport in Hawaii, on August 21, 2023. The Bidens spent the day meeting with first responders, survivors, and local officials following deadly wildfires in Maui.
    During a speech to the crowd gathered in Lahaina, the president said THAT HE KNEW HOW IT FELT TO LOSE A HOME.

    " we have a little sense, of what it is to live through a Fire, Jill and I, know what it's like to lose a home," he said. "Years ago now, 15 years ago, I was in Washington doing Meet the Press. It was a sunny Sunday," he continued.
    "Lightning struck at home, on a little lake that's outside of our home not a lake, a big pond, and hit a wire that came up underneath our home into the heating ducts and air conditioning ducts," he added.
    "To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my '67 Corvette, and my cat."

    Some failed to appreciate the comparison, accusing the president of being Insensitive to the tragedy in Maui.
    Joe Biden saying that feels the pain of Maui talking about his Kitchen Fire."

    A restaurant owner in Kihei, Maui, told The Daily Signal—news website, via a text message that the comment was " That this was the most despicable thing this President has ever said."

    The president went on with his speech about his “Kitchen Fire” praising the work of firefighters: "All kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded... thank God. People who run into flames to save other people. And they ran into flames to save my Wife, and to save my family, but couldn’t save my Cat. Not a joke."

    Biden added: "We were insured, we did not have any problem. But being out of our home for the better part of a year was difficult. I can only image what's like to lose your home."

    Some accused the president of embellishing a story that wasn't as dramatic as he tells it. "This story was debunked by the fire department who said Biden 'embellished' what happened," Collin Rugg, an author at conservative news website Trending Politics wrote on .

    A 2022 article by the Washington Examiner reported that Biden had talked about the fire in his kitchen that year while visiting Colorado after the state was struck by a rare winter wildfire. On that occasion too, the Republican National Committee Twitter account had accused Biden of exaggerating the story, citing an Associated Press report from 2004, seen by Newsweek, that said the fire was a "small" one that was "contained in the kitchen" and was "under control in 20 minutes."
    He talked about these events to the people in Maui, saying: "When things look the most bleak, that's when we need faith."
    it’s never a good idea to compare your personal experiences to any tragedy. Biden should know that.


  6. The Judge UN-FAIRLY Limited Trump’s Ability to Share Jan. 6 Evidence During a 90-minute hearing in Washington, Judge Tanya S. Chutkan also warned the former president against any attempt to intimidate witnesses or prejudice potential jurors “. Here is another classic example of democrats accusing their opponents, in this case, Donald Trump, of their actions and illicit behavior ! Just like Jack Smith, this judge, is Corrupt and bought and paid for by the DNC & the DOJ ! This is shameful interference with free speech & a fair trial and fair elections !! In 2020 they hid the Hunter Biden laptop...The unchecked absentee ballots, the ballot harvesting, the vote by mail under the excuse of Covid-19 and the halting of the counting in the middle of the night, when Trump was leading in the swing states and then having Biden in the lead after they returned in the morning !
    Changing and relaxing the rules for checking legal votes , lack of signature verification and more.
    Add to that, the fact that Biden remained in his basement & couldn’t get more than a dozen people attend his rare campaign rallies , whereas Trump drew millions of people to his rallies !
    Then include the phony impeachments of Trump after failing to pull off the hoax of Russian collusion and obstruction of Justice and the constant hostility of the news media !
    Finally, the dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop contents as Russian propaganda since 2018 and hiding the facts of bribery and corruption till 2023 !
    The MAGA President basically lost to a Turnip with Major Cognitive Disability & Dementia !
    That’s right, you have to believe all those facts are mistaken and that the Ass-Hat Clown, Joe Biden got the most votes in history with 81 million votes !

    This Is Your Sunday Moment Of Zen!

  7. The Bottom line is...

    Is that the way that I, as I see it, is the vast majority of Americans remain clueless, believing the political climate is only regulated the way that the Crooked Biden administration wants it to be, so in reality nothing at all is going to change until we get rid on that sick’o in the White House who is ruing the country to make him and his Crack-head Son even more wealthy even beyond our imagination . Until then this nation is doomed. The leftist politicians, and the journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated Donald Trump, and if they continue, we are in deep doo-doo..
    The time to “WAKE-UP, has long been past.
    And if you believe what this government is telling you then you are part of the corrupt, continuous witch hunt that is taking place with the Biden government against political opponents! The DRIBBLE that these 2 Leftist MORONS from the Progressive blog that were sent here by their Leftist NINCOMPOOP are the propagandists that I am referring to . The are either Stupid, or just plain dummies who spread the lies of their "Moronic LAIR In Chief " the Mistress of the Progressive blog.
    You are part of the problem that is destroying this Country. Shame on you!

  8. The Lying, and Crazy Socialist- Democrat Cult wants to prevent Donald Trump from being on the 2024 ballot with an illegitimate use of 14th amendment.
    For TWO REASONS! 1, Bacchus they are afraid as Hell of him. And 2. Because they know that in a Legal, and Non-Rigged Election, he would out perform him by a LONG-SHOT.
    Trying to illegally remove him from running is what these asinine people are doing with all these Stupid and false “Indictment” and continuing to do it will be even more stupid.
    The Potato head-In-Chief, don’t even know tat there is an election next year, he is too busy laying on the Beach in Hawaii while the people there are suffering and all they havr heard from him yesterday was that he once had a fire in his Kitchen and lost his Cat! This is what he told to the hundreds of Loved Ones that host their relatives in that Horrendous Fire.
    We told you that the Democrats are undermining our democracy with their ludicrous indictments and crazy insurrection theory.
    The average American is completely Perplexed by the Corruption Coming Out of the DOJ , and the FBI, as they continue to cover for the Crooked Biden Crime Family. The problem is that the same elitist Sociopaths also have the journalists on their payroll. Those whores belong in prison as well.
    Those 5i former intelligence officers who signed that PHONY letter stating that the Hunter Laptop story had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation — a letter which all the news outlets reported on, and which almost certainly had an effect on the last presidential election — must be finding things a bit HOT right now as it’s likely a Republican will be in charge in 2025.
    The Dumacrats had to result to a pandemic that was Killing people at an almost 9/11 at a horrific pace every day. Along with a President who didn't seem to care and was only interested in things that interested him while he HID in the BASEMENT and campaigned in Coffee House Parking Lots. ..and Republicans are going to hang their hat that the election was affected by, of all things....Especially the FACT that the FBI HID Hunter Biden's Laptop. Even CNN is actually surprised about the the level of corruption coming out of the DOJ, they must have been deaf, dumb and blind for the last, past 20+ years

  9. Last night the 2 winners were Ron Desantis who had good policies without the name calling.
    And Nicki Haley was a clear second, with Ramaswamy doing an excellent job coming in 3rd.
    Pence, and Christie were both Terrible and shouldn't even have been there. And between the 2 of them Christie was the WORST!.
    but any of the ones there were FAR better than the IDIOT currently in the White House.

  10. I’m watching Arron Boone's post game Press Conference. After another Yankee’s Loss. . Boone sounds like he doesn’t even know that he Lost! Just How long to they think that we FANS are going to keep watching this stupidly? They must take us for Fools!


  11. Officials in Florida are warning residents to keep their distance from wild monkeys that have been spotted around the city.

    Residents of Orange City, about 30 miles north of Orlando, have reported multiple sightings of wild monkeys within the city, the Orange City Police Department said in a Facebook post Wednesday.
    Police warned locals not to feed or try to capture the monkeys and to report sightings to the commission's Wildlife Alert Hotline.

  12. In last Night's debate performance, I thought that Ron DeSantis sad Nicki Haley both had VERY strong performances, Vivek was pretty good, actually much better than I first thought he's be and Pence was as dull as White Bread , and Christie was the real long shot that everyone knew had Zero chance of winning anything. .In fact they were both terrible

  13. I didn't watch any of that, since I don't use any subscription TV services. I don't think.I missed a thing either. It's a political clown show right now. The Democrat debates should be quite an amusing comedy of errors coming up soon.

  14. The left has ZERO knowledge of what the truth is...brainwashed by public universities, Hollywood & media for decades! They've been conditioned to hate anything conservative & is why they hate Trump and those who have already awakened.
