Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Boston Piggy Says Nothing About Rosalyn Carter's Passing

What?  No squeals, oinks or grunts about the passing and memorial for Rosalyn Carter, Shenehneh?  Don't you care for one of your own party members, Boston Piggy?  One of your former First Ladies took her dirt nap to eternity, and you don't even make a peep or muttering about it?

My condolences go to former President Jimmy Carter for his biggest loss ever in his life.  77 years of marriage is a big blessing.  May God Almighty comfort him in this time.  Carter will likely celebrate his 100th birthday before he goes into eternity.


  1. I thought you would be celebrating.

    1. Hey Dervish, Rosalyn Carter is
      in Heaven with Jesus Christ. So that is a GOOD thing. She lived a rich life after being the First Lady from 1977-1/81. So now she's helping prepare Jimmy's mansion for the upcoming moment when he leaves earth for Heaven. Jimmy Carter will launch part 2 of Mark Taylor's prophecy "2 will be taken, 3 will be shaken" probably sometime after he turns 100, from an educated guess. I think God will let Jimmy celebrate his 100th birthday before he goes to his mansion in Heaven.

      I may not have approved of what they did during Carter's time in the Presidency, but I approved of Jimmy Carter doing charity work with Habitat for Humanity. He left a great legacy by building homes.

  2. Mystere celebrated the death of Rosalynn Carter. He will celebrate more when Jimmy Cater dies.

    Although Carter was personally opposed to abortion, he supported legalized abortion after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973). Early in his term as governor, Carter had strongly supported family planning programs including abortion to save the life of a woman, birth defects, or in other extreme circumstances. Years later, he had written the foreword to a book, Women in Need, that favored a woman's right to abortion. He had given private encouragement to the plaintiffs in a lawsuit, Doe v. Bolton, filed against the state of Georgia to overturn its abortion laws. (Wikipedia).

    Don't these positions make him pro-murder, Mystere? Isn't he going to Hell for not opposing a woman's right to bodily autonomy?

    FYI, Rosalynn Carter was pro-choice. Doesn't that mean she is burning in Hell right now?

    1. Oh Derpish, if God didn't prompt me to tell you to read Ephesians 2:8-9, I'd be sinning by not telling you to read it.

      But then again, you're bent on serving Satan. What's it like being Satan's slave boy Dervish Sanders?

  3. Mystere: Jimmy Carter will launch part 2 of Mark Taylor's prophecy "2 will be taken, 3 will be shaken"...

    Bullshit. Mark Taylor is a lying grifter and a bigly turd. He has zero prophetic abilities.

  4. Keep it up, Dervish! Keep smearing the prophets. It makes them stronger than ever when you do that.

    And how is your chronic pain? Pay attention Derpish: as you keep flinging turds at God, your chronic pain gets more painful and you suffer more.

    Jimmy's death will be a timing marker for events to come to pass. After he dies, there will be events when God will show justice. Clinton, Bush and 0bama will be exposed with some kind of embarrassments to their political careers. And no one knows what will happen yet. "3 will be shaken" is coming.

  5. Oh yes, by the way, Jimmy Carter will be in Heaven. Despite all his blunders, he has his salvation already promised by Jesus. Rosalyn went ahead of him to help decorate his mansion with gifts God has waiting for him.

    You should pray for your boy Joey. He's not going to be able to save himself unless he repents for his sins. He'll be sniffing something beyond vile and rancid if he ends up in Fire Lake. AND THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING!
