Thursday, August 10, 2023

What The ...


Uh oh...   What happened?

You spread a lie and lost it, Dervish?


  1. Optionalized and RightAugust 11, 2023 at 12:33 PM

    Rep. Greg Steube Announces to File Impeachment Resolution Against Joe Biden for Bribery, Extortion, Obstruction of Justice, Fraud, Financial Involvement in Drugs and Prostitution: “We Have All the Facts and Evidence Now”
    On Thursday, Rep. Greg Steube made a significant announcement during an appearance on Newsmax with David Harris Jr., who was filling in for Rob Schmitt. The Florida Congressman revealed his intentions to file an impeachment resolution against Joe Biden on multiple charges today, Friday.

    Member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Steube, revealed his intentions to file an impeachment resolution against Biden.

    “[On Friday] I intend on filing impeachment resolution on Joe Biden for bribery, for extortion, obstruction of justice, fraud, financial involvement in drugs and prostitution, all of these things,” Steube said.

    According to Steube, the evidence supporting these allegations includes witness testimonies, financial records, text messages, phone conversations, and the controversial laptop that has been linked to Biden’s son, Hunter. He emphasized that Republicans have been gathering this evidence since the beginning of the Congress, and he believes there’s enough to support the impeachment articles.
    “We have all the facts and evidence now… They’ll be filed [today]. So we’ll do a press release with all the details, it’s pages upon pages of all the different things that we have gathered as Republicans,” he said.
    n addition to the impeachment resolution, Steube also discussed the “Hunter Act,” which he plans to introduce. This act, titled “Helping Understand Narcotic Traces at the Executive Residence,” aims to investigate drug-related use within the White House and the role of the Secret Service in covering up for the Biden crime family.
    We need to get RID of these Democratic Creeps in the next elections!!

  2. Are we REALLY supposed to believe that 81 Million Americans voted for this delusional, senile, incompetent Potato-head ? Really? WHY would so many people be so Ignorant?
